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Frequently Asked Questions in AFSB Interview 2024

The Indian Air Force conducts the SSB Interview known as AFSB Interview. The AFSB Stands for Air Force Selection Board Interview, which is a key step towards joining the Indian Air Force. The AFSB Interview is conducted after the AFCAT Examination or through any other entry like CDS and NDA. In the AFSB Interview, The highly experienced accessors of the IAF selection board accesses the Officers like qualities in the candidates. The AFSB follows a 5- Day Procedure to select the potential candidates in the 5th Most Powerful Airforce in the world, the Indian Air Force.

Questions asked in AFSB Interview

The Candidates who get screened In enter the Stage 2 of the AFSB Interview. In the Stage 2 Personal Interview of the Candidates is conducted with the Accessor who judges the Candidates on the basis of the Answers of the Questions. In the AFSB Interview, the Questions are asked in a Rapid Fire Way, around 10-15 questions are asked in one go. The Candidate is expected to remember the Questions in the Sequence and answer them all. Candidates should not leave any stone unturned while preparing for the Personal Interview and not take it lightly.

Types of Questions Asked in AFSB Interview

The Candidates are given PIQ ( Personal Inquiry Questionnaire) form to fill. The Interviewer asks the questions according to the things you have mentioned in the PIQ Form. The Personal Interview of the AFSB Interview, The Candidates will be asked questions about the Personal Life, Professional Life, Social Life and every aspect related to the candidate will be accessed.

  1. What is the Meaning of your Name?
  2. Why Your Parents gave you this Name?
  3. To whom you are more Closer your Mother or your Father?
  4. With whom you share most Problems?
  5. What are the qualities you like and dislike in your father?
  6. What are the qualities you like and dislike in your mother?
  7. What are the qualities you like and dislike in your Siblings?
  8. How you spend time with your Family?
  9. What bond you share with your Siblings
  10. Do you have Grandparents? How is your bond with them? How you spend time with them?
  11. What your Family think about you?

SSB Interview Questions related with Friends

  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. What your Friends think of you?
  3. Tell 5 Qualities of your Friends which you like and don’t like?
  4. What does your friend thinks of you?
  5. How you spend time with your friends?
  6. What is your Friends doing, what are their Goals?

Self Introductory AFSB Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself?
What are your hobbies?
What are your Interests?
How GTO and Psychology test went?
How was the journey, general questions related to train and in between stations?
Questions about the Place you belong to?
Questions about the Place you are coming from?

Education Related Questions asked in SSB Interview

  1. How much you scored in your previous examinations?
  2. Reason why you chose your course?
  3. Reason for decrease in the Marks and how did you overcome this?
  4. Favorite Subject and Why?
  5. Which Subject you like the Most and dislike the most? Why?
  6. Teacher you like and Teacher you don’t like, why?

While preparing for the Questions related to the Hobbies and Interests, The candidates should prepare knowing the In and Out of them. For Example, you hobby is Singing. Then you should be aware of the general knowledge related to the Singing Profession, you should be aware about the Instruments Name, Famous National and International Singers and so on. If your Interest is Playing Badminton, then you should know everything about Badminton, its Sports Person, Awards Related to it, Defence personnel associated with Badmintion, Area and Equipments related to that sports.


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Is the AFSB Interview Tough?

Yes, The AFSB Interview is considered as one of the toughest Interview to crack. The Selection rate is less than 5 % through the AFSB Interview.

What is the AFSB Full Form?

The AFSB stands for Air Force Selection Board.

How many AFSB Interview Center are there?

There are five AFSB Interview Centers. AFSB 1 Dehradun, AFSB 2 Gandhinagar, AFSB 3 Mysore, AFSB 4 Gandhinagar and AFSB 5 Guwahti.


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