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Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern (Revised)

The Indian Navy issues an online form annually for civilian recruitment for the Chargeman position. This recruitment is conducted through the Indian Naval Civilian Entrance Test. The exam covers various trades such as Electrical, Weapon, Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, and Production Planning Control groups.

The Indian Navy Chargeman exam is a Computer Based Test, scored out of 100 marks. To select candidates for the Chargeman posts, the Indian Navy will conduct an online written exam. Candidates preparing for the Navy Chargeman Recruitment 2024 can find the Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus and exam pattern in this article.

Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus 2024: Overview

The Indian Navy chargeman syllabus is available on the official website. The exam syllabus includes five subjects: four are the same for all candidates, and one is specific to the candidate’s chosen trade. The common subjects are General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, English Language, and Numerical Aptitude. The fifth subject, called Knowledge of the Trade, depends on the candidate’s selected trade.

Indian Navy Chargeman Exam
Post Indian Navy Chargeman
Examination Name Navy INCT Exam
Department Indian Navy
Category Defence Jobs
Selection Process Written and Documentation
Official Website joinindiannavy.gov.in

Indian Navy Chargeman Exam Pattern 2024

According to the official Indian Navy Chargeman Exam Pattern, the exam will consist of five subjects, including a trade-specific paper, with a total of 100 marks in all. Among these, the General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, and General English sections will each account for 10 marks. Apart from that, the General Awareness section will carry 20 marks, while the trade-specific section will be the most significant, comprising a total of 50 marks. Check the detailed Indian Navy Chargeman Exam Pattern below:

Subject Maximum Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning 10
Numerical Aptitude 10
General English 10
General Awareness 20
Syllabus specific to the post applied for 50

Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus 2024

The Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus is an important document that candidates appearing for the exam need to be familiar with. In this article, we will discuss the Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus in detail. Let us look at subject-wise syllabus of Indian Navy Chargeman below –

(a) General Intelligence and Reasoning

It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. The test will include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discriminating observation relation concepts, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series etc. The test will also include a question design to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.

(b) General Awareness

It would include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to current events of national and international importance, sports, history, culture, geography, economics, general policy including the Indian constitution and general science etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.

(c) English Language

In addition to the testing of candidates’ understanding of the English language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage etc. His/her writing ability would also be tested.

(d) Numerical Aptitude

This paper will include question on problems relating to number systems, computations of whole number, decimal and fraction and relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ration and proportion, average, interest, profit and loss, discount, time and distance, ration and time, time and work etc.

(e) Knowledge of the Trade

The test will include questions relating to trade/posts as per the essential / desirable qualification required and job description specified.
Note. The question paper will be bilingually in English and Hindi languages only, except for the question paper for General English, which will be in English language only. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.



What is Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus 2024?

Read this above article to get detailed information about Indian Navy Chargeman Syllabus 2024.

What is Indian Navy Chargeman Exam Pattern 2024?

Read this above article to get detailed information about the Indian Navy Chargeman Exam Pattern 2024

Is there negative marking for Indian Navy Chargeman Exam 2024?

No, there is no negative marking in the Indian Navy Chargeman Exam 2024.

What is the maximum marks for the Indian Navy Chargeman Exam 2024?

The maximum marks for the Indian Navy Chargeman Exam 2024 is 100.


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