Best Competitive Exam Books 2024 for Govt Exams

We bring you the most comprehensive Competitive Exam Preparation books, Competitive Exam Booklist for all Upcoming Government exams.
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Best Books for Competitive Exam Preparation by Experts 2023

To maintain themselves on the right road during any competitive exam preparation process, aspirants who are studying for a variety of government exams, such as SSC, Bank, Railways, Defense, UPSC, State PSC, and other exams, need study material in the shape of Best Government exam preparation books. Utilizing the top Competitive Exam books created by experts is crucial for making a strong preparation for a competitive exam. Only with the top Competitive exam books 2023 will you be able to understand the fundamentals and acquire the skills required to pass the highly competitive exam. Then and only then can you improve your exam preparation by reading the best books for the government exam. Consequently, you must start your exam preparation with the aid of the greatest competitive exam books in 2023 and you can avail one of the best Competitive exam books at Adda247 for almost every subject and multiple language. In this article we will recommend you competitive exam books by different categories, so it will be easy for you to choose your exam and check your desired books for your exam.

Upcoming Government Exams Books - SSC, Bank, and other Govt. Exams 2023

SSC, Banking & Insurance, Railway, Teaching, Defence, Engineering, UPSC, IIT, Medical, and various State and other government Exams 2023 are all covered by Adda247, India's most trusted online learning platform. You only need Adda247’s books if you're studying for any of these exams. Scroll down, choose one of the packages, and get started with Adda247's chosen books.

Competitive Exam Books for Government Jobs

Candidates should have a good understanding of the important government job preparation books and study materials for the coming government exams in 2023. Due to lack of time, many candidates fail to cover the entire curriculum, and we at Adda247 give all of the books necessary for government test preparation so that they can cover all the difficult topics in a short period of time.

How to use these Best Subject Wise Competitive Exam Books for your Exam 2023 ?

Reading the best books for competitive exams is a challenge for every competitive exam aspirant; if you don't have a good plan, reading on its own won't help you at all. Reading the government exam book may bore some candidates , but you know it is required to get your dream job. Most of the aspirants feel fatigued to read whole volumes of the lengthy competitive exam books. Here are some pointers that you can consider for reading exam books for competitive exams or government jobs.

  • Try reading competitive exam books online or competitive exam eBooks if you become tired of reading printed books. It might bring some changes and relieve your strain.
  • A single length study cannot be used to finish a competitive exam book because you can't grasp all the information in just one sip, it's just a waste of your time. Try to break the whole competitive exam book's material into different segments by marking on it and reading on a daily basis.
  • Take short and crisp notes on the printed books or on the competitive exam books PDF,so that when you will revise it will take comparatively less time to finish the chapter.
  • Don't start highlighting important key points in the competitive exam book on first reading. Highlight important points on your second or third reading,that will be more beneficial.
  • Sometimes It can be challenging to study GK books for competitive exams because it contains a lot of information to retain. You can do that by creating a schedule and segmenting the competitive exam book into many parts. Next, wrap it on a daily basis.
  • Before starting studying, revise the previous day's material once, so that you can recall them easily.
  • And don't do monotonous study from competitive exam books. Take small small gaps that will increase your retention from the government exam books.

Try to incorporate these tips and strategies into your daily studies while studying the best competitive exam books to crack your targeted Government exam this year.

Best GK Book for Competitive exam

For all students preparing for competitive exams like Banking, Insurance, UPSC, IBPS, SBI, RRB IAS,State PSC, IFS, IPS, LIC, CDS AFCAT, Agniveer, FCI, CUET, RRB NTPC, RRB group D & many more, the Best GK Book for Competitive Exam or any Best General Knowledge Book is a fundamental requirement to crack. There are many subjects that fall under the general knowledge book umbrella, but the most significant ones are biology, chemistry, physics, Geography, economics, politics, history, art, culture, and sports. The Central Board of Secondary Education's suggested textbooks (NCERT GK book for Competitive Exam) are the one of the best GK books for Competitive Exams to start while clearing the fundamentals of general knowledge syllabus. These books can strengthen your fundamentals and principles from the standpoint of competitive exams.

But if you want to develop a deeper into each subject of the general knowledge syllabus or if you're specifically preparing for a government exam like SSC, UPSC or other competitive exams then you must need subject specific general knowledge books like Best GK book for SSC CGL or Best GK book for SSC, Best GK book for UPSC, Best GK book in English, Books for GK and current affairs, and also topic wise pdf like books and authors GK PDF, GK book for Competitive Exam PDF etc .

In Adda247 we provide comprehensive best GK books for many competitive exams on different subjects , try out our best GK books exams wise in the following article.

Best English Book for Competitive Exam

No matter if you're applying for a job in the private or public sectors, English language is a common subject in most one-day competitive exams, government exams like bank, SSC railway, and entrance exams and this is where the best English book for Competitive Exam came into play. Additionally, you should prepare thoroughly with an English book for competitive exams if your exams will include multiple choice questions with negative marking. You should also exercise caution when choosing your answers in the English language section so you need to read grammar and vocabulary from a good competitive English book .

Adda247 has many English book for Competitive Exam & Best English grammar for competitive exam for you that will assist you in getting ready for the next competitive tests and performing well in English language. The most popular English book for Competitive Exam created by our experts will be very helpful to you before you targetes competitive exams. All General English book for Competitive exams link are given in the following article.

