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ISRO Full Form, Detailed Information About ISRO Latest Mission

ISRO Full Form: The ISRO Full Form is an Indian Space Research Organization headquartered in Bengaluru. ISRO is the Indian space agency involved in science, engineering, and technology related to space. It is also an organization of international importance in Space Technology. The basic objective of the ISRO/DOS is the development and application of space technology as per the need of the nation.

ISRO Full Form Overview

Indian Space Research Organization previously known by Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) established in 1969 is responsible for various space activities and projects. Check the key details regarding ISRO Full Form tabulated here:

ISRO Full Form Overview
Name of the Organization Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Previous Name Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR)
Establishment of ISRO 15 August 1969
Founder of ISRO Vikram Sarabhai
Headquarter Bengaluru
Name of Department Department of Space (DOS)
Name of Ministry Ministry of Space
Union Minister of Space (at present) Prime Minister (Mr. Narendra Modi)
Chairman of ISRO S. Somnath
Official Website of ISRO www.isro.gov.in

What is ISRO?

Indian Space Research Centre was established in 1969 and works under the Department of Space, Government of India. The Department of Space works under the administration of the Prime Minister and Space Commission. Previously ISRO was named by Indian National Committee for Space Research. The primary objective of ISRO is to utilize space technology for various national needs.

To fulfill this objective, ISRO has established major space systems for communication, television broadcasting, and meteorological services. resources monitoring and management, and space-based navigation services. ISRO has developed various satellite launch vehicles such as PSLV and GSLV, to place the satellites in the required orbits.

ISRO Chandrayan-3 Live Updates

India has successfully landed its Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on the moon, making it the fourth country to achieve this incredible feat. This achievement could make India a powerful space player globally. Only the United States, China, and the former Soviet Union have done soft landings on the moon before.

Chandrayaan-3 landed in a special spot on the moon’s south pole, which is closer than any other mission has gone. This area is important because experts think there might be frozen water there. This water could be turned into fuel for rockets or even drinking water for astronauts in the future.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi watched the landing from South Africa and shared his thoughts. He said this success isn’t just India’s achievement, it’s something the whole world can celebrate. He talked about how India’s approach to unity and working together is making an impact worldwide.

Is ISRO Owned by the Government?

Yes, ISRO is fully owned by the Government of India and works under the Department of Space, Govt. of India. ISRO involves in research and development activities such as remote sensing, meteorology, and planetary exploration. ISRO is a dream organization for huge number of aspirants to establish their good career.

List of ISRO Space Centres in India

ISRO is an abbreviation for Indian Space Research Organization governed by the Department of Space (DoS) under the Ministry of Space of the Indian Government. There are many space centers of ISRO in India as follows:

  • Antrix Corporation – The marketing arm of ISRO, Bengaluru.
  • Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram – India’s Space University.
  • Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Mohali.
  • Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad.
  • New Space India Limited – Commercial wing, Bengaluru.
  • National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, Andhra Pradesh.
  • North-Eastern Space Applications Centre (NE-SAC), Umiam.

How to get a Job at ISRO?

ISRO recruits the desired candidates for various positions like Trade Apprentice, Technician, Engineer Trainee, Management Trainee, and Scientist Engineer in its many departments and units. The candidates can get a reputed job in ISRO after completing their Diploma/Degree/ITI in the respective discipline.

ISRO conducts lots of recruitment drives every year to engage candidates for various posts. To get a job in ISRO is a dream for many candidates. You can check the latest recruitments announced by the ISRO and its constituent units by visiting our page using the below link.

ISRO Next Mission on Chandrayan-4

ISRO is working on Chandrayan-4. The main purpose for working on Chandrayan-4 is that to find out Water on Moon because the mission of Chandrayan-3 is that to find out the Minerals and Temperature present on moon but the chandrayan-3 works for only 14 days after that chandrayan-3 is going to inactive mode because after 14 days the sun light will not reach to moon and hence rover not charged and it will go into inactive mode.

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ISRO Full Form, Detailed Information About ISRO Latest Mission_3.1


What is the full form of ISRO?

The full form of ISRO is the Indian Space Research Organization (a Space Agency of India).

Where is the headquarter of ISRO?

The headquarter of ISRO is in Bengaluru City.

What is the department of ISRO?

ISRO comes under the Department of Space (DoS).

When did ISRO established?

ISRO was established on 15 August 1969.

Who founded the Indian Space Research Organization?

Vikram Sarabhai founded the Indian Space Research Organization.

Who is the chairman of ISRO?

The current CEO of ISRO is Mr. S. Somnath.