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Kargil Vijay Diwas 2024, 25th Anniversary of Kargil War

The Kargil War Memorial was inaugurated on July 26, 1999. This day is also celebrated as Kargil Vijay Diwas, marking the anniversary of India’s victory in the Kargil War. The memorial, located in Drass, Ladakh, serves as a tribute to the Indian soldiers who fought and sacrificed their lives during the conflict.

Kargil Vijay Diwas 2024

Every year on 26th July, India celebrates a key moment in its History- The Victory of India Over Pakistan in 1999 in Operation Vijay. This day highlights the successful recapture of the Tiger Hills from the Pakistani Army during the Kargil War, which ended on July 26, 1999. This day pays tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of Indian soldiers who protected the country. To mark the 25th anniversary of this significant event, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Drass in Ladakh on July 26, 2024


Kargil War Memorial

The Kargil War Memorial is a located in Drass, Ladakh, India. It was built to honor the Indian soldiers who fought and sacrificed their lives during the Kargil War with Pakistan in 1999 to signifly their courage and valor.  The memorial features a central obelisk with the names of fallen soldiers inscribed on it, along with a war museum that displays artifacts and information about the conflict. It’s a site of remembrance and pride, reflecting the courage and dedication of those who defended the nation’s borders

History of Kargil War 1999

The Kargil War took place from May to July 1999, primarily along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Kargil region and its surrounding areas in the northern part of Jammu and Kashmir. During this conflict, Operation Vijay was the codename for the Indian Army’s ground operations, while Operation Safed Sagar was the name given to the Indian Air Force’s efforts to support the ground troops and secure the region.

After the 1947-48 war, the northern areas of Jammu and Kashmir were divided by the Line of Control (LoC). In February 1999, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Lahore, and India and Pakistan signed the Lahore Declaration, aiming to avoid a nuclear arms race and resolve disputes peacefully. However, between February and May, militants and disguised Pakistani army units occupied high-altitude Indian posts along the LoC earlier than expected. This occupation, noticed by local shepherds, posed a threat to India’s crucial link, National Highway 1D, which connects Srinagar to Leh.

The primary objective of these intrusions was to sever the connection between Kashmir and Ladakh, force India to withdraw from the Siachen Glacier, and pressure India into negotiating the Kashmir dispute.

In response, the Indian Army and Air Force launched operations to recapture the high-altitude positions. By July 4, they had successfully taken strategic peaks such as Tiger Hill and Tololing. Under pressure from U.S. President Bill Clinton, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered the withdrawal of troops on July 4.

The conflict saw notable Indian heroes like Manoj Kumar Pandey, Vikram Batra, Yogender Singh Yadav, and Sanjay Kumar receiving the Param Vir Chakra for their bravery.

The Bofors FH-77B field howitzer and Israeli support with ordnance and UAVs were crucial for India. Although the U.S. refused to provide GPS help, India managed with its own IRNSS system.

In the aftermath, Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s party won a significant victory in the October 1999 elections, while General Pervez Musharraf led a coup against Prime Minister Sharif in Pakistan on October 12. The war left a lasting impact, marking the first direct conflict between two nuclear-capable nations, with a limited area of warfare in high-altitude conditions. For the first time, the U.S. condemned Pakistan as the aggressor, showing support for India, and the conflict was the first war broadcast live on Indian television.

All you need to know about Kargil Vijay Diwas

  • Duration of the War: May 8 to July 26, 1999
  • Location: Drass and Batalik Sectors of Kargil in the Ladakh region, at an altitude of approximately 16,000 feet
  • Conflict: The Kargil War was fought against intruders from Pakistan who crossed the Line of Control (LoC) into Indian territory during the winter of 1998
  • Intruders’ Positions: They occupied fortified positions overlooking NH 1A
  • Casualties:
    – 1,042 Pakistani soldiers were killed
    – 527 Indian soldiers lost their lives
  • Outcome: India successfully recovered control of the occupied regions and restored normalcy
  • Operation Vijay: The operation that led to the end of the war
  • Annual Remembrance: Every year, India commemorates the bravery, sacrifice, and fortitude of the soldiers who fought in the Kargil War

Operation Vijay, Safed Sagar and Operation Talwar

With the mobilisation of more than 2,00,000 troops of the Indian Army, India responded to Pakistani infiltrators with Operation Vijay. The government took the decision of involving Airforce in the Kargil War on May 25. And this operation was given the code-name Operation Safed Sagar.

And not just Army and Indian Air Force, but the Indian Navy too strategically mounted pressure on Pakistan through Operation Talwar. The Navy was patrolling off the Pakistani coasts during the war aggressively.

And with the cumulative success of all three branches of armed forces, the Kargil War finally came to an end on July 26. That was the day when Indian soldiers were able to flush out all the Pakistani infiltrators from their illegally occupied positions and marked this day as Kargil Vijay Diwas.

Hero’s of Kargil War 1999: Kargil Vijay Diwas

  1. Captain Vikram Batra: Known for his leadership and valor, Captain Batra led a critical operation to recapture Point 4875 and was instrumental in capturing Tiger Hill. He was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest military honor, for his exceptional courage.
  2. Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey: Lieutenant Pandey displayed extraordinary bravery in leading his men in the face of heavy enemy fire. He played a key role in the capture of Khalubar Hill and was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his valor.
  3. Grenadier Yogender Singh Yadav: Despite being severely injured, Grenadier Yadav showed remarkable courage and resilience. He played a pivotal role in the capture of Point 4875 and was awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his bravery.
  4. Lance Naik Sanjay Kumar: Lance Naik Kumar exhibited exceptional bravery during the recapture of Point 4875. He fought off multiple enemy attacks despite being injured and was awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his heroism.
  5. Major Sudhir Kumar Walia: Major Walia was instrumental in the capture of strategic positions and showed great leadership on the battlefield. He was awarded the Mahavir Chakra, India’s second-highest military honor, for his valor.
  6. Captain Anuj Nayyar: Captain Nayyar led his team effectively during intense combat situations. He was awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his courageous efforts and leadership.



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