Best English Grammar Book for Competitive Exam

Which is the best English grammar book for competitive exams? How do you finish the English curriculum? How to Get Ready for English for Competitive Exams ? Every aspirant for government exams is stumped by questions like these. The Best English grammar book & General English for all Competitive exam are a must if you're studying for a government exams and want to ace your desired government exam in one sitting. There are questions about English grammar in several competitive exams, including SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, IBPS PO, RRB NTPC, SBI PO and many others. For various competitive examinations, we have listed information about our best English Book for Competitive Exams. These government exam books will be very helpful in achieving the highest possible marks in the English language section.

Best Math Book for Competitive Exam

You need a Best Math book for Competitive Exams because math or quantitative aptitude is an essential component of entrance exams & almost every Government exam. No matter the exam type IBPS, SBI, SSC, medical, engineering, even law, Defence Entrance —the quantitative section receives a large portion of the marks. A best book for Aptitude & Reasoning is therefore required in order to develop the skills of solving problems quickly and accurately in the given sectional time. However, this calls for diligent practice from the maths best book for competitive exams and a better understanding of the concepts . There are several math book for Competitive Exam at Add247 that will improve your foundation, give you a thorough comprehension of each topic of arithmetic, and add a tonne of practice problems to your learning. The collection of math reference books of different competitive exams in addition to Best book for SSC CGL Maths, Math Book for Bank Exam , Best Book for CDS Math Competitive Math Book PDF are mentioned below & will help you crack competitive exams 2023 in one go.

Best Aptitude Book

If you're looking for the Best Aptitude Book to help you prepare for competitive exams 2023, Adda247 is here to help you out. We have a huge selection of the best book for Quantitative Aptitude. You can save a lot of time in the exam by solving arithmetic problems quickly with the aid of a best math book for Competitive Exam. Best Math Book for Competitive Exam will also help you achieve higher scores in competitive exams, increasing your chances of being chosen. With a conventional basic math book for Competitive Exams, you can practice aptitude problems with effective ways, tricks, and approaches, which will set you apart from the competition.

Best Current Affairs Book

Which book is best for current affairs ? In addition to reading the newspaper, aspirants strive to follow a best current affairs book or books for GK and current affairs as part of their preparation to close any gaps. Students constantly look for the latest and thorough best current affairs book since current events can be a dynamic subject that hopefuls must stay on top of. Most of the SSC Aspirants search best current affairs Books for SSC to cover the general studies and current affairs section. Therefore, finding the most recent edition of the easiest book for GK & Current Affairs that provides the correct information with adequate justification is the major issue. High grades in the current affairs part also give the applicant an advantage over their rivals because every mark in a competitive test is incredibly precious. The best current affairs book should be chosen as a result, and Adda247 offers top Current Affairs & GK Books together with Hindu analysis, current affairs live courses for a thorough competitive exam preparation.

Reasoning Books for Competitive Exam

Want to sharpen your reasoning skills with the best reasoning books for competitive exam ? Because regardless of what name it is given, the reasoning ability component can be found in practically all competitive exams and government exams nowadays. You must concentrate on each of the concepts, reasoning's sub-sections and themes in order to receive a high grade and this only can be possible by practicing Adda247 Reasoning books or best reasoning book in Hindi for all competitive exam. Look through the list of the Best Reasoning Books by Adda247, choose one, and start honing your reasoning skills to achieve a high score on the reasoning part. We cover from best Reasoning books for UPSC to all small competitive exams, so that any serious aspirant don't feel scarcity of Study Material for their targeted examination.

Which Book is best for any Competitive Exam?

The Best competitive test books are available at Adda247, along with online coaching for competitive exam preparation. The following are some of the clear advantages of our top books for competitive exams:

  • We provide a variety of competitive exams. Books for arithmetic, reasoning, english, general knowledge, current events, and many other topics. As a result, you will find all of your study materials in one place.
  • With our top government examinations books, which were written by professionals, you can become thoroughly familiar with the fundamentals. Only then will you be able to comprehend the complex ideas.
  • You cannot direct your preparation in the appropriate path without any solid study materials. The top competitive test books 2023 will therefore motivate you to concentrate on studying and hasten the selection process.
  • You'll receive a good study schedule and a list of chapters in order of difficulty, from easy to challenging. With the aid of the competitive exam books, you can also schedule your preparation for the exams.
  • Top books for competitive examinations by Adda247 The relevant exam's modified syllabus will be fully covered by 2023. Our exam prep books are therefore 100 percent trustworthy.

Best books for all Government Exams

Candidates preparing for upcoming exams should definitely visit our website for the best books for all government exams 2023. You can now ace your government exam by enrolling in Adda247’s books program. Choose your program and kick start your preparation with the help of Adda247’s Best Books for all government exams.

Books for Government Exams

Adda247's books for government examinations will give you a method for preparing for the exam that will help you give proper and equal attention to each stage and subject. Candidates will get an opportunity to download books or make notes and even ask doubts from the professionals if required. Adda247’s Books for Government Exams

Competitive Exams Books in Hindi

A variety of competitive exams are held all over India in multiple languages, and many of these competitive exams have their own craze in attempting in Hindi language . For aspirants from various language backgrounds to succeed in these competitive exams, multilingual books & Competitive Exam books in Hindi are necessary. The most well-known of these Exmas include CAT, UPSC, Bank, Rail, SSC, RRB/RRC, Defense, CUET PMT, and State PSC TGT. As everyone is aware, it is essential to have competition exam books in Hindi for exam preparation, and at Adda247 there are many such books such as Best Math book for Competitive Exam in Hindi & Best Reasoning Book in Hindi for all competitive exam that can be helpful for various types of national level exam. We will therefore discuss both English and Hindi language book for competitive exams in the article. These best Hindi Books for competitive exams to Read would be helpful in cracking various government exams with flying colors..

