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IRMS Notification 2022, Direct Link to download Official IRMS Notice

IRMS Notification 2022

Indian Railway Management Service has issues the gazette notification in which IRMS has declared the rules regulating the method of recruitment to the Indian Railway Management Service Group – A. These rules may be called the Indian Railway Management Service (Group – A) Rules, 2022 and They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. In the official gazette notification which was issued on 15th February 2022 on the official website @indianrail.gov.in, the authorities have explained the definition of some commly used abbreviations in the notice. after this the IRMS has given the basic required information about the recruitment process and members in the notification 2022 PDF. The authorities have explained in detail in the IRMS 2022 Notification about the future maintenance of the services. In this article we have provided the important information regarding IRMS Notification 2022 and we have also given the direct link to download the official IRMS Notification 2022 PDF for the ease of candidates. The candidates aspiring to work for IRMS shall go through the full article and must bookmark this website for further IRMS Job Updates.

IRMS UPSC CSE Notification 2022 – Overview

Name of Exam Conducting Authority Indian Railway Management Service
Category Engg Jobs
Official Website @indianrail.gov.in.

IRMS Notification 2022 Notification PDF

The candidates can download IRMS Notification 2022 PDF through the direct link given below. The notification will be out soon for 500 plus vacancies on the official website. The details regarding eligibility criteria, salary, etc regarding IRMS Recruitment 2022 will be updated on this website soon.

Click to download IRMS Notification 2022 Notification PDF

IRMS Notification 2022 Detailed Information

(1) Any vacancy in any of the grades specified in Schedule I after the commencement of these rules shall be filled in the following manner, namely:-
(a) 50 per cent of the vacancies in the grade of Junior Time Scale shall be filled by direct recruitment through Civil Services Examination conducted by the Commission on the basis of the educational qualifications and age-limit specified by the Government in consultation with the Commission.
(b) 50 per cent of the vacancies in the Junior Time Scale shall be filled by promotion through selection, in the manner specified in Schedule II.
(2) The appointment in the grade of Junior Time Scale shall be made in consultation with the Commission.
(3) The appointment in the grades of Senior Time Scale and above of the Service shall be made by promotion from amongst the officers in the next lower grade possessing minimum qualifying service and in the manner as specified in Schedule II.
(4) The selection of officers for promotion shall be made by selection except in the case of promotion to post of Non Functional Selection Grade which shall be on the basis of seniority subject to suitability on the recommendation of the committee constituted for this purpose in accordance with Schedule-III.
(5) The selection in each case under sub-rule 3 shall be on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee except in case of post in Apex, HAG+ and HAG. Selection in these cases shall be governed by Railway Board Resolution regarding norms for selection of officers for appointment to these posts, issued from time to time with the approval of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet.


(1) Every officer on appointment to the Service, either by direct recruitment or by promotion in Junior Time Scale, shall be on probation for a period of two years: Provided that the Controlling Authority may extend the period of probation in accordance with the orders and instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
Provided further that any decision for any extension of period of probation shall be taken ordinarily within eight weeks after expiry of the previous period of probation and communicated in writing to the concerned officer together with the reasons for so doing within the said period.
(2) On completion of the period of probation or an extension thereof, officers shall, if considered fit for the permanent appointment, be retained in their appointment on regular basis and be confirmed in due course against the available substantive vacancy, as the case may be.
(3) If, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, as the case may be, the Government is of the opinion that an officer is not fit for permanent appointment, the Government may discharge or revert the officer to the post held by him prior to his appointment in the Service, as the case may be.
(4) During the period of probation or any extension thereof, the officers may be required to undergo such training and instructions and to pass such examination and tests (including examination in Hindi) as Government may deem fit, as a condition to satisfactory completion of probation.
(5) In all matters not specifically provided for herein, the probationers will be governed by the provisions of the Indian Railway Establishment Codes or Manuals as amended from time to time and other
orders in force issued by the Controlling Authority from time to time.

Non-Functional Up-gradation

(1) Whenever any Indian Administrative Service officer of the State or Joint Cadre is posted at the Centre to a particular grade carrying pay in a specific level in thepay matrix for which Nonfunctional upgradation is applicable, the members of this Service, who are senior to such Indian Administrative Service officer by two years or more and have not so far been promoted to that
particular grade, would be granted the same grade on non-functional basis from the date of posting of theIndian Administrative Service officer in that particular grade at the Centre.
(2) All the prescribed eligibility criteria and promotional norms including benchmark‘ for up-gradation to a particular level in the pay matrix shall have to be fulfilled at the time of screening for grant of higher level in the pay matrix.
(3) Grant of Non-Functional Up-gradation shall be made on the recommendations of the Departmental Screening Committee as specified in Schedule III.
(4) The terms and conditions for grant of Non-Functional Up-gradation shall be as per the instructions or orders issued by the Government on the subject from time to time.

Other Conditions of Service

The conditions of service of the members of the Service, in respect of matters for which no provision is made in these rules shall, unless the Government otherwiseorders, be the same as are applicable from time to time to officers of the OrganizedGroup – A‘ Central Service.

IRMS Notice 2022

Grades of duty post Designation @ Railways No. of Sanctione Posts
Apex 07
HAG+ General Manager 59
HAG Principal Chief Manager 139
Administrative Grade
 Chief Manager 791
Non-Functional Selection
Deputy Chief Manager 2325 (30%)
Administrative Grade
Deputy Chief Manager 2325 (70%)
Senior Time Scale Senior Manager or
Divisional Manger
Junior Time Scale Assistant Manager 450

IRMS Salary 2022

Grades of duty post Designation @ Railways Pay Scale
Apex level 17
(Rs. 225000)
HAG+ General Manager level 16
HAG Principal Chief Manager level-15
Administrative Grade
 Chief Manager level 14
(Rs. 144200-
Non-Functional Selection
Deputy Chief Manager level 13
(Rs. 123100-
Administrative Grade
Deputy Chief Manager level 12
(Rs. 78800-
Senior Time Scale Senior Manager or
Divisional Manger
Level 11
(Rs. 67700-
Junior Time Scale Assistant Manager Level 10
(Rs. 56100-

IRMS Notification 2022 FAQs

Q1. Where can I check the number of sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022?

Ans. You can check the number of sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022 in this article.

Q2. Where can I check the salary for various sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022?

Ans. You can check the salary for various sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022 in this article.

Q3. When did IRMS release the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification?

Ans. IRMS released the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification on 10th february 2022.

Q4.In how many departments will Indian Railways be unified?

Ans. Indian railways will be unified in to two departments.

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IRMS Notification 2022, Direct Link to download Official IRMS Notice_3.1


Where can I check the number of sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022?

You can check the number of sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022 in this article.

Where can I check the salary for various sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022?

You can check the salary for various sanctioned posts announced under IRMS Notification 2022 in this article.

When did IRMS release the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification?

IRMS released the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification on 10th february 2022.

In how many departments will Indian Railways be unified?

Indian railways will be unified in to two departments.