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Biography, Indian Freedom Fighters


The story of our freedom struggle is a commendable story of strength, freedom, courage, wisdom and determination. It is a story that proves that if we have a dream, we should work die hard for it and in the end it will definitely bear fruits. If we have a strong determination, then nothing is impossible. The freedom struggle was not easy and many lost their lives because they wanted a free India at any cost and they paid their lives for it.
This article is to pay homage to our great freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to make India free from the British rule. In this article, you will get all the information about Indian Freedom Fighters, their contributions in the Indian Freedom Struggle. This is a way to say thank you to our great leaders for their courage and wisdom to gift us a free India where we live in.

Who are Freedom Fighters?

Freedom Fighters are the people or rather we call them Heroes who are engaged in a resistance movement against what they believe to be an oppressive and illegitimate government. Indian Freedom Fighters fought against the colonial rule. Thousands of Freedom Fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Aruna Asaf Ali, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, etc. sacrifices led to the freedom of our Nation.

Indian Freedom Fighters Biography

The Indian freedom struggle was a relentless battle against colonial rule, characterized by the unwavering determination and sacrifice of numerous courageous individuals. These freedom fighters, driven by a fierce love for their motherland, dedicated their lives to the cause of Indian independence.

Indian Freedom Fighters: Conclusion

Freedom Fighters were not fighting for a freedom for a Hindu, Christian, Muslim or any other caste or religion. They were fighting for when we all are one, proud Indians. Good things always take a lot from you but in the end its worth it. So, remember our great leaders who sacrificed their lives for us to live in free India. Do your bit that can make your country a happy and prosperous one.



Q1. Why is Mahatma Gandhi a great freedom fighter?

Ans. Gandhiji was a pathfinder of truth and non-violence and he sets an example of easy sustenance and noble thinking. He started the 'Satyagraha' (non-violence) movement for the Indian freedom fight and played a vital role in obtaining freedom for the country from British rule.

Q2. Who were the Freedom Fighters of India?

Ans. India has a long list of Freedom Fighters and there sacrifices led to the freedom of our nation. Its because of them that we are able to survive in free India. No Indian can ever forget there sacrifice and they will always be the heroes of our country. The list is given here.

Q3. Who is the first female freedom fighter of the country?

Ans. Devi Sucheta Kriplani was the first female freedom fighter of the country.