Competitive Exam Books PDF Download

One of the most reliable and easiest ways to study and ace government examinations like bank, SSC, railway, State PSC, Defence exams is to Download Adda247’s Competitive Exam Books PDF in English & Hindi. Now, you can download the GK books for Competitive exams PDF, Math PDF for Competitive Exam, Competitive English Book PDF & many more and make notes and do your 24/7 revision. SSC, Banking & Insurance, Teaching, Defence Entrance, Engineering, UPSC, GATE, Medical, State examinations, and many others are covered under the Adda247 Competitive Exams Books PDF.

Competitive Exams books All in One

Do you ever think that if you get all of your necessary study material, Competitive Exams Books all in one package, it will be so much easier to handle? If you want to succeed in the competitive examination, you need to have the right guidance and resources that will guarantee that you receive all of the information required for the test on time. Purchasing the best study materials for competitive exams will improve your preparation level, give you an advantage over the competition, and help you avoid wasting valuable tries. Study from Adda247 competitive books all-in-one selected by specialists; with the appropriate tools, you can succeed. To help you save valuable time, we've collected all the best competitive exam books that you'll need for the exam by subject. Check out our Exam wise all subjects books.

Government Exam Preparation Books

Adda247 Government Exam Preparation Books 2023 are highly recommended for national level competitive exams such as Banking, SSC, Defense, UPSC, Agniveer and other government exams. Adda247's government Exam books like Best Current Affairs books, Best English books, Aptitude books are curated by highly experienced educators who have been assisting with different government exam preparation for years.

Government Exam Books 2023

Adda247 offers a variety of government jobs preparation online books, including banking books, SSC books, UPSC books, Defense books, and more. Check out the selection of Adda247 Government Jobs Preparation Online Books on our online platform and order books immediately to get started on your preparation.

Why is Adda247 the best Books Provider to prepare for Competitive Exams?

The most important features of Adda247’s Books as Study Material in 2023 are:

  • The books are written in such a way that they cover the complete curriculum in depth.
  • Detailed explanations are provided to help students grasp the concepts.
  • All of the important topics are addressed in accordance with the exam standards.
  • Expert teams with years of experience develop the books.
  • Books are printed on high-quality paper.
  • A section of the book also contains tips and tactics for solving challenging situations.
  • Affordable and cost-effective.

BEST App to prepare for Government Exams

When it comes to preparing for government job exams, Adda247 has always believed in providing the finest books to its customers and students. We are aware of the efforts candidates make in order to achieve their goals and do well while selecting books. The Adda247 App has been a reliable resource for millions of students, and it gives us great pleasure to be a part of their success. We value our students' faith in us and promise to continue to serve you till the end of time. So, what are you holding out for? The time has come to download the Adda247 app.

List of Best books for Govt. Exam Preparation - Bank, SSC, Railway, Insurance, JAIIB & CAIIB, Defence, SSC, State PSC, UPSC, GATE, CUET, Engineering, Law, Board Exam, Entrance Exams & more

Due to the incorrect competitive exam books and exam strategy, many candidates who sit for a competitive exam become unsuccessful . For a few hundred or thousands of open positions, lakhs of candidates will compete. This is also a big factor but we can't do anything with the vacancy, what we can do is to use the best competitive exam books for our government job exam preparation. Due to the intense competition, it has been increasingly difficult to pass the cutoff in recent years. As a result, using the finest exam preparation materials is essential. Candidates must therefore be aware of the finest & comprehensive competitive exam books for each subject of their targeted exams. To help with this, we've included the top government exam books in several categories for competitive exams. also We will provide a list of books for competitive exams for various categories, such as UPSC, Bank, SSC, Railway, CTET, other teaching exams, CUET, Insurance, PSC and many more so you can prepare easily & this list will be subject-specific. Read through the below articles carefully for more information about subject wise competitive exam books.

Banking Exam Books & Insurance Books

IBPS RRB, NABARD, SBI PO, Clerk examinations, and many other banking exam books and insurance books 2023 are available at Adda247 for prelims and mains. Subject experts with years of expertise have written the books for different subjects like Bank Math Book, Best English book for Competitive exam, Best Reasoning Books for all competitive exams & Insurance Exams 2023. Adda247 is the best online platform if you’re preparing for any banking and insurance exams or other Competitive Exams. Go through our study material and select you government exams Books accordingly.

About Banking and Insurance Exams

Various organizations administer Banking and Insurance exams for banking personnel recruitment, such as the Common Recruitment Process (CRP). These Banking and Insurance exams are conducted early for Clerical and PO positions on a yearly basis. These banking and insurance tests are divided into two phases, with the final step consisting of an interview. Banking and Insurance exams are the finest option for people looking for jobs in the banking industry. Thousands of people take the IBPS banking examinations every year.

Government Exam List - Banking Exam Books & Insurance Exam Books 2023

The subject matter experts are also well-versed in the syllabus and test trends, allowing them to comprehensively cover the full current syllabus in the Banking Exam Books & Insurance Books 2023 by Adda247. Buy Adda247 Banking Exam Books & Insurance exam books today and boost your chances of being selected for IBPS Banking & Insurance Exams 2023. Adda247 sells banking books online.

