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General Knowledge MCQ questions and answers for SSC MTS, 10 February, 2023 | জেনারেল নলেজ MCQ বাংলা SSC MTS এর জন্য

General Knowledge MCQ questions and answers: Welcome to Adda 247. ADDA 247 Bengali is giving you General Knowledge MCQ in Bengali for SSC MTS Exam. Here you get ten Multiple Choice Questions and Answers with Solutions every day. Here you will find all the essential questions and answers that will help you increase your knowledge and move you toward fulfilling your goals. Study these General Knowledge MCQs regularly and succeed in the exams.

General Knowledge MCQ in Bengali
Topic General Knowledge MCQ
Category Daily Quiz
Used for SSC MTS


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General Knowledge MCQ | জেনারেল নলেজ MCQ

Q1. ভারতের প্রথম সংবাদপত্র কোনটি?
(a) বোম্বাই গেজেট
(b) বেঙ্গল গেজেট
(c) বোম্বে টাইমস
(d) হিন্দুস্তান টাইমস


Q2. নিচের কোন নদীটি মহাবালেশ্বর থেকে উৎপন্ন হয়েছে?
(a) তাপি
(b) সবরমতী
(c) কৃষ্ণ
(d) কাবেরী

Q3. নিচের কোন দেশে বিচারিক পর্যালোচনা পদ্ধতির উদ্ভব হয়েছিল?
(a) ফ্রান্স
(b) জার্মানি
(c) মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র
(d) ব্রিটেন


Q4. আলো এক মাধ্যম থেকে অন্য মাধ্যমে যাওয়ার সময় তার দিক পরিবর্তনের ঘটনাকে বলা হয়
(a) প্রপাগেসন
(b) প্রতিফলন
(c) প্রতিসরণ
(d) বিচ্ছুরণ

Q5. নিচের কোনটি ভারতের বীমা ব্যবসা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে?
(a) RBI
(b) IDBI
(c) SEBI
(d) IRDA

Q6. কবে সংবিধানে মৌলিক কর্তব্য অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়-
(a) 1976
(b) 1975
(c) 1977
(d) 1979


Q7. ‘কনৌজের যুদ্ধ’ কবে সংঘটিত হয়?
(a) 1524
(b) 1540
(c) 1536
(d) 1556

Q8. অনাস্থা প্রস্তাবের ভোট কোন সংসদে আনা হয়?
(a) রাজ্যসভা
(b) লোকসভা
(c) যে কোন কক্ষে
(d) এর কোনটিই নয়

Q9. কাকোরী ষড়যন্ত্র মামলা কত সালে সংঘটিত হয়?
(a) 1925
(b) 1924
(c) 1926
(d) 1927


Q10. জয়প্রকাশ নারায়ণকে ___ উপাধি দেওয়া হয়।
(a) লোকনায়ক
(b) দেশবন্ধু
(c) জন নায়ক
(d) দীনবন্ধু

General Knowledge MCQ solutions | জেনারেল নলেজ MCQ সমাধান

S1.Ans. (b)
Sol. In 1780, James Augustus Hicky published Bengal Gazette, which is considered to be the “first newspaper of India”. The origin of newspapers in India is made by Europeans. Printing press was started in India in 16th century by Portuguese missionaries.

S2.Ans. (c)
Sol. The Krishna is the second largest east flowing Peninsular river which rises near Mahabaleshwar in Sahyadri. Its total length is 1,401 km. Its major tributaries are Koyna, Tungabhadra, Bhima, Musi and Dudhganga.

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. Judicial Review is defined as the doctrine under which executive and legislative actions are reviewed by the Judiciary. The judicial review system was originated in the USA.


S4.Ans. (c)
Sol. When light rays enter from one transparent medium to another transparent medium, it exits directly without turning when it is perpendicular to the surface separating the two mediums but when it is slanted, they deviate from their original direction, this phenomenon is called refraction of light.

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority is a regulatory body under Ministry of Finance and is tasked with regulating and promoting the insurance and re-insurance industries in India. IRDA was founded in 1999, headquartered in Hyderabad.

S6.Ans. (a)
Sol.The 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976 has included ten Fundamental Duties in Article 51 (A) of the constitution of India. India adopted Fundamental Duties from the Constitution of erstwhile USSR. This was done in accordance with the recommendation of the Sardar Swaran Singh Committee.

Sol. In May 1540, the Battle of Kannauj was fought between Humayun and Sher Shah. The Afghan soldiers were capable of running off the Mughal Empire. Humayun ran away from the field of battle, and for the next 15 years, he survived like a wanderer.

S8.Ans. (b)
Sol. In India motion of no confidence can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha (the Lower House of the Parliament). The motion is admitted for discussion when a minimum of 50 members of the House support the motion.

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. The Kakori conspiracy was train robbery that took place at Kakori village near Lucknow on 9 August 1925. The robbery was organized with the dangerous intention of waging a fierce war against the British Raj. In this case 4 revolutionaries Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla, Roshanlal and Rajendra Lahiri were hanged.

Sol. Jayaprakash Narayan was a famous Indian freedom fighter and politician. He led the opposition against Indira Gandhi in 1970. He ordered to debar Indira from her post. He launched a movement known as “Sampoorna Kranti.” He was given the famous title of “Lok Nayak”.


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