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ইংলিশ MCQ, 5ই সেপ্টেম্বর, 2023 WBP জেল ওয়ার্ডার পরীক্ষার জন্য

ইংলিশ MCQ: Adda 247-এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। Adda 247 বাংলা আপনাকে WBP জেল ওয়ার্ডার পরীক্ষা সহ সমস্ত প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য ইংলিশ MCQ দিচ্ছে। এখানে আপনি প্রতিদিন সমাধান সহ একাধিক পছন্দের প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর পাবেন। এখানে আপনি সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর পাবেন যা আপনাকে আপনার জ্ঞান বাড়াতে এবং আপনাকে আপনার লক্ষ্য পূরণের দিকে এগিয়ে যেতে সাহায্য করবে। এই ইংলিশ MCQ  নিয়মিত পড়ুন এবং পরীক্ষায় সফল হন।

ইংলিশ MCQ
বিষয় ইংলিশ MCQ
বিভাগ Daily Quiz
উদ্দেশ্য WBP জেল ওয়ার্ডার পরীক্ষা

ইংলিশ MCQ

Directions (1 – 4): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or sentence.

Q1. To assume or act the character of.
(a) Posture
(b) Pretend
(c) Act
(d) Impersonate

Q2. One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself.
(a) Nihilist
(b) Masochist
(c) Egoistic
(d) Sadist

Q3. Murder of a brother.
(a) Fratricide
(b) Patricide
(c) Regicide
(d) Homicide

Q4. To die without having made a will.
(a) Intaglio
(b) Inveterate
(c) Insolvent
(d) Intestate
Q5. In the following question, four words are given out of which only one is incorrectly spelt. Find that incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Anxious
(b) Minerals
(c) Dificiencies
(d) Tender


Directions (6-10): Each of the following questions consists of a word in capital letters, followed by four words or group of words. Select the word or group of words that is most similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.

(a) Curiously
(b) Stealthily
(c) Delicately
(d) Haphazardly

(a) Carefree
(b) Fraud
(c) Prosperous
(d) Delicate

(a) Abominable
(b) Harmless
(c) Harmful
(d) Useful

(a) Weak and pale
(b) Wrong and baseless
(c) Rough and twisted
(d) Swollen and hard

(a) Indifferent
(b) Habituate
(c) Sensitive
(d) Accomplished

ইংলিশ MCQ সমাধান

S1. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct answer is option d.
Impersonate – To assume or act the character of.
Whereas, meaning of other words –
Act – a thing done; a deed.
Posture – the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting
Pretend – not really what it is represented as being; imaginary.
Option (d) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

S2. Ans (b)
Sol. The correct answer is option b.
Masochist – One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself.
Whereas, meaning of other words –
Nihilist – a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles.
Egoistic – being centred in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one’s own desires; self-centred.
Sadistic – deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
Option (b) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

S3. Ans (a)
Sol. The correct answer is option a.
Fratricide – Murder of a brother.
Whereas, meaning of other words –
Regicide – the action of killing a king.
Homicide – the killing of one human being by another.
Patricide – the killing of one’s father.
Option (a) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. The correct answer is option d.
Intestate – to die without having made a will.
Whereas, meaning of other words –
Insolvent – unable to pay debts owed.
Inveterate – having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
Intaglio – a design incised or engraved into a material.
Option (d) portrays the same meaning as that of the given group of words & hence it is the correct choice.

S5. Ans (c)
Sol. The correct answer is option c.
The correct spelling is, ‘Deficiencies’.
Remaining words are spelt correctly.

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. Furtively: in a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively.
Stealthily: in a cautious and surreptitious manner, so as not to be seen or heard.
Thus, the correct synonym is Stealthily.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. Dainty: delicately small and pretty. Hence the correct synonym is Stealthily.

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. Innocuous: not harmful or injurious.
Hence the correct synonym is Harmless.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Gnarled: something rough and twisted. Hence the answer is option C.

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Inure: accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant.
Hence the correct synonym is Habituate.

ইংলিশ MCQ, 5ই সেপ্টেম্বর, 2023 WBP জেল ওয়ার্ডার পরীক্ষার জন্য_3.1

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