  1. IBPS PO books
  2. FCI AG III books
  3. NHB books
  4. IBPS SO books
  5. NABARD books
  6. RBI ASSISTANT books
  7. SBI SO books
  8. IBPS RRB Clerk Mains books
  9. IBPS RRB GBO SO books
  10. BSCB Assistant books
  11. IBPS Clerk Mains Books
  12. SBI PO books books
  13. UPPCL books
  14. SEBI books books
  15. IBPS Clerk books
  16. Almora Urban Co Operative Bank books
  17. DRDO Ceptam 10 books
  18. SBI Clerk books
  19. SBI CBO books
  20. RBI Grade B books
  21. FCI Manager books
  22. LIC HFL books
  23. Coal India Ltd books
  24. RBI Attendants books
  25. NRA CET Books
  26. LIC books

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s Banking exam books & Insurance Books

Adda247 Books are a win-win situation for every aspirant looking for a convenient way to study. The following are some of the benefits of purchasing Adda247 books:

  • All of the information is in one location.
  • Authentic sources are made public.
  • Exam requirements were taken into consideration when curating this collection.
  • It's simple to read.
  • Reading books allows you to memorize material quickly and recollect it during exams.
  • Subject matter experts review the books.

JAIIB Books : About JAIIB Exams

The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) conducts the JAIIB exam twice a year to select Junior Associates of the Indian Institute of Bankers (JAIIB). The JAIIB Exam is open to candidates who work in the banking industry and are IIBF members.

JAIIB Books 2023

The JAIIB Books 2023 are created in such a way that they perfectly mind map the contents. The topics are explained in all the competitive exams books in a way that allows the notions to be remembered for a long time. The JAIIB exam books by adda247 are created by professional mentors who attempt to clarify all ideas and answer all questions so that the learning and understanding process is not hampered.

  1. JAIIB Books
  2. AML KYC Books

Best Books for JAIIB

These Best Books for JAIIB Exam Online will also assist you in having comprehensive clarity on each topic of the JAIIB syllabus. As a result, applicants who want to pass the exam on the first try should use the best JAIIB exam books Online available at Adda247 to practice hundreds of questions and write down every option.

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s JAIIB Exam Books

Some of the benefits of the Best JAIIB exam books at Adda247 are follows-

  • Adda247’s JAIIB Exam Books are created after reviewing recent year’s exam pattern, the exam and also, previous year’s papers.
  • The JAIIB Books will assist you in making review notes and will develop your in time management skills.
  • You can download the JAIIB books Online and do your 24/7 revision.
  • All the topics are explained in the JAIIB Books in a comprehensive way.
  • JAIIB books are reasonably priced and easily accessible.

CAIIB Books : About CAIIB Exams

The Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers CAIIB conducts the CAIIB exam twice a year to select Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers CAIIB. The CAIIB Exam is open to candidates who work in the banking industry and are IIBF members.

CAIIB Books 2023

The CAIIB Books 2023 are created in such a way that they perfectly mind map the contents. The topics are explained in the Adda247 CAIIB books in a way that allows the notions to be remembered for a long time. The CAIIB books by adda247 are created by professional mentors who attempt to clarify all ideas and answer all questions so that the learning and understanding process is not hampered.

  1. CAIIB Books

Best Books for CAIIB Online

These CAIIB Books Online will also assist you in having comprehensive clarity on each topic of the CAIIB syllabus. As a result, applicants who want to pass the exam on the first try should use the best CAIIB books Online available at Adda247 to practice hundreds of questions and write down every option.

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s CAIIB Exam Books

Here are some distinguish qualities of our CAIIB Books are mentioned below -

  • Adda247’s CAIIB Exam Books are created after reviewing recent year’s exam pattern, the exam and also, previous year’s papers.
  • The CAIIB Books will help you in making revision notes and will assist you in time management.
  • You can download the CAIIB books Online and do your 24/7 revision.
  • All the topics are explained in the CAIIB Books in a comprehensive way.
  • CAIIB books are reasonably priced and easily accessible.

SSC Books 2023 : About SSC Exams

SSC (Personnel Selection Commission) exams are held on a variety of platforms to hire staff for various positions in government departments and ministries. The SSC Exams are the most popular in the country. The SSC Exams are divided into two parts, with an interview as the final round.

SSC Books

SSC Exams Books from Adda247 are the most popular. Subject specialists with years of expertise produced the SSC Exam books for SSC 2023. Chapters on the most recent revised curriculum and exam trends are prepared by topic experts. Candidates interested in diverse positions in government organizations should take SSC Preparation extremely seriously in order to boost their exam success percentage. We provide a wide ranges of SSC books such as Best book for SSC CGL Maths, Best Books for SSC CGL Preparation , Best Book for SSC CHSL,best book for vocabulary for SSC, best Current Affairs Book for SSC , SSC all in one book, GK book for SSC CGL and many more.

SSC Exam Books Online 2023

Adda247 SSC Exam Books Online 2023 are the greatest resources for studying for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC JE, SSC CPO and other Exams. SSC Preparation online via Adda247’s SSC Books 2023 is highly important because there are many concepts across fundamental areas such as general intelligence and reasoning, quantitative aptitude, general knowledge, and the English language. Purchase the Adda247 unique SSC Exam Books Online 2023 package now to boost your chances of qualifying. Check the below list for different SSC exam and their respective SSC books.

