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DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper, Check Section-Wise Questions

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper

Delhi Development Authority is hosting the DDA JE Exam 2023 from 28th March 2023 to 3rd April 2023 for the Junior Engineer (Civil Engg) and Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical Engg) Posts. The aspirants were eagerly waiting for the exam and now when it’s completed they are thinking about the questions asked in the examination. The DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper is covered in given in this article for all shifts.

DDA JE Memory Based Paper

Here In this article, the Adda247 team has tried to consolidate all the possible DDA JE Memory Based Questions so that the students who are going to take the exam in the upcoming sessions can brush up on their preparation. Read the full article carefully for all the details related to DDA JE Memory Based Paper and bookmark this website for the latest Engineering Exams Update.

Check: DDA JE Exam Analysis 2023

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper Overview

The DDA JE Exam 2023 is being conducted on 28th March 2023, 29th March 2023, 01st April 2023 & 3rd April 2023 for the Junior Engineer Posts. The aspirants should know the following key information related to the DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper:

Check: DDA JE Answer Key 2023

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper Overview
Name of the Organization Delhi Development Authority (DDA)
Post Name Junior Engineer & Other Engineering Posts
Advt. No. Advt.No. 03/2022/Rectt.Cell/Pers./DDA
Vacancies 279
Job Location Delhi
Online Registration 11th June 2022
Online Application Portal Reopens 4th February 2023 to 18th February 2023
DDA JE Admit Card 2023 14th March 2023 [Out]
DDA JE Exam Date 2023
  • Junior Engineer (Civil Engg): 28th March 2023, 29th March 2023 & 01st April 2023
  • Junior Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical Engg): 3rd April 2023
DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper
Available Now
DDA Official Website https://dda.gov.in/

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 28th March 2023(1st Shift)

The candidates who have taken the DDA JE Exam 2023 held on 28th March 2023(1st Shift) shared some of the questions with us after the examination was over. Our team has consolidated all the possible questions and is given in this section for the convenience of the students:

  1. Numerical Based on γ dry.
  2. President of Ukraine.
  3. Question-based on G20.
  4. Who is the CEO of ONGC?
  5. Who is the Cultural Minister?
  6. IS Code-related problems
  7. Article 356
  8. 2nd Five-Year Plan
  9. Reduction Co-efficient

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 28th March 2023(2nd Shift)

The 28th March 2023 2nd Shift of the DDA Exam 2023 is over now, the aspirants who have taken the exam shared some of the questions with us that they remembered. The DDA JE Memory Based Question of 28th March 2023(2nd Shift) are given below:

  1. Pore Pressure Coefficient in Soil
  2. Renault’s number for laminar flow
  3. National Green tribunal act
  4. Water content range in soil.
  5. The permissible limit of total hardness of drinking water – Ans. Chlorine 200mg/ltr.
  6. Specific Gravity of which material is 3.14. Ans. Cement
  7. Right to Property – Article 300A
  8. How many zones are in India based on soil types?
  9. Bouge Compound
  10. Condition for Indeterminate Structure.
  11. CEO of Niti Ayog?
  12. Oxygen deficit is determined by?
  13. What is the purpose of the consolidation test?
  14. Slenderness ratio
  15. Property of Asbestos
  16. If there are 5 sides in a polygon. Find the sum of the internal angles of a polygon.
  17. Right to property
  18. The earthquake is measured on which scale?
  19. If the theoretical velocity is 20m/s, the Coefficient of velocity is Cv = 0.98, what will be the actual velocity?
  20. Mohr Hardness Scale for gypsum.
  21. A simply supported beam has a UVL load. Find the shape of SFD.
  22. What is the purpose of CaCl2 in Cement? Ans. Act as an accelerator for gaining strength.
  23. Two circular laminas with diameters 400mm and 200mm, what will be the ratio of Moment of Inertia?
  24. Flexural test

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 28th March 2023(3rd Shift)

The aspirants who appeared for the DDA JE Exam on 28th March 2023(3rd Shift) described the overall difficulty level as moderate. The Adda247 team has given all of the possible questions for the proper understanding of the students who are going to take the exam in the upcoming sessions:

  1. Shear force diagram for the uniformly varying load. Ans – Cubic
  2. Which method is used to determine the workability of concrete?
  3. Terzaghi theory-based Question.
  4. Oven Drawing Method.
  5. Compassionate Synonym.
  6. Elongation in the metallic bar due to its self-weight

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 29th March 2023(1st Shift)

The morning shift of the DDA JE 29th March 2023 Exam is over now, the candidates who appeared in the exam shared some of the questions with us after the examination was over. The DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper of 29th March 2023 First Shift consolidated by our team is given below:

  1. IS Code of Mangalore Tiles.
  2. 36th Edition of National GamesNational Game was held in which state?
  3. The second moment of area is known as – Moment of Inertia
  4. Maximum Grade for Nominal Mix.
  5. Leveling of points a and b is given combined correction factor is given then find the true value of leveling, Staff reading is also given.
  6. Circle radius 2r small circle of dia r cut and removed calculate MOI about the x-axis.
  7. EDM principle of working.
  8. Soil is divided into 18 parts in 18 how many coarse-grained and fine-grained silt?
  9. Target mean stress of M30 Concrete.
  10. The current population is x if it increases by 12% then population after 2 years?
  11. Article 16
  12. In the 2019 Lok Sabha election, INC won how many seats (52)
  13. Slope Deflection.
  14. In open channel flow for laminar Reynold no is?
  15. Shear Stress Diagram of Rectangular Section.
  16. When was Lucknow Pact held?
  17. In the cantilever slope and deflection, w is at the end
  18. SFD and BMD were given where the point of contra flexure is happening.
  19. Volume of sphere is given then find surface area?

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 29th March 2023(2nd Shift and 3rd Shift)

The evening shift of the DDA JE 29th March 2023 Exam is completed now, the aspirants who have taken the exam shared some of the questions that they were able to recall with our team. The DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper of 29th March 2023 Afternoon and Evening Shift consolidated by our team is given below:

  1. Vane shear test.
  2. Dynamic Viscosity
  3. Centre of pressure
  4. Development length
  5. Contour maps

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 3rd April 2023(1st Shift)

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) hosted the DDA JE Exam 2023 for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering on 3rd April 2023. The aspirants who appeared for the DDA JE 3rd April 2023 Morning shift shared some of the questions with our team which they were able to recall. The section-wise questions asked in the DDA JE Exam 2023 are given below:

  1. For the Delta Network, Find out the equivalent resistance.
  2. Back EMF
  3. True Power & Apparent Power
  4. Miling operation
  5. Young’s Modulus
  6. Poisson Ratio
  7. Article 21
  8. Article 370
  9. Mountain Peak
  10. Budget related questions
  11. 3 network current voltage problem
  12. Kaplan turbine
  13. Mizoram Establishment year – 31 Jan 1972
  14. Reasoning series – 6,8,16,18,36,38,_
  15. Gowardhan Yojana
  16. The first law of thermodynamics
  17. Entropy

DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper 3rd April 2023(2nd Shift)-Questions Asked

The afternoon shift of the DDA JE 3rd April Exam is over now. The candidates appeared for the examination with a lot of excitement. The memory-based questions shared by the students for the 3rd April 2nd shift are given in this section for the proper understanding of the candidates.

  1. Machine – Application
  2. Transient flow
  3. Face Milling operation
  4. Article 23
  5. Hydraulic Efficiency
  6. Paramshakti supercomputer was made by – IIT Kanpur
  7. Welding
  8. Porosity
  9. Casting
  10. Unit of electric flux
  11. Dual Cycle related problems
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DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper, Check Section-Wise Questions_3.1


How to get DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper?

The candidates can get DDA JE Memory Based Question Paper through this article.

How many questions will be asked in DDA JE Exam 2023?

A total of 120 Questions will be asked in DDA JE Exam 2023.

What is the DDA JE Exam Date?

The DDA JE Exam Date is 28th March 2023, 29th March 2023, 01st April 2023 & 3rd April 2023.

Is there any negative marking in the DDA JE Exam?

Yes, 1/3rd of the prescribed marks will be deduced for every wrong answer.