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BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023, Check Exam Tips

BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is going to host the BHEL ET Exam on 23 and 24 August 2023 for 150 posts of Executive trainee. Proper and structured preparation is required to crack the exam with a good score. To attain it read the article below describing BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023 and bookmark the website for further Engineering Job Updates.

BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023 Overview

 Before the BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023, the candidate should know all the details of the exam in which he/she is going to appear. The key details regarding BHEL Executive Exam are shown in the tabular form below:

BHEL Executive Exam Details
Recruitment Organization Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
Posts Name Engineer/Executive Trainee
Number of Vacancies 150
Category Engineering Jobs
Last Date to Apply Online 04 October 2022
BHEL Exam Date 2023 23 and 24 August 2023
Selection Process Written Exam & Interview
BHEL Official Website https://www.bhel.com/

BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is one of the largest manufacturing companies that work in designing products in such a way as to provide services in various sectors like Power Generation, Defense, Aerospace, etc. As we know that BHEL is a huge PSU and it’s a dream job for many preparing aspirants so proper structured planning is required to crack it. In this cut-throat competition, we are going to give you a step-by-step path to your goal i.e.  BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023 given below:

Understand the Exam pattern

The candidate preparing for BHEL Executive 2023 should know the exam pattern first. The exam patterns exactly prepare the blueprint in the mind of the aspirants in such a way that how the question paper is exactly going to come in front of you in the upcoming CBT. The section-wise bifurcation of the paper is tabulated below:

Section Topics No. of Questions No. of Marks Time Duration
I Technical Subject (Mechanical/Civil/Electrical) 120 120 150 minutes
II Reasoning 50 50
III General Knowledge 20 20
IV General English 50 50
Total 240 240

Know the syllabus

To succeed in any exam we should always know what syllabus is supposed to be covered. So, have a look at the syllabus thoroughly. It will include the division of the entire content into units supposed to be covered.

BHEL Engineer Trainee Syllabus

Paper Analysis

As far as you have decided on your target then the first step to be taken is the paper analysis of the past year’s question paper. Paper analysis means in the previous year what is the exact marks distribution of all the subjects being given to you in the syllabus released by BHEL, prepare a chart of marks distribution and decide which subject has been asked for maximum marks in the examination papers. Now, that your planning task is almost done start your preparation for the subject with maximum weightage in the examination.

Structured preparation

Divide your preparation into three sections i.e. Course command, Practice Problems, and Mock Tests.

Course Command: The course can be studied in two ways if you are having a sufficient amount of time then follow a structured way i.e. studying a topic, making a proper summary of it, and then practicing the previous year’s problems.

On the other hand, if you are lagging in time then Follow the CTQ approach which means try to learn the concept through questions, take a previous year’s problem and try to derive a concept from that and make a summary of it. Your comrade in this preparation is the summary made by you so try to make it as easy as possible and have a look at it daily.

Practice Problems: After learning the content increase your practice problems, it’s going to pace up your preparation and the subject grip which will ultimately boost your confidence while facing the real-time exam.

Mock Tests: After knowing the subject start giving mocks. Mocks are going to increase your speed, accuracy, and confidence. While giving mocks your focus should not be on the marks obtained because it’s not a real exam, the purpose of a mock test is only to increase your accuracy.

Last Minute points

Before the exam just remembers a few things like don’t make a massive study schedule, and Revision and mock tests should be given proper time. Try to indulge yourself in any physical or mental extra curriculum activities so that you can feel refreshed before the exam and be at your maximum efficiency at exam time.

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BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023, Check Exam Tips_3.1


Can I crack the BHEL Executive exam in the last month?

Just follow the CTQ approach discussed above and work hard to crack the BHEL Executive exam in the last month.

What is the selection process in BHEL Executive Recruitment ?

The candidates will be shortlisted in the final merit list based on the written test and interview.

What is the exam date for the BHEL Executive Exam?

The BHEL Executive Exam Date is 23 and 24 August 2023.

What is the BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023?

Candidates must refer to the article for detailed BHEL Executive Preparation Strategy 2023.