  1. SSC books
  2. SSC CHSL books
  3. FCI Manager books
  4. Delhi Police books ( Delhi Head Constable Books)
  5. UPPCL books
  6. IISC Books
  7. BARC books
  8. DRDO Technician books
  9. BIS books
  10. SAIL books
  11. SSC CISF books
  12. CRPF Books
  13. IFFCO books
  14. HURL books
  15. SSC CGL books
  16. FCI AG III books
  17. SSC MTS books
  18. SSC IMD books
  19. HSSC books
  20. SSC Selection Post books
  21. Punjab and Haryana High Court books
  22. SSC CGL Tier 2 books
  23. Food Safety Officer FSO books
  24. DPS DAE books
  25. Army Ordnance Crop books
  26. ASRB books
  27. SSC GD books
  28. Allahabad High Court books
  29. SSC CPO books
  30. SSC Stenographer books
  31. SSC JCA books
  32. UPSSSC PET books
  33. FSSAI books
  34. IB ACIO books
  35. NRA CET books
  36. SSC Translator books
  37. Himachal Pradesh High Court books
  38. HOSC ADO books
  39. SSC Group D books

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s SSC Books

Virtual classrooms and Online Live Classes are a one-of-a-kind portal for educational advancement. Nothing, however, compares to the conventional method of studying from books. You can read SSC books from the convenience of your own home. The Adda247 SSC Books offer the most comprehensive educational experience. The following are the benefits of using Adda247 Books for SSC Exams 2023:

  • Having everything you need to know about the syllabus in one spot.
  • Experts in the field designed and developed it.
  • All major topics are covered, as well as current events.
  • Assisting in the development of effective preparation plans.
  • Available in both English and Hindi to reach as many students as possible.
  • Classes that are both easily accessible and reasonably priced.

Railway Books : About Railway Exams

Every year, the Railway Recruitment Board, one of the leading recruiting boards, releases notifications with hundreds of job openings and to crack the railway exam with flying colors you need the Good Railway Books 2023. Exams are held by the RRB for DFCCIL, NTPC RRB, Group D, and a variety of other positions. RRB recruits the most individuals in the country and offers a variety of job opportunities all throughout the country. The exam is divided into several phases, beginning with the preliminary and progressing to the final step, which is an interview. Each exam category has its own set of eligibility requirements.

Best Book for Railway Exam

Adda247 offers Best Book for Railway Exam 2023 for a variety of exams, including DFCCIL, RRB NTPC, Group D, and others. One of the greatest among these is Adda247 Railway Books for upcoming Railways Exams 2023. Because Railway books play such an important role in your path to passing this prestigious exam, selecting the appropriate combination of Railway Books is critical to acing your preparation in this competitive environment.

Railway Books 2023

The RRB Exam Online Books 2023 or Railway Books were created by Adda247's expert faculty, who are up to date on the most recent RRB curriculum and exam format. From the recorded selections, Adda247's Railway Books Online 2023 has proven to be one of the best. Buy the Adda247 Railway Books Online 2023 now to ace your preparation for the Railways Exams 2023.

  1. Railways Maha Pack books
  2. RRB NTPC books
  3. RRB Group D books
  4. RRB ALP books
  5. DFCCIL Non Tech books
  6. DMRC books
  7. CBT books
  8. RPF books
  9. Assistant Loco Pilot books

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s Railway Books

The Adda247 Railway Books offer the most comprehensive educational experience. The following are some of the advantages of Adda247 Books:

  • The NRA CET syllabus is covered in the Railway Books from the perspective of the NRA.
  • Having everything you need to know about the syllabus in one spot.
  • RRB Exam Books & Railway Books are Designed and developed by subject matter experts.
  • Covering all the major topics and updated current affairs.
  • Railway Books Aids in the development of a strategy for achieving exam qualification.
  • Available Bilingual.
  • Affordably priced and easily accessible.

CTET Books : About Teaching Exams

The Central Teaching Eligibility Test (CTET) is a teacher recruitment test administered by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) twice a year and to fulfill your dream to become a teacher you need comprehensive CTET Books . The CTET is a national-level test. Every state has its own board that administers the State TET in accordance with the state's requirements. UGC NET, PGT, TGT examinations, Army Public School Exams, and so on are examples of other teaching exams. Apart from CTET we also provides books for all teaching exams and all BEd entrance exams such as - CTET books, KVS Books, NVS Books, UPTET books, Super TET books, DSSSB Books, UP TGT PGT books, HP TET books, Bihar TET, RSMSSB Books, REET Books, UP BED Books, MP TET Books and many more.

CTET books, BEd Books, KVS Books, NVS Books, UPTET books, Super TET books, DSSSB Books, UP TGT PGT books, HP TET books, Bihar TET, RSMSSB Books, REET Books, UP BED Books, MP TET Books - All Teaching Exams Books

Adda247 is well-known for providing excellent teaching preparation, study materials, and practice tests. One of the best among them is Adda247 Teaching Books (KVS Books, NVS Books, UPTET books, Super TET books, DSSSB Books, UP TGT PGT books, HP TET books, Bihar TET, RSMSSB Books, REET Books, UP BED Books, MP TET Books). Subject specialists with years of experience have designed the Teaching Exam Books for Teaching Exams 2023. Subject specialists write individual chapters based on the most recent curriculum and exam patterns.

Teaching Exams Books Online 2023, BEd Books & CTET Books

Purchase the Adda247 unique package of CTET Books and Other Teaching exam & BEd Books Online 2023 now to boost your chances of qualifying for Teaching Exams 2023. You can begin your preparation from scratch with our CTET books & BEd Books 2023 and eventually clear all of your concepts in a step-by-step manner. Practicing more questions allows you to put your understanding of the topics of respective subjects you've studied for the competitive exam.

