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HPSSC JE Selection Process 2022 for HPSSC Junior Engineer Exam

HPSSC JE Selection Process 2022

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission has announced the recruitment for 1647 vacancies of Junior Engineer and other posts. The online application will start on 30th September 2022 and will end on 29th October 2022. Certain points should be known to the candidate before applying like vacancy details, eligibility criteria, important dates, selection process, salary, etc. Read the full article to knowing about the HPSSC JE Selection Process 2022.

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HPSSC JE Recruitment 2022: Overview

The detailed overview of HPSSC JE Recruitment 2022 is tabulated below

HPSSC Recruitment 2022 Details: Overview

Recruitment Authority Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)
Post Name Sericulture Inspector, Assistant Manager (Mechanical/ Civil), Lab Technician & Other Vacancy
Vacancies 1647
Category Engineering Jobs
Apply Online Starts 30th September 2022
Last Date to Apply Online 29th October 2022
Apply Mode Online
Selection Process
  • Written Exam
  • Skill Test/ Typing Test/ Trade Test (if applicable)
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination
Job Location Himachal Pradesh
Official Website @www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in


HPSSC JE Selection Process 2022

The HPSSC JE Selection Process will be conducted in four stages:

  • Written Test
  • Skill Test/ Typing Test/ Trade Test (if applicable)
  • Certificate Verification
  • Medical Examination

The candidate is supposed to qualify all four of them to get the job.

There will be an objective type screening test will of a total of 100 marks consisting of 200 multiple choice questions of ½ marks each, followed by a skill test that is just qualifying. The post-wise description of s HPSSC JE selection process is in the table below:

Post Name Selection Process
Sericulture Inspector/Assistan Manager(Mechanical)/

Assistant Manager (Civil)/Assistant Manager (Electrical)/Assistant Librarian (Polytechnic)/ Laboratory Technician/Laboratory Assistant / Assistant Technical Officer/ Foreman (Electrical)/ Tester/ Laboratory Assistant/ Junior Engineer (Civil)/ Food Safety Office/ Ayurvedic Pharmacist/ Asstt. Manager//Junior Engineer (Civil)/ Junior Draughtsman/Assistant Programmer/ Supervisor for State Emergency Operation Centre/Manual Assistant/ Junior Auditor/ Instructor (Carpenter)/ Instructor (Computer Lab/IT Lab)/ Instructor (Plumber)/ Instructor (Pump Operator-cum- Mechanic)/ Instructor (Computer Operator and Programming Assistant)/Instructor ((Desk Top Publishing Operator [Previous Designation Printing & Book Binding])/Instructor (Dress Making)/ Instructor (Fashion Design Technology)/ Instructor (Food and Beverage Service Assistant)/ Instructor (Digital Photographer)/ Instructor (Sewing Technology)/ Instructor (Stenography)/ Secretarial Assistant{English} [Previous Designation Stenography English])/Instructor (Surface Ornamentation Techniques (Embroidery) [Previous Designation Embroidery & Needle Work])/Instructor (Electrician)/ Instructor (Electronics Mechanic)/ Instructor (Fitter)/ Instructor (Information Technology)/ Instructor (Instrument Mechanic)/ Instructor (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician)/ Instructor (Mechanic Motor Vehicle)/ Instructor Solar Technician (Electrical) Instructor (Surveyor)/ Instructor (Turner)/ Computer Assistant (Polytechnic)/ Workshop Instructor (Fitting)/ Junior Environmental Engineer/Junior Accountant/ Database Analyst/Junior Scientific Assistant/Junior Office Assistant (Accounts)/ Operation Theatre Assistant/ Operation Theatre Assistant/Draughtsman/Junior Engineer (Electrical)/Operator (Main Plant)/Mechanic/Fitter Operator(Mechanical/Radiographer/Senior Assistant (Accounts)/Laboratory Assistant/Radiographer/ Medical Laboratory Technician Gr-II

