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DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023, Check DRDO CEPTAM Latest and Previous Year Cutoff Here

DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023

Defence Research & Development Organization Technical Cadre (DRTC) released the Final result for the Tech A post on 10th May 2023. The aspirants who appeared in the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Exam 2023 should check the cut-off marks through this article. The article covers all the details regarding DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023, candidates can check the category-wise cutoff marks and the previous year’s cutoff in the article.

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Cutoff 2023

On 30th January 2023, DRDO published the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2023 along with the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Cutoff for Tier II of STA B. The candidates can check important information about the DRDO Cutoff along with DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cutoff. In this article, we have provided important information regarding the DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023. The aspirants shall read the full article & bookmark the website for further Engineering Job Updates.

DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023 Overview

DRDO has released an official notification for various Senior Technical Assistant B and Technician-A posts under DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2023. Candidates can check the below table to get more information about DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023.

DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023 Overview
Name of the Organization Defence Research & Development Organization Technical Cadre (DRTC)
Post Name Tech A and STA B
Number of Vacancies 1901
Category Engineering Jobs
Online Application Begins 3rd September 2022
Online Application Ends 25th September 2022 [Last Date Extended]
DRDO CEPTAM 10 STA-B Tier I Exam Date 12th to 15th November 2022
DRDO CEPTAM 10 STA B Tier II Exam Date 12th January 2023
DRDO CEPTAM 10 Final Result 2023 OUT[30th January 2023]
DRDO Selection Process Tier I | Skill Test/Tier II
DRDO Official Website https://www.drdo.gov.in/


Defence Research & Development Organization Technical Cadre (DRTC) announced the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result for STA B Tier II on 30th January 2023. The candidates can download the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2023 through the link given below:

Click here for DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result 2023

DRDO STA B Cut off Tier I

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result for STA B Tier I on 19th December 2022 along with the cutoff marks was released by Defence Research & Development Organization Technical Cadre (DRTC). The candidates can check this article for the detailed category-wise cutoff marks for the various Subject/Discipline.


DRDO Tech A Cut off

Defence Research & Development Organization Technical Cadre (DRTC) declared the DRDO CEPTAM Tech A Final Result on 10th May 2023 on its official website @drdo.gov.in. The candidates who have appeared in the DRDO CEPTAM Tech A Eam can check the DRDO CEPTAM Tech A Cut off through the link given below.

Click here for DRDO CEPTAM Tech A Cut off(Link Inactive)

DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023 Category-Wise Detailed Cutoff

The DRDO CEPTAM Exam 2023 was scheduled to be held on 12th January 2023 for Tier II of STA B. The candidates can check the DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff for the previous years’ Tier I and Tier II examination i.e. 2018 and 2015 from this article along with the Latest DRDO CEPTAM 10 Cutoff 2023.

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Cutoff 2023-Tier I STA B

The DRDO CEPTAM 10 Result has been released on 19th December 2022 for Tier I of STA B on the official website of DRDO. Candidates can check the Branch-Wise Cutoff of the DRDO CEPTAM 10 Exam from the table mentioned below.

Subject/Discipline UR SC ST OBC EWS
Mechanical Engineering 97.22 92.51 81.66 96.06 90.88
Chemical Engineering 89.97 83.19 53.43 86.51 84.89
Computer Science 96.76 86.72 85.66 93.28 87.8
Civil Engineering 99.46 96.08 90.39 98.56 97.53
Mathematics 99.85 97.69 99.73 99.68
Physics 99.79 98.54 96.3 99.6 99.26
Electronics 95.74 89.49 72.25 92.65 85.24
Electrical 98.8 94.11 89.71 97.88 97.22

DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cut off (2018)-Tier I STA B

The candidates can check the DRDO CEPTAM Exam cutoff for the Tier I examination held for Senior Technical Assistant B in 2018 from the table given below:

Post Code & Post Name UR SC ST OBC
STA-B (Agricultural Science) 116.6806 113.7674
STA-B (Automobile Engineering 108.8712 78.5163 102.1147
STA-B (Chemical Engineering) 97.0023 91.0318 71.408 95.9425
STA-B (Botany) 123.2543 107.3318
STA-B (Chemistry) 124.4063 111.0276 108.6824 117.7433
STA-B (Civil Engineering) 116.9502 114.9475
STA-B (Computer Science) 112.1859 101.4414 89.3175 105.0278
STA-B (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) 105.516 91.8551 83.5132 101.635
STA-B (Electronics & Instrumentation) 96.2883 81.7224 88.5198
STA-B (Electronics or Electronics & Communication or Electronics & Telecommunication) 111.3124 101.4613 86.9081 106.6761
STA-B (Electrical Engineering) 114.723 104.3463 99.2454 111.5828
STA-B (Geology) 114.0916 108.6824
STA-B (Instrumentation) 105.9749 83.7311 101.3609
STA-B (Library Science) 94.5877 75.4868 88.4238
STA-B (Mathematics) 126.8042 113.9768 123.8093
STA-B (Mechanical Engineering) 115.0445 102.5065 97.3802 111.0276
STA-B (Metallurgy) 104.6368 83.5433 81.9363 99.2454
STA-B (Photography) 82.5065 62.3012
STA-B (Physics) 125.0321 116.2882 111.0276 123.0621
STA-B (Psychology) 87.4287 57.3373 67.8413
STA-B (Zoology) 123.3634 115.2882

DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cut off (2018)-Tier II STA B

In the table below the post-wise previous year, DRDO CEPTAM 10 STA B Tier II Cut-Off Marks are given:

Post Code Subject/Discipline UR SC ST OBC
0101 STA-B (Agriculture) 72
0102 STA-B (Automobile Engineering) 53 44 49
0103 STA-B (Botany) 80 71
0104 STA-B (Chemical Engineering) 57 59 47 64
0105 STA-B (Chemistry) 73 67 63 67
0106 STA-B (Civil Engineering) 64 66
0107 STA-B (Computer Science) 69 62 61 68
0108 STA-B (Electrical & Electronics
78 72 76 76
0109 STA-B (Electrical Engineering) 72 68 68 73
0110 STA-B (Electronics &
52 51 55
0111 STA-B (Electronics or Electronics &
Communication or Electronics &
71 64 67 70
0112 STA-B (Geology) 71 69
0113 STA-B (Instrumentation) 57 58 57
0114 STA-B (Library Science) 68 63 68
0115 STA-B (Mathematics) 64 56 58
0116 STA-B (Mechanical Engineering) 67 60 58 67
0117 STA-B (Metallurgy) 62 58 62 64
0118 STA-B (Photography) 55 61
0119 STA-B (Physics) 60 55 44 62
0120 STA-B (Psychology) 71 47 76
0121 STA-B (Zoology) 81 76

DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cut off (2015)-Tier I

The candidates can check the DRDO CEPTAM Tier I Exam Cutoff for the exam held in 2015 from the table given below:

Post Code & Post Name UR SC ST OBC
STA-B (Agricultural Science) 89
STA-B (Automobile Engineering 105 104
STA-B (Chemical Engineering) 87 80 70 82
STA-B (Chemistry) 97 86 74 95
STA-B (Civil Engineering) 96 90 83 94
STA-B (Computer Science) 83 74 74 78
STA-B (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) 95 87 85 90
STA-B (Electronics & Instrumentation) 83 67 52 75
STA-B (Electronics or Electronics & Communication or Electronics & Telecommunication) 91 82 72 87
STA-B (Electrical Engineering) 113 107 97 111
STA-B (Instrumentation) 86 60
STA-B (Library Science) 107 102
STA-B (Mathematics) 70 52 64
STA-B (Mechanical Engineering) 108 96 84 104
STA-B (Metallurgy) 99 88 83 95
STA-B (Microbiology) 84 74
STA-B (Photography) 72 57
STA-B (Physics) 71 64 61
STA-B (Printing Technology) 84 77
STA-B (Psychology) 61
STA-B (Radiography) 81 60
STA-B (Textile) 78
STA-B (Zoology) 86 75 71 80
Tech-A (Book Binder) 62
Tech-A (Carpenter) 83 73
Tech-A (Chemical Plant Operator) 76 52
Tech-A (COPA) 77 72 64 74
Tech-A (Cutting & Tailoring) 86
Tech-A (Draughtsman (Mechanical)) 88 62
Tech-A (DTP Operator) 58 58 58
Tech-A (Electrician) 93 80 85 90
Tech-A (Electronics) 76 69 66 72
Tech-A (Electro Plator) 57
Tech-A (Fitter) 110 104 96 108
Tech-A (FRP Processor) 64 105
Tech-A (Machinist) 107 93 82 97
Tech-A (Mechanic (Diesel)) 108 105
Tech-A (Medical Lab Technology) 78 74 68
Tech-A (Motor Mechanic) 94
Tech-A (Photographer) 61
Tech-A (Sheet Metal Worker) 71 67
Tech-A (Turner) 88 76 74 80
Tech-A (Welder) 103 95 82 100
(Junior Translator) 69 66
Admin Assistant -A (English Typing) 103 95 82 100
Admin Assistant -A (Hindi Typing) 83 76
Store Assistant -A (English Typing) 101 95 89 97
Asst. Halwai-cum-Cook 55

DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cut off (2015)-Tier I & Tier II

The candidates can check the DRDO CEPTAM Exam Cutoff for the Tier-I and Tier-II Written examinations (85% for Tier-I and 15% for Tier-II) from the table given below:

Post Code & Post Name UR SC ST OBC
0101-STA-B (Agricultural Science) 63.08
0102-STA-B (Automobile Engineering) 74.4 74.27
0103-STA-B (Chemical Engineering) 64.7 63 55.98 60.37
0104-STA-B (Chemistry) 69 63.6 54.15 67.87
0105-STA-B (Civil Engineering) 66.92 63.52 62.25 65.85
0106-STA-B (Computer Science) 60.7 55.98 56.28 58.93
0107-STA-B (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) 69.93 62.18 67.47 67.47
0108-STA-B (Electronics & Instrumentation) 64.53 61.58 53.72 61.52
0109-STA-B (Electronics or Electronics & Communication
or Electronics & Telecommunication)
63.83 59.18 53.47 62.83
0110-STA-B (Electrical Engineering) 76.67 74.03 67.92 76.05
0111-STA-B (Instrumentation) 68.23
0112-STA-B (Library Science) 78.25 77.37
0113-STA-B (Mathematics) 50.57 47.17
0114-STA-B (Mechanical Engineering) 76.05 70.05 64.52 74.47
0115-STA-B (Metallurgy) 73.78 72.13 58.37 72.95
0116-STA-B (Microbiology)
0117-STA-B (Photography) 59.05 63.45
0118-STA-B (Physics) 44.02 44.02
0119-STA-B (Printing Technology) 62.77 61.07
0120-STA-B (Psychology) 50.75
0121-STA-B (Radiography) 59.93 42
0122-STA-B (Textile) 60.05
0123-STA-B (Zoology) 62.65 52.08 49.75 60.37
0201-Tech-A (Book Binder) 48.3
0202-Tech-A (Carpenter) 61.13 53.38
0203-Tech-A (Chemical Plant Operator) 50.57 53.27
0204-Tech-A (COPA) 58.18 55.67 49.5 54.97
0205-Tech-A (Cutting & Tailoring) 63.02
0206-Tech-A (Draughtsman (Mechanical)) 64.17 58.85
0207-Tech-A (DTP Operator) 49.3 58.62 43.52
0208-Tech-A (Electrician) 66.8 60.52 60.88 65.67
0209-Tech-A (Electronics) 54.22 47.17 52.70
0210-Tech-A (Electroplator) 43.95
0211-Tech-A (Fitter) 76.22 73.15 68.5 74.97
0212-Tech-A (FRP Processor)
0213-Tech-A (Machinist) 75.52 69.62 67.8 72.02
0214-Tech-A (Mechanic (Diesel)) 78.73 77.03
0215-Tech-A (Medical Lab Technology) 59.5 56.35 56.73
0216-Tech-A (Motor Mechanic) 75.17
0217-Tech-A (Photographer) 54.83
0218-Tech-A (Sheet Metal Worker) 54.47 55.35
0219-Tech-A (Turner) 64.97 60.13 57.92 62
0220-Tech-A (Welder) 74.4 67.85 62.13 70.3
0301- (Junior Translator) 45.15
0401-Stenographer Grade-II () 65.4
0501-Admin Assistant -A (English Typing) 70 65.53 54.28 68
0502-Admin Assistant -A (Hindi Typing) 59.87 57.48
0601-Store Assistant -A (English Typing) 70.57 66.97 68.18
0701-Asstt Halwai-cum-Cook


How To Check DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cutoff

Follow the steps mentioned below to check the DRDO CEPTAM Previous Year Cutoff.

  • Visit the official website of DRDO i.e. @drdo.gov.in
  • Click the cut-off link of DRDO CEPTAM  on the home page.
  • View the Previous Years Cutoff based on Posts Applied.
  • Now check the DRDO CEPTAM cut-off marks
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DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2022

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DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023, Check DRDO CEPTAM Latest and Previous Year Cutoff Here_3.1


How many posts are announced under DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment?

The total number of posts announced under DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment is 1901.

When did DRDO conducted the DRDO STA-B Tier I Exam ?

The DRDO CEPTAM STA-B Tier I Exam was conducted from 12th to 15th November 2022.

Did DRDO release the DRDO CEPTAM Answer Key 2023?

No, DRDO has not yet delivered the DRDO CEPTAM Answer Key 2023 on its official website. Candidates keep checking this article for downloading the DRDO STA-B Answer Key.

When did DRDO Published the DRDO CEPTAM Cutoff 2023?

DRDO published the DRDO CEPTAM Tier I Cutoff 2023 along with DRDO CEPTAM Result on 19th December 2022. 

How Can I check the Cutoff marks for DRDO CEPTAM 10 Exam 2023?

Refer to the above article to check the category-wise DRDO CEPTAM 10 Cutoff marks.

When was the DRDO CEPTAM Final Result 2023 released?

The DRDO CEPTAM Final Result 2023 was released on 30th January 2023.

What is the cutoff marks for DRDO CEPTAM 10 2023?

Candidate must refer to the article to check category-wise cutoff marks for DRDO CEPTAM 10 2023.

Is DRDO CEPTAM Exam conducted every year?

Yes, DRDO CEPTAM Exam is conducted every year to recruit the candidates for various posts under Technical, Administrative & Allied categories, Administrative posts, etc.