  1. KVS PRT books
  2. KVS TGT Books
  3. KVS PGT Books
  4. CTET books
  5. UP TGT PGT books
  6. DSSSB books
  7. UTET books
  8. Bihar B Ed books
  9. REET books
  10. DSE Teacher books
  11. Meghalaya TET books
  12. AP TET books
  13. SSA Chandigarh books
  14. B.Ed books
  15. HSSC TGT books
  16. Super TET books
  17. HPTET books
  18. RSMSSB books
  19. UP B.Ed books
  20. NTA DU books
  21. ETT books
  22. Army Public School books
  23. MP TET books
  24. UPTET books
  25. AEES books
  26. HTET books
  27. Jharkhand PGT books
  28. RPSC books
  29. Bihar TET books
  30. EMRS books
  31. KARTET books
  32. Assam TET books
  33. APS books
  34. NVS books

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s CTET Books and other BEd Books

Reading books not only clarifies concepts but also enhances one's self-esteem. Purchasing Adda247 CTET Books can help you become more familiar with exam patterns while also reducing exam tension. The following are some of the advantages of Adda247 CTET Books:

  • The syllabus in Teaching Exams Books & CTET Books is covered in accordance with the most recent version.
  • CTET Books & BEd Books are available in both English and Hindi.
  • To achieve a high score, proper advice is required.
  • Confidence is boosted by conceptual clarity.
  • Teaching Exams Books & CTET Books are cost-effective and simple to use.


The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examinations are often regarded as one of the most difficult in the country, so to crack this challenging exam you need good UPSC Study Material & reliable UPSC Books . UPSC administers exams on a variety of platforms, including UPSC Civil Services Exams (for IAS, IPS, IFS, and other positions), EPFO, IES, and others. Each exam has its own set of eligibility and exam requirements. The UPSC exam pattern and trends are well-known.

UPSC Books Online

UPSC Civil Services Exams (CSE) - IAS, IPS, IFS, EPFO Exams, and many other UPSC Books Online 2023 for prelims and mains are available at Adda247. It is critical to select the appropriate UPSC Books online & Best IAS Books 2023 for the various stages of the UPSC exam. Visit our website and choose the best UPSC Books.

UPSC Books List 2023

You can now download the UPSC Books list pdfs through Adda247 after purchasing the package. You can easily prepare for your IAS Exam by being offline with the help of UPSC Books PDFs. Aspirants should not only choose UPSC books cautiously but also separate their study time into Prelims and Mains exam preparation. The UPSC 2023 Books are written by subject experts with years of experience & our UPSC Books list is prepared by thorough analysis. Take advantage of Adda247 UPSC Books list right now to improve your chances of being picked.

  1. UPSC CSE books
  2. UPSC Optional books
  3. State PSC books
  4. BPSC books
  5. UPSC EPFO books
  6. UPSC ESIC books
  7. UPSC LEO books
  8. UPSC ALC books

Benefits of Buying Adda247’s UPSC IAS Books 2023

The following are the benefits of purchasing Adda247 UPSC Books 2023:

  • Chapters have been updated in UPSC CSE Books to reflect the most recent exam trends.
  • The speed with which queries can be answered is aided by conceptual clarity.
  • All of your study materials are in one spot.
  • In UPSC Books, a section is dedicated to current affairs.
  • Available in both English and Hindi.
  • A cost-effective set of test series.

Defence Books : About Defence Exams

Serving the Indian Army is pride and every year lakhs of students appear in Defence Exams , that's why they need quality Defence books for different exams such as Agniveer Books, AFCAT Books, CDS Books, CRPF Books, AOC Books, NDA Books, SSB Books, CISF Books, DRDO Books, Indian Coast Guard Books, IAF Books. Defence Exams 2023 is a great opportunity for those looking for a dignified government job for serving the nation. Avail now, Adda247 Defence Books for and increase your chances to qualify.

Agniveer Books, AFCAT Books, CDS Books, CRPF Books, AOC Books, NDA Books, SSB Books, CISF Books, DRDO Books, IAF Books - All Defence Exam Books in One Place

Adda247 features a large selection of Defence Exam Books, including IAF, AFCAT, CAPF, CDS, NDA, INET (office entry), Indian Navy Sailor-Entry (AA, SSR, MR), Navy Tradesman Mate, Territorial Army, and many more. Subject specialists with years of experience have compiled Defence Books 2023.

Best Books for Defence Exam 2023

The Adda247 best books for exam 2023 give you the necessary direction and strategy to pass any defence exam. Adda247's Defence Exam Books Online 2023 have a track record of successful selection, check out below defence book list for Agniveer Books, AFCAT Books, CDS Books, CRPF Books, AOC Books, NDA Books, SSB Books, CISF Books, DRDO Books, Indian Coast Guard Books, IAF Books and more. The best ideas and tricks, as well as keynotes from the Quantitative Aptitude component of several Defence Exams, are included in the Defence Exam Books Online 2023. So hurry up and get your Adda247 Defence Exam Books Online 2023 today to improve your chances of qualifying.

  1. AFCAT books
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  3. CISF books
  4. CAPF ACs books
  5. Agniveer Vayu books
  6. NDA books
  7. AGNIVEER Indian Army books
  8. AGNIVEER Indian Navy books
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  12. Territorial Army books
  13. Assam Rifles books
  14. IMA Dehradun books
  15. Airforce Group X and Y books
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  17. SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal) books Batch
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  23. Indian Coast Guard books
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  25. Indian Navy (INET) books
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  31. DRDO CEPTAM 10 books
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Benefits of Buying Defence Books

The following are some of the benefits of Adda247 Defence Books 2023:

  • The syllabus is covered in Defence Books 2023 based on the most recent exam patterns.
  • Experts in the field have designed and developed Defence Books 2023.
  • Mock tests are used to assess your level of understanding.
  • Genuine resources have been gathered in one place.
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  • Defence Books are Affordably priced and easily accessible.

