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Is CAPF ACs Exam tough?

Is CAPF ACs Exam Tough?

With 253 Assistant Commandants Post, CAPF has released its official notification on 20th April 2022. The exam for the same is scheduled to be on 7th August 2022.  Candidates who want to appear in this examination must have started their preparation in order to clear this Exam.

Lakhs of students are preparing for CAPF ACs 2022 exam. So here we have an important question which is asked by many candidates i.e. Is CAPF ACs Exam Tough ?? The answer to this can come in many ways. The CAPF exam is actually tough for the reason that the vacancies are few in comparison to the number of candidates applying for it each year.

This is a highly competitive exam so candidates should have a proper strategy and Study Plan to ace this exam. Defence Adda will help you in every step of your preparation.  In order to get an idea of the difficulty level of this exam, you should have an idea of the difficulty level of the previous year’s paper. Here, we will provide you with a detailed analysis of the previous year’s paper. The overall difficulty level of the paper was moderate.

CAPF ACs Exam 2021 Detailed Analysis

A total of 125 questions were asked in CAPF Paper I exam carrying 250 marks.

UPSC CAPF (AC) Paper-1 2021 Exam Analysis 


Number of Questions Asked

Difficulty Level

(Good Attempts)

General Mental Ability/ Reasoning


Easy to Moderate

General Science


Moderate to Difficult

Current Events of National and International Importance


Easy to Moderate

Indian Polity and Economy


Moderate to Difficult

History of India


Moderate to Difficult

Indian and World Geography




125 Questions of 2 marks each

Moderate to Difficult (55-65)

CAPF Previous Year Cutoff, Check Now_70.1

CAPF ACs 2022 Exam Pattern

Have a look at the UPSC CAPF (AC) Exam Pattern 2022:

Paper Paper I
(General Ability and Intelligence)
Paper II
(General Studies, Essay, and Comprehension)
200 (MCQ) 6 (Descriptive)
Marks 250 200
Duration 2 Hours 3 Hours


General Ability and Intelligence – 250 Marks
It will be held from 10 a.m. to 12.00 Noon.
The questions in this paper will be of Objective (Multiple Answers) Type in which the questions will be set in English as well as Hindi

Topics of Paper I

  • General Mental Ability
  • General Science
  • Current Events of National and International Importance
  • Indian Polity and Economy
  • History of India
  • Indian and World Geography


General Studies, Essay(English or Hindi), précis writing & Comprehension

Part A :  Essay questions  -> 80 marks

Topics: Indian history especially of the freedom struggle, geography, polity and economy, knowledge of security and human rights issues, and analytical ability.

Part B: Comprehension, précis writing, other communications/language skills -> 120 marks
It will be held from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Streamline your preparation according to the study plan and you will see the best results. To check your daily progress, you must give as many mocks as you can. Adda will help you to check your daily progress by providing you with 60+ mock tests.

CAPF Previous Year Cutoff, Check Now_80.1

A huge number of candidates apply for the CAPF ACs exam due to the lucrative salary that is offered at different positions along with the beneficial perks. But cracking through the exam is not an easy task and hence it is important that the candidates prepare in a much smarter way to secure a position in the recruitment process.

All the Best!
Is CAPF ACs Exam tough?_3.1