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SSB Full Form, You All Need to Know About SSB

The Service Selection Board (SSB) selects candidates for officer roles in the Indian Armed Forces. The board uses a structured evaluation process, including interviews, personality assessments, and psychological tests.

The selection process lasts five days. On the first day, candidates take a screening test. On the second day, they undergo mental tests. Days three and four involve group tasks and activities. On the fifth day, the final assessment and decisions are made during a conference.

SSB Full Form

The Service Selection Board (SSB) evaluates candidates for officer positions in the Indian Armed Forces. This process checks mental and physical fitness, personality, and intelligence. A panel, including a psychologist, interviewing officer, and group tasks officer, assesses the candidates. The evaluation has two stages: Stage I includes a written test and a picture perception and description test (PP&DT), and Stage II involves psychological tests, group tasks, and an individual interview. The SSB aims to measure leadership potential, decision-making skills, and performance under pressure.


The Service Selection Board (SSB) is not just a test; it’s a thorough evaluation of individuals who want to serve their country. This process uses various techniques over several days to examine a candidate’s personality from different perspectives. The aim is to make sure that selected candidates have the necessary qualities and traits to serve the nation effectively. The SSB process evaluates a candidate’s:

Aspect Evaluation Method
Intelligence OIR test: Measures general intelligence and reasoning
Leadership Group tasks and individual interview: Assess leadership, decision-making, and ability to work under pressure
Personality Psychological tests and interview: Evaluate personality traits, motivation, resilience, and emotional maturity
Physical Fitness Medical examination: Assess physical fitness and ability to withstand military training and service requirements

The candidates who clear written exams such as CDS, NDA, TA, INET and AFCAT are then called by respective military boards for SSB Interview. One can also appear for SSB Interview by getting shortlisted direct entries – TES, TGC, UES, SSC Tech etc. The selected students then need to appear before a Service Selection Board for an Intelligence and Personality Test.

SSB Full Form Overview

SSB stands for Service Selection Board, and its job is to interview and choose candidates for the defence forces. These boards are spread out in different places across the country. After candidates pass the written exam in the selection process, they move on to the SSB Interview.

SSB Overview
Full Form Service Selection Board
Total SSB Boards 13
Duration 5 Days
Covered Exams
  • National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (NDA & NA Exam)
  • Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE)
  • Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT)
SSB Direct Entry
  • Technical Graduate Course
  • Tech Entry Scheme
  • Advocate General
  • NCC Special Entry Scheme
  • University Entry Scheme
  • Navy’s Executive and Technical Branch Entry
  • Navy’s Education Branch Entry
  • Navy’s Pilot/ Observer Entry
  • IAF’s Meteorology Branch Course
  • Non-Technical Short Service Commission Courses
  • Technical Short Service Commission Courses
Test Types Physical Efficiency Tests – Personality Tests – Psychological Tests – Intelligence Tests

SSB Interview Procedure

The SSB interviewer look for 15-character traits called “Officer Like Qualities”. The mechanism to check the done by the following procedure:

Day 0 (Reporting)

The candidates are usually received at the station by an officer(s) of the board and from there they are taken to the selection centre.

  • After the candidates are settled in, an ‘Opening Address’ takes place where an officer of the board briefs the candidates of their stay for the next 5 days.
  • Document Verification takes place after that where the original documents of the candidates are verified.

In some boards (esp. Air Force) the Reporting day is regarded as the Day 1 of SSB and the testing starts on the same day

Check: NSG Full Form

Day 1 (Screening)

The first day of SSB involves 3 tests:

  • Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP&DT)
  • Officer Intelligence Rating Test (OIR Test)

Candidates are called for the Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) test in the morning. The OIR test is a multiple-choice reasoning test with 50 questions based on both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Candidates have 40-45 minutes to complete the test. Based on their performance, they are ranked from OIR I (highest rank) to OUT 5 (lowest rank).

Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP&DT): This test can be further categorized into:

Assessment Stage Description
Picture Perception An image is displayed for 30 seconds.
Candidates note down details like sex, age, and mood of characters, and actions performed by them.
Candidates create a story based on the image within a time period of 4 minutes.
Group Discussion A group of 10-15 candidates is formed.
Each candidate narrates his/her story.
Group discusses individual stories to reach a common consensus.

The results are declared after which the shortlisted candidates are retained for the subsequent round of testing.

Day 2 (Psychology Test)

On the second day of SSB, a Psychological Test is conducted. Following tests take place on this day:

Test Type Description Time Allotted
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Candidates view 12 images (including 1 blank). 4 minutes per image
Write a story on each image.
Word Association Test (WAT) 60 words are displayed for 15 seconds each. 15 seconds per word
 Candidates write down a sentence for each word based on their immediate thoughts.
Situation Reaction Test (SRT) A booklet with 60 real-life situations is provided. 30 minutes
Candidates write their reactions to each situation.
Self-Description Test (SDT) Candidates write paragraphs covering their self-description. 15 minutes
Include opinions of parents, teachers, friends, and qualities candidates wish to develop.