Agriculture Books 2023

Adda247 is well-known for providing excellent agriculture preparation study materials, Agriculture Books and practice tests. One of the best among them is Adda247 Agriculture Books. Subject specialists with years of experience have designed the Agriculture Books for Agriculture Exams 2023. Subject specialists write individual chapters based on the most recent curriculum and exam patterns.

Agriculture Books Online 2023

Purchase the Adda247 unique package of Agriculture Books Online 2023 now to boost your chances of qualifying for Agriculture Exams 2023. You can begin your preparation from scratch with our Agriculture books online 2023 and eventually clear all of your concepts in a step-by-step manner, Do check our all agriculture books such as IBPS SO AFO Books, Punjab ADO Books, FCI Books, FSO Books, ICAR Books, FSSAI Books, NABARD Books, IFFCO Books in the list below. Practice questions allow you to put your understanding of the topics you've studied in the agricultural books.

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Benefits of Buying Adda247’s Agriculture Books

Reading books not only clarifies concepts but also enhances one's self-esteem. Purchasing Adda247 agriculture Books can help you become more familiar with exam patterns while also reducing exam tension. The following are some of the advantages of Adda247 Agriculture Books:

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  • Agriculture Books for FCI, FSSAI, IBPS SO AFO, NABARD exams are available in both English and Hindi.
  • To achieve a high score, proper advice is required.
  • Confidence is boosted by conceptual clarity.
  • Agriculture Exams Books are cost-effective and simple to use.

Ugc NET Books : About UGC NET Exam

Reading the right UGC NET Books is crucial for improving concepts while studying for the next UGC NET Examination in 2023 in order to achieve a high score on the first try. However, since there are so many UGC NET books available, aspirants frequently struggle to choose the best one for the UGC NET 2023 because reading several books on the same subject will only confuse you. The Adda247 UGC NET Books will make it easier to comprehend each topic covered in each subject's Paper 1 and Paper 2. Candidates can refer to the list of UGC NET Books for Papers 1 and 2 below to aid in their preparation for the various UGC NET exam papers mentioned below. Don't choose your UGC NET books casually because only good UGC NET study material can uplift your score.

Engineering Books : About Engineering Exams

Engineering Exams are also one of our country's most popular career choices among students and here Adda247 Best Engineering Books come into action. Engineering exams are held on a variety of platforms. Adda247 is the best place to prepare for an Engineering Exam.

GATE Books & All Engineering Competitive Exams Books

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GATE Preparation Books 2023

The Adda247 Engineering Books & GATE Preparation books 2023 have been written with the goal of ensuring that students comprehend all theorems, formulas, and derivations by tying them to actual applications and illustrating several solved problems in the easiest & correct methods. These engineering books & notes cover nearly all of the essentials of each and every idea that can help you pass different undergraduate engineering entrance tests.

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Benefits of Buying Engineering Books

Following GATE Books & Engineering Books helps you become more familiar with exam patterns while also reducing exam stress. The following are some of the benefits of using Adda247 Engineering Books:

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IIT JEE Books, CUET Books, NEET Books , CLAT Books, SLAT Books, IPMAT Books , NDA & NA Books : About Undergrad Exams

The National Testing Agency administers the Common University Entrance Test (CUET), formerly known as the Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET), to all applicants for admission to the 45 Central Universities in India's undergraduate, integrated, postgraduate, diploma, certification, and research programmes. Numerous other state-sponsored and famous universities in India also recognise it. Purchasing CUET Books from Adda247 will considerably enhance your performance on the admissions test if you are committed to realizing your dream of attending a prominent university.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) administers the Medical NEET tests. NEET is a medical college entrance exam. Thousands of students & droppers attempt the NEET exams every year. To ace your preparation, get Adda247 NEET Books now.

Apart from these Adda247 are also providing best JEE Books, CUET Books, NEET Books , CLAT Books, SLAT Books, IPMAT Books, Defence Entrance exam like NDA & NA Books and more.

Entrance Exam Book PDF : IIT JEE Books, CUET Books, NEET Books , CLAT Books, SLAT Books, IPM Books , NDA Books

You can now download the Entrance Exam Books pdfs through Adda247 after purchasing the package. You can easily prepare for your Undergrad Exams by being offline with the help of IIT JEE Books, CUET Books, NEET Books , CLAT Books, SLAT Books, IPMAT Books , NDA Books PDFs. Candidates should not only choose Entrance exam preparation books carefully but also divide their reading list into Prelims and Mains preparation. The Entrance Exams 2023 Books are written by subject experts with years of experience. Take advantage of Adda247 Entrance Exams Books right now to improve your chances of being picked.

CUET Books 2023

You can now download the CUET Books pdfs through Adda247 after purchasing the package. You can easily prepare for your CUET Exam by being offline with the help of CUET Books PDFs. Candidates should not only choose CUET preparation books carefully but also divide their reading list into Prelims and Mains preparation. The CUET Exams 2023 Books are written by subject experts with years of experience. Take advantage of Adda247 CUET Books right now to improve your chances of being picked.

