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Does Your Written Marks Matter in SSB?

Does Your Written Marks Matter in SSB?

Before Answering the question we want you to know two things .

  • Scoring high marks doesn’t have any role to play in clearing the SSB interview.
  • At the time of final Merit your marks are taken into  consideration.

Now we will discuss the first point in detail, the SSB interview have totally different criteria, here you are scanned through the experienced eyes of the interviewer, they are looking for the OLQs (Officer Like Qualities) so they don’t consider your marks attained in the written exam. They even don’t know your marks. The only thing that matters to them is your performance in those five days. Your every decision, every activity is itself a reflection of your personality and the crew interviewing you is very good at the task they are assigned. If you have the quality, you certainly will get recommended, irrespective of the marks you have scored so don’t worry about your marks while giving the SSB interview.

The next thing worth considering is the process of selection, they are choosing an officer and they want a cadet best in all walks of life so even after getting recommended by the SSB board, you undergo a detailed medical examination and if you are unfit you will be returned back. But if you are fit, then there is one last step that stands between you and your dream and that is the merit list and here the written marks come into play again. The Final merit list is prepared on the basis of marks obtained in written exam and Interview. So if you have scored good in the Written examination your chances of selection become high.

The thing that matters the most is your resilient spirit, those who don’t give up are the ones who get what they want so start your preparations, work hard and smart, you definitely will achieve your goal.

Check How to develop Hobbies for SSB


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