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MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023, Last Date to Apply for 201 Vacancies

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023

Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur published the latest job Notification on its official website for the recruitment of Professor /Associate Professor /Assistant Professor in various Departments/Centres of the Institute on 201 vacancies including backlog and non-backlog posts. The online application link for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2022 was activated on 10th December 2022 and the link will be disabled on 13th January 2023.

The article covers all the relevant details regarding MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 including Notification, Vacancy Details, Application Link, Educational Qualification, Age Limit, Selection Process, etc. So read the full article carefully to get complete details of recruitment and bookmark this website for further Engineering Job Updates.

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MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 – Overview

MNIT Jaipur Teaching Recruitment 2023 announced 201 vacancies on its official website @mnit.ac.in. Candidates may apply online for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment till 13th January 2023. Candidates can check a detailed overview of MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 summarized in the below table.

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 – Overview
Name of the Organization Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Post Name Professor /Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Vacancy 201
Advertisement No. AES/MNIT/ESTT/2022/TEACHING/01
Category Engineering Jobs
Apply Online Start 10th December 2022
Last Date to Apply Online 13th January 2023
Selection Process Written Test | Interview
Official Website of MNIT Jaipur https://mnit.ac.in

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Notification

MNIT issued the Notification for 201 posts of Professor, Associate Professor, & Assistant Professor with the advertisement number AES/MNIT/ESTT/2022/TEACHING/01 on 10th December 2022. The candidates must read the complete MNIT Notification PDF to get familiar with the whole recruitment details. You can download the MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Notification using the direct link provided below.

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF – Click here to download

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 – Important Dates

The candidates can check the important dates given under MNIT Recruitment 2023 Notification are mentioned in the below table.

MNIT Recruitment 2023 – Important Dates
Events  Dates
MNIT Notification Issue 10th December 2022
MNIT Online Application Commence 10th December 2022
Last Date to Submit the Online Application 13th January 2023
Last Date to Send the Hardcopy of Application Form 19th January 2023

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

With the release of the Notification, the online application for NIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 commenced on 10th December 2022 and will last up on 13th January 2023. Applicants who fulfill the essential qualification mentioned under the official Notification will be able to submit their online application using the direct link given below.

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link

Steps to Apply for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023

Applicants can follow the steps listed here to apply successfully for MNIT Faculty Recruitment 2023.

  • Visit the official website of MNIT Jaipur i.e. www.mnit.ac.in
  • Verify the Eligibility details prescribed under the Notification PDF.
  • Fill out the Application Form for the desired post.
  • Upload the documents in the preferred size and format.
  • Pay Application Fees.
  • Submit the Application and take a Printout for future reference.
  • Now send the hardcopy of the Application form to the below address through speed post/registered post/courier to: along with all the documents The envelope containing the application be superscripted as
    DEPARTMENT/CENTRE ………………………..……

Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
JLN Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan-302017, India
The last date for receipt of a hard copy of the duly filled application form along with all self-attested supporting documents and application fee details is 19th January 2023 by 05:30 PM.

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 – Application Fees

The category-wise application fees for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 are as under:

MNIT Faculty Recruitment 2023 – Application Fees
Category Application Fees
GEN/OBC-NCL/EWS Indian National Rs. 1,000/-
GEN/OBC-NCL/EWS Abroad Candidates US $ 25
SC/ST/PWD Indian National Rs. 250/-
SC/ST/PWD Abroad Candidates US $ 10

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Vacancy

As per the NIT Jaipur Faculty Job Notification, a total of 201 vacancies are announced for various teaching positions. The post-wise and category-wise vacancy distribution are tabulated here.

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Details
Professor (Level 14A) 13 07 04 02 02 01 28
Associate Professor (Level 13A2) 24 15 08 04 05 02 56
Assistant Professor (Level 12) 05 05 (Backlog) 01 (Backlog) 04 (Backlog) 02 02 17
Assistant Professor (Level 11) 08 13 (Backlog) 05 (Backlog) 03 (Backlog) 04 04 33
Assistant Professor (Level 10) 12 23 (Backlog) 17 (Backlog) 09 (Backlog) 06 09 67
Total 201

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 – Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who want to apply for MNIT Teaching Recruitment 2023 must fulfill the essential qualification prescribed under MNIT Notification. The eligibility criteria include educational qualification, age limit, etc. The detailed eligibility for MNIT Recruitment 2023 is mentioned below.

Educational Qualification

The post-wise Educational Qualification for MNIT Teaching Recruitment 2023 are tabulated here.