Law Entrance Books 2023

You can now download the Law Entrance books 2023 through Adda247 after purchasing the package. Any aspirant can easily prepare for their law entrance Exam with the assistance of these law entrance Exams Books & PDFs. Law aspirants should not only select the law entrance books carefully but also give separate time for Prelims and Mains preparation. The law entrance Exams 2023 Books are written by subject experts with years of experience. Take advantage of Adda247 law entrance Exams Books right now to improve your chances of being picked.


IPM Books 2023 & JIPMAT Books

You can now download the IPM Entrance Exam books 2023 or IPM BOOKS through Adda247 after purchasing the package. You can easily prepare for your IPM Entrance Exam by being offline with the help of IPM Books PDFs. Candidates should not only choose IPM Books & JIPMAT books carefully but also divide their reading list into Prelims and Mains preparation. The IPMAT Rohtak Books are written by subject experts with years of experience. Take advantage of Adda247 IPM Exams Books right now to improve your chances of being picked.

  1. IPMAT Rohtak and JIPMAT Books

IIT JEE Books and NEET Books 2023

You can now download the IIT JEE Books and NEET Books 2023 through Adda247 after purchasing the package. You can easily prepare for your IIT JEE BOOKS and NEET Preparation Books by being offline with the help of IIT JEE Books and NEET Books PDFs. Candidates should not only choose IIT and medical preparation books carefully but also divide their reading list into Prelims and Mains preparation. The IIT and NEET Exams 2023 Books are written by subject experts with years of experience. Take advantage of Adda247 IIT JEE Books and NEET Books right now to improve your chances of being picked.

  1. IIT JEE main and Advanced Books
  2. NEET Books

NEET Preparation Books

Adda247's NEET Preparation Books are created by our highly experienced faculty specialists who have invested a great deal of time and effort into creating well-structured NEET Books that include all of the important formulas, concepts given in your NEET syllabus. NEET Books from Adda247 are among the best.

Undergrad Exams Books Online 2023

Adda247 is well-known for providing excellent IIT JEE Books, CUET Books 2023, NEET Books , CLAT Books, SLAT Books, IPMAT Books , Defence Books for entrance exam preparation, as well as study materials and mock tests. Subject specialists with years of expertise have written these Competitive exam Books 2023. Chapters on the new syllabus and current exam trends were designed and developed by topic experts. Buy the Adda247 special of Undergrad competitive exam Books to have access to all Exams Books 2023 and boost your chances of qualifying.


Benefits of Buying Adda247’s Undergrad Exams Books

Books can assist applicants to identify their skills and flaws while also boosting their confidence. Following JEE Books, CUET Books, NEET Books , CLAT Books, SLAT Books, IPMAT Books , NDA Books helps you become more familiar with exam trends while also reducing exam stress. The following are the advantages of Adda247 Medical Books:

  • All of the concepts, information,tricks are arranged in one place.
  • Authentic sources are made public.
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  • Solve difficult challenges with these tips and strategies.
  • Affordably priced and easily accessible.

Class 12 Books, Class 11 Books, Class 10 & 9 Books : About CBSE Board Exam

The All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE), also recognised as both the Class 12 Board Exams, is the ultimate evaluation for high school students held every year on behalf of the Government of India by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). And also every year, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) administers the CBSE Class 11 exam.

The primary objective of the CBSE Board Exam is to assess students on different abilities that aid in the development of self-concept, courage, aesthetic awareness, and integrity learned throughout the school year. NCERT textbooks are recommended by CBSE for all CBSE-affiliated schools.


The CBSE board exams will begin very shortly, and now is the time to supplement your board exam preparation with Best Class 12 books and other school level books such as Class 11 Books and Class 10th Standard Books. The CBSE has also announced a return to a one-year exam cycle. The exams will be held only once a year, according to the pre-COVID schedule. The exams for classes 12 and 11 will cover the entire curriculum. As a result, it is critical to select the best class 12th books, class 11 books, class 9 books, class 10 books, and Study Material for preparation that are also cost effective. Adda247's CBSE CLASS 10 books and CBSE class 12 books are the best resources for improving your concepts for the 2023 Board Exams.

CBSE Books by Adda247 Experts

We are providing the links of the latest Booklist of CBSE class 12 books, class 11 books, Class 10 books created by Adda247 experts below,you can find their prices too -

  1. CBSE Books - Class 12 Books
  2. CBSE Books - Class 11 Books
  3. CBSE Books - Class 9 Books
  4. CBSE Books - Class 10 Books

About State Exams

Exams are held in several states to fill a variety of positions in the state government. Rajasthan State Exams, MP State Exams, Odisha State Exams, Jharkhand State Exams, and other significant state exams are also covered by Adda247.

State Exam Books 2023

State Exams Books 2023 for prelims and mains are available at Adda247. Subject specialists with years of expertise have written the Books for State Exams 2023. Chapters on the most recent updated curriculum and exam trends are designed and developed by topic experts. Adda247 books are now available for State Exams 2023, increasing your chances of being selected.

State Level Administrative Exam Books

The State Exam Books Online by Adda247 has been designed by the subject experts by reviewing the recent exam pattern and syllabus of different State exams. The Adda247’s State Exams Books Online offer the most comprehensive educational experience.

  1. Tamil Nadu Exams Books
  2. West Bengal Exams Books
  3. North East States Exam Books
  4. Rajasthan Exams Books Books
  5. Gujarat Exams Books
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  14. Punjab Exam Books
  15. Odisha Exam Books
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Benefits of Buying Adda247’s State Exam Books 2023

The best books for State Exams are available at Adda247. You can read books from the convenience of your own home. The following are some of the benefits of using Adda247 Books for State Exams:

  • All of your study materials are in one spot.
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