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GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Civil Engineering, Difficulty Level, Subject-Wise Weightage & Good Attempts

GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Civil Engineering

The GATE Exam 2023 has been successfully conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur on 12th February 2023. The GATE CE Exam 2023 is scheduled to be held in two shifts (forenoon and afternoon). The first and second-shift exams of GATE Civil Engineering are over now and the candidates who appeared in the exam are now looking for GATE Exam Analysis to know the difficulty level of the question paper, subject-wise weightage, good attempts, etc.

Click Here for GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Mechanical Engineering

GATE Civil Paper Analysis 2023

IIT Kanpur successfully conducted the GATE Civil Paper on 12th February 2023. The students who appeared in the GATE CE Exam are eager to check the exam analysis We have covered a detailed GATE Civil Paper Analysis 2023 in this article. So, go through the full article for all the details of GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Civil Engineering and bookmark the website for the latest Engineering Job Updates.

Click Here for GATE 2023 Memory Based Question Papers

GATE CE Exam Analysis 2023 Overview

The GATE CE Exam 2023 was organized on 12th February 2023 (in Forenoon & Afternoon sessions). Now, the GATE CE is over and the students are eager to know the exam analysis. Refer to the below section to check a detailed overview of the GATE Exam 2023.

GATE CE 2023 Exam Analysis Overview
Conducting Authority Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
Purpose of GATE Exam 2023 Selection of Candidates for PSU Jobs and Masters Program
GATE Full Form Graduate Engineering Test in Engineering
Online Application Begin 30th August 2022
Last Date of Online Application 07th October 2022
Category Engineering Jobs
Mode of Exam Computer Based Test (CBT)
GATE 2023 Admit Card 09th January 2023
GATE 2023 Exam Date 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th of February 2023
GATE 2023 Official Website https://gate.iitk.ac.in

Click Here for GATE Exam Analysis 2023 ECE

GATE CE Paper Pattern 2023

The candidates must get a complete outlook of the GATE 2023 Question Paper to understand all the details of the exam briefly. To make students familiar with the GATE CE Exam 2023 we have tabulated the key highlights of the question paper in the below section.

GATE CE Paper 2023: Detailed Outlook
Exam Date 12th February 2023
Exam Time 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM (1st Shift) & 02:30 PM to 05:30 PM (2nd Shift)
Exam duration 3 Hours
Mode of Exam Online (Computer Based Test)
Total No. of Questions 10 (GA) + 55 (subject) = 65 Questions
Total Marks 100
  • General Aptitude
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Civil Engineering
Marks Distribution
  • General Aptitude – 15 Marks
  • Civil Engineering – 85 Marks
  • Total Marks – 100 Marks
Marking Scheme For MCQ-type questions, there will be a negative marking under:

  • For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
  • For 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer

There will be no negative marking for MSQ & NAT Type Questions.

Click Here to Check GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Computer Science Engineering

GATE 2023 Civil Engineering Paper Analysis – 12th February (1st Shift)

The GATE CE Exam 2023 conducted on 12th February 2023 in the forenoon session (09:30 AM to 12:30 PM) consisted of a total of 65 questions including MCQs, MSQs, and NATs. The candidates must refer to the below table to check the weightage of all these questions.

Type of Question No. of Questions
MCQ 34
MSQ 09
NAT 22
Total Questions 65

Click Here to Check GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Electrical Engineering

GATE CE Exam 2023 Difficulty Level(1st Shift)

We have prepared a detailed GATE CE Exam Analysis 2023 to help the aspirants. Our experts made an analysis of the exam based on the live student interaction directly from examination centers. Based on the Engineers Adda Team Analysis, it is concluded that the overall level of the question paper was moderate. Some of the technical questions were lengthy and time-taking.

Click Here for GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Instrumentation Engineering

GATE CE Paper Analysis 2023 Subject Wise Questions Asked (1st Shift)

There was a total of 65 questions asked in the GATE Civil First Shift Exam 2023 consisting of Multiple Choice Questions, Multiple Select Questions, and Numerical Answer Type questions. The subject-wise weightage of questions in the GATE CE Exam 2023 is bifurcated here.

