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Operation Snow Leopard Still on, Troops On Alert

Operation Snow Leopard Still on, Troops On Alert

On the Occasion of Northern command’s investiture ceremony at  Northern Command Headquarters at Udhampur,  The General Officer-Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C), Lieutenant General Yogesh Kumar Joshi was all praises for the Incredible services armed forces provided at Northern border including LOC and LAC, The importance of both the union territories of J&K and Ladakh is well known and we have played our role as far as the security of this region is concerned with full dedication and devotion and are maintaining our complete dominance, whether it is Line of Control, Line of Actual Control (LAC), Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL) and International Border (IB),” General Joshi said.

Operation Snow Leopard

General Joshi described year 2021 as a watershed year for the armed forces when they displayed boldness in standing up to the aggression on the LoC and LAC.

Speaking of Jammu and Kashmir General said that the condition has improved the incidents of Infiltration and Stone pelting have been reduced drastically, “There has been a reduction in terrorist related incidents, stone pelting activities and protests as a result of tireless efforts of the security forces and the people of J&K,”“The ceasefire along the LoC has provided relief to the border residents. But the attempts of infiltration of terrorists is going on, which are being foiled by our alert security personnel,” these statements were quoted by General Joshi commending the soldiers for their Vigilance and agility.

The most Important point in the address was about The Operation Snow Leopard, speaking of which general ensured that on one hand the conversation for disengagement are going on with china however Operation snow leopard has not been abandoned to ensure safety and vigil at lac , The Operation Snow Leopard’ is still on with troops on alert and ready to meet any eventuality as the focus of disengagements in Ladakh continues to be through talks, said Lt Gen Joshi. We along with the Chinese Army have successfully done disengagement from many areas in eastern Ladakh. While talks are going on with PLA for disengagement from the rest of the areas, our troops are maintaining vigil on those icy heights,” Lt Gen Joshi  further stated.

40 units involved  in Operation Meghdoot, Operation Rakshak, Operation Northern Borders, and other operations were given GOC-in-C’s appreciation and 26 units which were a part of Operation Snow Leopard which was launched after China refused to move back and restore status quo ante in eastern Ladakh. were presented  and GOC-in-C’s Certificates of Appreciation

The Adress of General Joshi was very promising It shed light on the ability of our Forces to tackle any hardship that comes along and the Robustness of Defense system.

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