Subject(s)/field(s) concerned prescribed as essential qualification(s) in the R&P Rules and as notified in the advertisement. =120 questions
General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, Social Science, General English & General Hindi of Matric standard. = 80 question
Junior Office Assistant (IT) Objective type screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from :- i) Syllabus relating to Computer Science/Computer Application/Information Technology (IT)/ Information Technology Enabled Sectors (ITES)/Information Practices (IP) prescribed as essential qualification(s) in the R&P Rules and as notified in the advertisement. =140 questions ii) General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, Social Science, General English & General Hindi of Matric standard. = 60 questions i) Skill test on computer with minimum typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi for those who qualify objective type of screening test. Skill test will be of qualifying nature
Junior Scale Stenographer i)                    Objective type screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Word Processing, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic.

ii)                   Skill test in Shorthand in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English and typewriting in both the languages at the time of initial recruitment with the following minimum qualifying speeds for those who qualify objective type of screening test:-

Speed in short Hand Speed in typing
English 80WPM

Hindi 70WPM

English 40 WPM

Hindi 30WPM

Auditor (Panchayat)/ Conductor/ Assistant Auction Recorder/ Instructor [Basic Cosmetology (Previous Designation Hair & Skin Care)]/ Hostel Superintendent/ Workshop Instructor (Sheet Metal)/ Junior Basic Teacher Objective type screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from the subject(s)/field(s) concerned, General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic
Junior Scale Stenographer          i.            Objective type screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Word Processing, Social Science, logic, General English of Graduation standard and General Hindi of Matric Standard.

ii.            Skill test in Shorthand in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English and typewriting in both the languages at the time of initial recruitment with the following minimum qualifying speeds for those who qualify objective type of screening test:


Speed in short Hand Speed in typing
English 80WPM

Hindi 70WPM

English 40 WPM

Hindi 30WPM

Data Entry Operator          i.            Objective type screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from subject(s)/field(s) concerned, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Social Science, logic, General English of 10+2 standard and General Hindi of Matric Standard.

ii.            Skill test on computer with minimum typing speed of 25 words per minute in Hindi and 30 words per minute in English for those who qualify objective type of screening test. (Skill test will be of qualifying nature.)

Sub Fire Officer i)           Objective type screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from the subject(s)/field(s) concerned, General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic.

ii)         Physical standard and physical efficiency test will be of qualifying nature and will be as under:-

Minimum physical standard:

Height          –               165 Cms.

Chest            –               80 Cms. (with expansion upto 85 Cms.) Weight         –            52 kg.

Eyesight       –               6/6 without glasses.

Physical efficiency:

a.        100 meters race in 15 seconds.

b.       High Jump 120 Cms.

c.        Broad Jump 3 meters 60 Cms.

d.       800 meter race in 3 minutes

Sub Inspector of  Police i)           Objective type Screening test consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions from the syllabus of General English of 10+2 standard, Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current Affairs & Logic will be of qualifying nature.

ii)         Physical Standard and Physical Efficiency test of qualifying nature for those who qualify the Screening Test.

iii)        Subjective test of 100 marks of those who qualify the Physical Standard and Efficiency Test in General English & General Hindi languages including précis writing, Essay writing etc.

Fireman i)           Objective type screening test consisting of 170 Multiple Choice Questions from the subject(s)/field(s) concerned, General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic.

ii)         Physical standard and physical efficiency test will be of qualifying nature and will be as under:-

Minimum physical standard:

Height          –               165 CM

Chest            –               80 cm (with expansion up to 85 cm.) Weight  –               52 Kg.

Eye sight      –               6/6 without glasses.

Physical efficiency:

a)     100 Mtrs. Race with 50 Kg. weight of sand bag in 1 minute.

b)    Climbing of Rope up to 12 feet.


HPSSC JE Selection Process 2022: FAQs

Q.1 Is the physical efficiency test compulsory for all posts?

Ans. No, the Physical Efficiency Test is only for a few of them. Please refer above article.

Q.2 What is the total number of questions in the written test?

Ans. There will be 200 questions of ½ mark each.

Q.3 Does the Junior Scale Stenographer post requires a skill test?  

Ans. Yes, please refer above article



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HPSSC JE Selection Process 2022 for HPSSC Junior Engineer Exam_3.1


Q.1 Is the physical efficiency test compulsory for all posts?

Ans. No, the Physical Efficiency Test is only for a few of them. Please refer above article.

Q.2 What is the total number of questions in the written test?

Ans. There will be 200 questions of ½ mark each.

Q.3 Does the Junior Scale Stenographer post requires a skill test?  

Ans. Yes, please refer above article