These tests are aimed to gauge the psychological suitability of a candidate for the defence forces.

Day 3 (Group Testing – I)

SSB Day 3 involves Group Testing. Here several outdoor tests are conducted where the candidates need to take part in groups. This day involves the following group tests:

Test Type Description Duration
Group Discussion Two consecutive discussions on current events or social issues. 20-30 minutes each
Group Planning Exercise (GPE) Candidates, in groups of 10-15, are given a story with issues. Time not specified
Identify issues and provide practical solutions.
Progressive Group Task (PGT) Overcome 4 obstacles in a group with provided helping material and rules. Time not specified
Group Obstacle Race (GOR) Groups compete in a snake race, tackling 6 given obstacles. Time not specified
Half Group Task (HGT) Similar to PGT but conducted with a smaller group over a single obstacle. Time not specified

Day 4 (Group Testing – II)

Day 4 is again dedicated to Group Testing. Following tests are conducted on this day:

Test Type Description Duration
Lecturette Candidates choose one topic from 4 options and speak on it for 3 minutes. 3 minutes
Individual Obstacles (IO) Candidates individually clear 10 obstacles within 3 minutes, marked for difficulty. 3 minutes
Command Task (CT) Each candidate acts as a commander, given an obstacle similar to HGT to overcome with subordinates. Time not specified
Final Group Task (FGT) The entire group reunites to complete a task similar to PGT within a stipulated time. Time not specified
Personal Interview Conducted on Day 2, 3, and 4 after daily tasks. Questions cover everyday experiences, work, education, family, hobbies, etc. Time not specified

Day 5 (Conference)

Day 5 is the last day in which the assessor starts with a closing address, then the conference of candidates starts.

  • A board conference is conducted where all the officers who assessed the candidates in the previous days are present. Each assessor discusses among themselves with respect to the suitability of a candidate.
  • Each candidate then appears individually before the board where their total assessment is narrated, and the board makes a recommendation accordingly.
  • The candidates who are borderline are given certain situations and then a collective decision is taken.

After the result is announced the shortlisted candidates are retained for further medical examinations. And once you clear the medicals and made it to merit list then you become worthy of wearing the stars of pride after the rigorous training process.

Attributes Assessed by SSB

SSB assesses the following attributes of the candidates:

Category Traits
Officer-like Qualities Effective intelligence and reasoning ability
Organizing and social adaptability skills
Cooperation and sense of responsibility
Effective leadership qualities
Psychological Attributes Positive attitude and self-confidence
Clear and logical expression of thoughts
Ability to handle stress and pressure
Group Dynamics Teamwork and cooperation
Problem-solving skills
Effective communication

SSB Full Form in Hindi

हिंदी में इसका मतलब सेवा चयन बोर्ड है। यह सबसे कठिन और सबसे लंबे साक्षात्कार में से एक है, या हम कह सकते हैं कि यह आपको अच्छी तरह से स्कैन करता है, वैसे एसएसबी केवल एक परीक्षा नहीं है बल्कि एक प्रक्रिया है, 5 दिनों की प्रक्रिया है जहां आप अपने व्यक्तित्व का परीक्षण करने के विभिन्न तरीकों से गुजरते हैं।

सीडीएस, एनडीए, टीए, आईएनईटी और एएफसीएटी जैसी लिखित परीक्षाओं को पास करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को संबंधित सैन्य बोर्डों द्वारा एसएसबी साक्षात्कार के लिए बुलाया जाता है। शॉर्टलिस्ट की गई सीधी प्रविष्टियां – टीईएस, टीजीसी, यूईएस, एसएससी टेक आदि प्राप्त करके एसएसबी साक्षात्कार के लिए भी उपस्थित हो सकते हैं।

इसके बाद चयनित छात्रों को इंटेलिजेंस और पर्सनैलिटी टेस्ट के लिए सर्विस सेलेक्शन बोर्ड के सामने पेश होना होगा।

Full Form


How many Days  the SSB interview take ?

SSB interview is a five Days Long process .

Is SSB difficult ?

Yes, SSB is difficult if you don't prepare properly. But with right guidance and study material you can easily able to crack SSB.

What is the Full form of SSB ?

SSB stands for service selection board .

What is Picture Perception test in SSB?

An image is displayed for the time period of 30 seconds and the candidates need to note down its details such as sex, age, and mood of the characters, action performed by them. The candidates then create a story based on that image in a time period of 4 minutes.

What is Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

In this test, candidates are shown 12 images (including 1 blank) and then they need to write a story on each for 4 minutes. The time limit is imposed to gauge the natural response of each candidate.

What is Command Task?

In command task, each candidate is made the commander and is given an obstacle similar to HGT which he/she needs to overcome with the help of his subordinates.


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