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IRMS UPSC CSE 2022, 150 IRMS Vacancies to be recruited through UPSC CSE 2022

IRMS UPSC CSE 2022: Indian Railways Management Services, the newly added Class A Services in Indian Railways has been announced recently through an official notification. Priorly the Class A Engineering Vacancies in Indian Railways were recruited by the ESE (Engineering Services Examination). For the past few years, this recruitment was kept on hold by the railway board. This year they’ve announced the vacancies through a whole new class A services called IRSM (Indian Railways Management Services). Through an official gazette announcement UPSC has informed that 50% of the vacancies will be recruited through UPSC CSE Examination and for the remaining vacancies, they well be opting the method of departmental upgradation. On the official website of UPSC, a new addendum has been released on the extention to the UPSC Notification 2022 dated 2nd February 2022. Read the article till the end to know about the latest update by UPSC on IRMS.

IRMS UPSC CSE 2022 Notice

UPSC, by the decision of government has invited the application to recruit 150 IRMS Vacancies for the class A Gazetted Officers in the Indian Railways. The Notice is an addendum to the UPSC CSE Notification 2022 relased by UPSC on 2nd February 2022. The notice by UPSC reads,

“With reference to the Notice no. 05/2022, published on the Union
Public Service Commission’s website on 02.02.2022 inviting applications
from the aspirants of the Civil Services Examination- 2022, it is informed
that the Government has decided to recruit 150 personnel in the Indian
Railway Management Service (IRMS), Group ‘A’ through the Civil Services
Examination- 2022. Accordingly, the Government (Department of Personnel
& Training) has issued the Notification No. 13018/04/2021-AIS(I) dated 17th
Feb, 2022 effecting inclusion of the IRMS, Group ‘A’ in the list of Services
for recruitment through the Civil Services Examination-2022. Consequently,
it has been decided by the Commission to add the IRMS, Group ‘A’ to the list
of Services indicated in its Notice under reference. The tentative number of
vacancies i.e. 861 as indicated in the Examination Notice dated 02.02.2022
now stands modified to 1011. Out of the 150 vacancies in IRMS, 06
vacancies have been reserved for the Persons with Benchmark Disability

IRMS UPSC CSE Official Notification

The Official Notification of UPSC CSE IRMS has been issued recently explaining the merging of IRMS Class A Services to the UPSC CSE Examination. The Link to Download Official Notification is given below, check to know details.

UPSC IRMS 2022 New Vacancy

The number of IRMS Vacancy 2022 released through UPSC CSE Recruitment 2022 is 150 which takes the total UPSC Vacancy count from 861 to 1011. Out of these 150 vacancies, , 06
vacancies have been reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD).

The sub-category of disability, Functional Classification (FC) and Physical Requirements (PR) for the IRMS are as follows:

Service Sub-Category Functional Classification (FC) Physical
Requirement (PR)
IRMS Locomotor
OA or OL including
S, ST, BN, W, SE,
MF, C, RW, PP, H

IRMS UPSC CSE Exam 2022 Eligibility Criteria

According to the official addendum, apart from the PwBD Eligibility Criteria, remaining all the eligibility criteria will be as same as that mentioned in the UPSC CSE notification published on 2nd February 2022.


Q1 How Many Vacancies have been announced through UPSC IRMS CSE Recruitment 2022?

Ans A total of 150 IRMS Vacancies have been announced through IRMS Recruitment 2022.

Q2 When is the Last Date to Apply for UPSC CSE Recruitment 2022?

Ans The Last Date to Apply for UPSC CSE Recruitment 2022 is 03rd March 2022.

Q3. When did IRMS release the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification?

Ans. IRMS released the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification on 10th February 2022.

Q4.In how many departments will Indian Railways be unified?

Ans. Indian railways will be unified in to two departments.

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IRMS Notification 2022, Direct Link to download Official IRMS Notice |_70.1


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IRMS UPSC CSE 2022, 150 IRMS Vacancies to be recruited through UPSC CSE 2022_3.1


How Many Vacancies have been announced through UPSC IRMS CSE Recruitment 2022?

A total of 150 IRMS Vacancies have been announced through IRMS Recruitment 2022.

When is the Last Date to Apply for UPSC CSE Recruitment 2022?

The Last Date to Apply for UPSC CSE Recruitment 2022 is 03rd March 2022.

When did IRMS release the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification?

IRMS released the notice of approval for the eight indian railway services unification on 10th February 2022.

.In how many departments will Indian Railways be unified?

Indian railways will be unified in to two departments.