AFCAT 1 2025 Result Out, Check Complete Details at
The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully announced the AFCAT 1 2025 Result on 17th March 2025 for the exam conducted on 22nd and 23rd February 2025. Candidates can check their results on the official website and proceed with the next steps in the selection process. They can also check whether they have qualified for further rounds. Read and bookmark this article and take the necessary actions to enhance your chances of final selection in the AFCAT recruitment process.
AFCAT 1 Result 2025 Out
The Indian Air Force has declared the AFCAT 1 2025 result. This exam is a gateway for candidates aspiring to become officers in the esteemed Indian Air Force. Selected candidates will be offered the Short Service Commission in the Flying, Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) branches. Check the below table for more updates on AFCAT 1 Result 2025:
AFCAT 1 Result 2025
Exam Conducting Body
Indian Air Force (IAF)
Name of the Exam
AFCAT 1 2025 Exam
Conducted by
Indian Air Force
Post Name
Ground Duty (Non-Technical and Technical), Gazetted Officers in Flying Branches
Candidates who appeared for the AFCAT 1 Examination can download the AFCAT 1 2025 Result through the direct link provided below. They can also check their result on the official website using their registered email ID and password.
To check and download your AFCAT 1 Result 2025, follow these simple steps::-
Step 1: Go to the official AFCAT website at
Step 2: On the homepage, visit the Candidates login tab, Click on the Candidate login for AFCAT 1 2025. A login page will open.
Step 3: Enter your registered Email ID and password, which were created during the registration process.
Step 4: Input the captcha code displayed on the screen and click “Sign in.”
Step 5: Your AFCAT 2 2024 Result will be displayed, showing your Original Score, Normalized Score, and Cut off.
Step 6: Download your result and scorecard for future reference.
AFCAT 1 2025 Cut-Off
The Indian Air Force has announced the AFCAT 1 2025 cut-off. This cut-off will be determined based on multiple factors, including normalized scores, actual marks, and selection criteria, with a total of 300 marks. It represents the minimum score required to qualify for the next stage of the selection process. Candidates who score above the cut-off will move forward in the recruitment process. The table below provides previous years' cut-off marks, giving an idea of the expected cut-off for this year.
AFCAT 1 Result 2025 can be accessed through the official AFCAT portal. The result will display section-wise scores and indicate whether the candidate qualifies for the next stage.
Highlights of AFCAT 2025 Result: 1. Scorecard Details: Category-wise breakdown for subjects like General Awareness, Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning. 2. Cut-Off Marks: The qualifying marks will determine if a candidate proceeds to the next stage. Based on previous trends, the expected cut-off may range between 140-145, but it varies depending on factors like exam difficulty and the number of applicants.
3. AFSB Shortlisting: Candidates meeting the cut-off will move on to the Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) interview, where they will undergo multiple evaluations, including physical, mental, and psychological assessments.
4. Answer Key: The official answer key, released on February 23rd, 2025, allows candidates to compare their responses and estimate their scores before the final results are published.
5. Medical Examination: Those who clear the AFSB interview must undergo a medical test to ensure they meet the required health and fitness standards set by the Indian Air Force.
What is an AFSB Interview?
The AFSB (Air Force Selection Board) interview is a special test for people who want to join the Indian Air Force. It lasts for five days and checks different skills of a person, like:
Psychological Assessment: Candidates undergo tests to evaluate their mental agility, problem-solving skills, and personality traits.
Group Discussions: Candidates participate in group activities to assess teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.
Personal Interviews: One-on-one interviews with assessing officers to gauge motivation, aspirations, and suitability for a career in the Air Force.
Physical Tests: Candidates are evaluated on their physical fitness through various exercises and tasks.
Aptitude Tests: These tests measure cognitive abilities and technical knowledge relevant to Air Force roles.