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ইংলিশ MCQ, 29শে জুলাই, 2023 SSC CHSL পরীক্ষার জন্য

ইংলিশ MCQ: Adda 247-এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। Adda 247 বাংলা আপনাকে SSC CHSL পরীক্ষা সহ সমস্ত প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য ইংলিশ MCQ দিচ্ছে। এখানে আপনি প্রতিদিন সমাধান সহ একাধিক পছন্দের প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর পাবেন। এখানে আপনি সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর পাবেন যা আপনাকে আপনার জ্ঞান বাড়াতে এবং আপনাকে আপনার লক্ষ্য পূরণের দিকে এগিয়ে যেতে সাহায্য করবে। এই ইংলিশ MCQ  নিয়মিত পড়ুন এবং পরীক্ষায় সফল হন।

ইংলিশ MCQ
বিষয় ইংলিশ MCQ
বিভাগ Daily Quiz
উদ্দেশ্য SSC CHSL পরীক্ষা পরীক্ষা

ইংলিশ MCQ

Directions (1-5): Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.

Q1. Trust in a leader allows organizations and communities to____________, while the absence of trust can cause fragmentation, conflict and even war.

(a) Survive
(b) Flourish
(c) Combat
(d) Integrate

Q2. Education is an important _____________ that plays a huge role in the modern, industrialized world.

(a) Blueprint
(b) Scheme
(c) Technique
(d) Aspect

Q3. With modern technology, people have become ______________ as most of the facilities are available at the click of a button.

(a) Lazier
(b) Cautious
(c) Responsible
(d) Smartest

Q4. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Thursday retained Pakistan on its “Grey list” till June after concluding that Islamabad failed to ______________ its strategically important deficiencies.

(a) Withhold
(b) Command
(c) Address
(d) Utilise

Q5. A spring festival of Hindus, Ram Navami is celebrated to mark the birthday of Lord Rama, ____________ is considered the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu.
(a) Whom
(b) Which
(c) Who
(d) That

Q6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
(a) Lenient
(b) Robust
(c) Fragile
(d) Energetic

Q7. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Reveerberate
(b) Reverbarate
(c) Reverrberate
(d) Reverberate

Q8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
(a) Settle
(b) Agitate
(c) Bother
(d) Discomfort

Q9. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.
Earlier or in an ancient time, knowledge was considered _____________and no fee was charged.
(a) Sacred
(b) Defiant
(c) Voguish
(d) Medieval

Q10. Select the synonym of the given word.
(a) Bookish
(b) Formal
(c) Learned
(d) Conversational

ইংলিশ MCQ সমাধান

S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct answer is option b.

The word that can be in the blank is, ‘Flourish’.

As per the context of the passage the word `Flourish’ fits in properly & hence it is

the correct choice.

S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

The word that can be in the blank is, ‘Aspect’.

As per the context of the passage the word `Aspect’ fits in properly & hence it is

the correct choice.

S3. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The word that can be in the blank is, ‘Lazier’.

As per the context of the passage the word `Lazier’ fits in properly & hence it is

the correct choice.

S4. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

The word that can be in the blank is, ‘Address’.

As per the context of the passage the word `Address’ fits in properly & hence it is

the correct choice.

S5. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct answer is option c.

The word that can be in the blank is, ‘Who’.

As per the context of the passage the word ` Who’ fits in properly & hence it is

the correct choice.

S6. Ans.(a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Harsh – Cruel, severe, savage, rough.

Antonyms – soft, lenient, comfortable.

Hence option a is the correct choice.

S7. Ans.(d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

The word ‘Reverberate’ is spelt correctly.

Remaining words are spelt incorrectly.

S8. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

Derail – to obstruct the progress of.

Synonyms – agitate, bother, concern, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, distract, distress, disturb.

Antonyms – calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize.

S9. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct answer is option a.

The word that can be in the blank is, ‘Sacred’.

Sacred – holy and deserving respect.

Defiant – not willing to accept criticism or disapproval.

Voguish – popular or in fashion at a particular time.

Medieval – relating to the Middle Ages.

S10. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct answer is option d.

Vernacular – Spoken as one’s mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.

Synonyms – colloquial, conversational, informal, non-formal, non-literary, unbookish, unliterary.

Antonyms – bookish, formal, learned, literary

Option (d) portrays the same meaning as that of the given word & hence it is the correct



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ইংলিশ MCQ, 29শে জুলাই, 2023 SSC CHSL পরীক্ষার জন্য_4.1


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