Name of the Section/Subject No. of Questions Total Marks
1 Mark 2 Marks
General Aptitude 5 5 15
Engineering Mathematics 3 2 07
Geotechnical Engineering 8 5 18
Environmental Engineering 5 4 13
Strength of Material 3 3 09
Fluid Mechanics 3 2 07
Hydrology 2 4 10
Transportation 2 3 08
Structure 4 3 10

GATE Civil Exam 2023 Memory Based Questions (1st Shift)

The students who appeared in the 1st Shift of GATE Civil Engineering Exam 2023 shared the memory based questions with the Engineers ADDA247 Team. Based on the student’s feedback the memory-based questions for GATE CE Paper 2023 are as follows:

Q. Eject : Insert : : Advance : _______ (Retreat)

Q. I have not yet decided, what will I do this evening? I ______ visit a friend. (might)

Q. Name the water borne diseases caused by viral pathogens.

Q. dy/dx + α.xy = 0 with boundary conditions y = 1 at x = 0, and y = 8 at x = 1 then find the value of α.

Q. Solve the integral I = ∫ 1/x² dx

Q. P(A) = 0.5 & P(B) = 0.8 and P(a) = 0.5 & P(b) = 0.2. Find the probability of at least one happening.

Q. Given data S = 50%, G = 2.6, w = 15% then find the value of e. (Formula Se = wG)

Q. Transition Curve, R = 300m, V = 15m/sec, C = 0.75 m.sec³, Ls =? (Formula Ls = V³/C.R)

Q. A drained direct shear test is carried out on a specimen under a normal stress of 80kfg. The specimen gets failed at a shear stress of 35 KPa. The angle of internal friction will be.

Q. Compaction Curve based statement question.

Q. Aw = 100, B = 120d, Δt = 35cm, Kp = 30d, Kd = 12cm.

Q. Water water inflow in ASP = 0.5m³/sec and F/m ratio = 0.20 mg/mg day. Influent biodegradable organic matter (after primary setting) is 150mg/l and MLVSS = 2000mg/l complete removal of biodegradable organic matter. Find the volume of irration time?

Q. Given σ = 50KPa, τ = 35KPa, Φ = ?


GATE 2023 Civil Engineering Paper Analysis – 12th February (2nd Shift)

The second shift of the GATE 2023 Civil Engineering Exam was held on 12th February 2023 in the afternoon session (02:30 pm to 5:30 pm). The online exam consisted of a total of 65 questions bifurcated into MCQs, MSQs, and NATs as given in the table below:

Type of Question No. of Questions
MCQ 33
MSQ 13
NAT 19
Total Questions 65

GATE CE Exam 2023 Difficulty Level(2nd Shift)

The aspirants who have taken the GATE 2023 Civil Engineering Exam on 12th February 2023 in the afternoon session (02:30 pm to 5:30 pm) described the overall difficulty level of the examination as moderate. The aptitude section was easy like the previous shift exams and the technical section was of a moderate level.

GATE CE Paper Analysis 2023 Subject Wise Questions Asked (2nd Shift)

The afternoon shift of the GATE 2023 Exam consisted of a total of 65 questions. Candidates can check the subject-wise weightage of questions in the GATE CE Exam 2023 from the table given below:

Name of the Section/Subject No. of Questions Total Marks
1 Mark 2 Marks
General Aptitude 5 5 15
Engineering Mathematics 2 3 8
Geotechnical Engineering 7 4 15
Environmental Engineering 6 4 14
Strength of Material 3 2 7
Fluid Mechanics 3 3 9
Hydrology 2 3 8
Transportation 5 4 13
Structure 3 4 11

GATE Civil Exam 2023 Memory Based Questions (2nd Shift)

The aspirants who have taken the GATE 2023 Exam for CE in the afternoon session shared some of the questions with us after the examination was over. The candidates can check the GATE 2023 CE memory-based questions given below:

Q. When Elevation and Temperature are given. Find out the Lapse rate in(oc /100m)

Elevation Temperature
5 m 14.2
325 m 16.9

Q.SSD is equal to (a) Breaking Distance (b)Breaking Distance + Distance Traveled during reaction time (c)Breaking Distance + Perception reaction time (d)Distance Traveled during reaction time

Q.Given: D=0.6m, L=8m, r=19KN/m, c=25 KPa, FOS=3, Nc =9 then find out the safe load or allowable load. Given that alpha is 1.

Q.Match the following

  1. Horton’s Equation
  2. Muskingum Equation
  3. Penman Equation
  1. Precipitation
  2. Flood Frequency
  3. Evapotranspiration
  4. Infiltration
  5. Channel Routing

Q.(48)^x=256 then find out x.

Q. Which of the following are not active disinfectants?

  1. Cl
  2. O3
  3. OCl
  4. OH

Q.Kind:_______::often: seldom

  1. Cruel
  2. Kindness
  3. Variety
  4. Type

Q.Match the following

  1. Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  2. Carbon mono oxide
  3. Sulphur Oxide
  4. Ozone
  1. Reduce the capacity of blood to carry oxygen
  2. Bronchitis on pulmonary
  3. Damages Chromosomes
  4. Carcinogenic Effect

Q. As per IRC Guidelines( IRC 86: 2018) Extra widening depends on which of the follwing parameter?

  1. number of lanes
  2. longitudinal gradient
  3. S.E.
  4. Horizontal Curve Radius

Q.For an unconfined compression test, σ3=0, σd=76 KPa. Find c.

Q.For the given vector space [2 1 0 3]T and [1 0 1 2]T belongs to null space then find the other vector belonging to null space.

  1. [0 -2 1 -1]T
  2. [1 1 -1 1]T
  3. [2 0 1 2]T
  4. [3 1 1 2]T

Q. Magnetic Bearing= 183o30′(noon, sun) then find Magnetic Declination.

Q. If the size of the ground area is 6 km x 3 km and the corresponding photograph size is 3 cm x 15 cm. then find out Scale 1:?

Q. In a 3*3 grid, Find out the number of shaded so that only one shaded block will be there in a row and column.

Q. For the given figure find out σx and σy.

Exam Analysis

Q. Number of independent Eigen Vector of the given 3*3 matrix.

Q. A line ran_________ page.

Q. A round table has 6 identical chairs then find out the number of possible ways that couples sit together(there are 3 married couples).

Q. In the context of water and wastewater treatment the correct statement is?

  1. ammonia decreases chlorine demand
  2. Phosphorous stimulates algae and aquatic growth
  3. Ca and Mg increase hardness and TDS
  4. Particulate matter may shield microorganisms during disinfection


GATE CE Paper 2023 Good Attempts

As per the student’s review, the question paper for GATE Civil Engineering was moderate. The General Aptitude section was easy while the Technical section was moderate to a high level. Some of the numerical questions were tough. Based on the Engineers’ ADDA Team analysis the number of good attempts for the GATE CE Paper is 55-60 for the first shift and 52-56 for the second shift.

GATE Civil 2023 Expected Cutoff

The actual cutoff marks for GATE Civil Engineering Paper will be released by the conducting authority (IIT Kanpur) on its official website. The cutoff will be released category-wise and the candidates need to score marks equal to or more than the cutoff. Based on the student’s review and our team analysis the expected cutoff will be 30-33.

The category-wise previous year’s cutoff marks for GATE CE are tabulated below. The candidates can check the previous year’s cutoff trends in the below table to predict the expected cutoff.

Year General  OBC SC/ST/PH
2022 30.4 27.3 20.2
2021 29.2 26.2 22
2020 32.9 29.6 21
2019 26.9 24.2 17.9
2018 26.9 24.2 17.9
2017 28.7 25.8 19.1
2016 25 22.5 19.1
2015 25 22.5 16.6
2014 26.57 23.91 17.71
2013 27.13 24.42 18.09

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GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Civil Engineering

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GATE Exam Analysis 2023 Civil Engineering, Difficulty Level, Subject-Wise Weightage & Good Attempts_3.1


When was GATE CE Exam 2023 held?

The GATE CE Exam 2023 held on 12th February 2023.

What was the difficulty level of GATE Civil Paper?

The overall question level of the GATE Civil question paper was moderate.

How to check GATE 2023 Civil Exam Analysis 2023?

Refer to the article to check the detailed GATE 2023 Civil Exam Analysis 2023.

What will be the expected cutoff for GATE Civil Engineering 2023?

The expected cutoff for GATE Civil Engineering 2023 will lie between 30-33.

When will GATE 2023 Answer Key be out?

The GATE 2023 Answer Key will be out on 21st February 2023.