Department/Centre Minimum Educational Qualification Specialization
Architecture and Planning For Pay Level 10 and 11:
B.Arch. , M.Arch./M.Plan
For Pay Level 12 and above:
B.Arch., M. Arch./M. Plan.,
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Architecture, Architectural Conservation, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Product Design, Sustainable Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban and Rural Planning, Urban
and Regional Planning, City Planning, Housing, Transportation Planning, Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Planning
Center for Energy & Environment B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
/Electrical and Electronics Engineering /
Civil Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Instrumentation and control engineering.M.E./M.Tech. or equivalent in Energy/Power/Thermal related programs.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline
Energy storage, Energy Policy, Hybrid Energy System, Energy Efficient Buildings, Hydrogen, Co-generation and waste heat recovery, Wind energy, Energy Economics, Energy Management, Power Electronics, Smart Grid, RE Integration.
Civil Engineering B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent in Civil
M.E. / M.Tech. or equivalent in
Surveying/ Transportation Engineering /
Geotechnical Engineering / Earth Sciences/ Structural Engineering / Water Resources Engineering/ Environmental Engineering / Remote Sensing and GIS / Civil Engineering Materials / Construction & Project Management.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Surveying, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering,
Remote Sensing and GIS, Civil
Engineering Materials, Construction and Project Management.
Chemical Engineering B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Chemical
M.E./M. Tech. or equivalent in Chemical
Engineering / Allied branch.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Energy Storage Technologies, Modeling & Simulation, Process Intensification, Biochemical Engineering, Sustainable Energy Technologies, Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical.
Chemistry B.Sc. or equivalent degree in Chemistry or related subjects with Chemistry courses at
least in four semesters out of six semesters.
M.Sc. or equivalent in Chemistry or
related areas or integrated M.Sc., or B.S.-
M.S integrated degree. Ph.D in Chemical Sciences.
Organic Chemistry: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Bio-Organic Chemistry,
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Nano-Catalysis, Polymer Chemistry.
Inorganic Chemistry:
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic
Photochemistry for Renewable energy, Nanomaterials, Supramolecular Chemistry,
Molecular Catalysis and Chemical
Physical Chemistry:
Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy, Atmospheric
Chemistry, Electro-chemistry, Nano-Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Corrosion.
Analytical Chemistry:
Advanced Instrumental Methods,
Environmental Chemistry and related areas.
Computer Science and
B.E./ B.Tech. or equivalent in Computer
Science & Engineering / Computer
Engineering/ Information Technology/
Electronics & Communication
Engineering/Computer & Communication
Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics
M.E./ M. Tech. or equivalent in
Computer Science & Engineering or
relevant discipline.Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer vision and Robotics, High Performance Computing, Real Time Systems, Theoretical Computer Science,
Computational Mathematics.
Electrical Engineering B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Electrical
Engineering /Electrical and Electronics
Engineering/ Electrical and Computer
Engineering/ Instrumentation and Control
Engineering / Electrical and
Communication Engineering / Power
Systems Engineering.
M.E./M. Tech. or equivalent in Electrical
Engineering/ Power System/ Power
Electronics and Drives/ Control Systems/
Electric Drives and Control/
Instrumentation and Control/ Machines and Electrical Drives/ Energy Systems/ Signal Processing and Control/ Micro Electronics/ Systems Engineering.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Electrical Machines, Control Systems, Instrumentation and Control, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Signal Processing, Energy Systems, Power
System Management, Renewable Energy, Smart Grids, Power System Economics, Electricity Markets, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Micro Electronics.
Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Electronics
& Communication Engineering/ Electronics/ Communication/ Telecommunication Engineering / EE / CSE.
M.E./M.Tech. or equivalent in relevant
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Microwave Engineering, RF Circuits and Antenna, Communication Systems, Optics & Photonics, Wireless/Mobile /Optical Communications, Speech/ Image/
Video/Biomedical/Signal Processing,
Computer/ Communication Networks, Embedded systems/IoT/ Sensor/ Cyber-Physical Systems, AI/ML/ DL, Computer Vision, Computer/VLSI Architectures, Cryptography & Network security, Analog and Mixed Signal Design, Microelectronics & Nano-electronics, MEMS Devices and Systems, VLSI system design/Testing, Quantum Computing and related areas of above.
Humanities and Social Science M.A./ M.Sc. or equivalent in Humanities
& Social Sciences.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Economics, English, Sociology and
Political Science.
Management Studies Master’s Degree in the relevant
discipline with preferably MBA/M.Tech. (or PGDBM/PGDM discipline equivalent to MBA) degree applicants with FPM or
PGDBM/PGDM in the relevant area. All
are mandatorily required to produce a valid equivalence certificate from AlU as per the case.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Marketing Management: Digital Marketing, Brand Management, International Marketing, Business Analytics: Business Intelligence & Analytics, AI, Machine Learning, Big Data and Cloud Computing,
Operations Management: Project
Management, Supply Chain Management, Financial Management: Financial Analytics, Financial Engineering, Human
Resource Management: HR Analytic.
Mathematics B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematics or equivalent
M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics or equivalent
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Operation Research, Statistics and
Probability, Algebra and Number Theory, Differential Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph theory, Theoretical Partial Differential, Equations
Mechanical Engineering B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Mechanical
Engineering/ Production Engineering/
Mechanical & Production Engineering/ Production & Industrial Engineering/
Mechanical & Automation
Engineering/ Manufacturing Processes and
Automation Engineering/ Manufacturing
M.E./M.Tech. or equivalent in
Design/Industrial/Production/ Thermal or
any other relevant specialization
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Design Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, Production Engineering, Thermal Engineering.
Metallurgical and Materials
B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in
Metallurgical Engineering /Metallurgy/
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering /
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials
Science /Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering /Materials and
Metallurgy/Materials Science and
M.E./M.Tech. or equivalent in
Metallurgical Engineering / Metallurgy /
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering /
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials
Science / Materials and Metallurgical
Engineering / Materials Engineering/Materials and Metallurgy /
Materials Science and Metallurgy /
Materials Science and Engineering / Steel
Technology /Mineral Processing/Ore
Dressing. Any specialization related to
Metallurgical Engineering.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Process Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Corrosion Engineering, Ceramic Materials, Nanomaterials and Technology, Engineering Materials, Computational Materials Science, Process Modelling and Simulation, Electronic Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Devices for energy and biomedical applications,
Machine learning and Neural Network. Any relevant areas of specialization related to
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and its equivalent discipline.
Materials Research Centre B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Materials
Science and Engineering/
Nanotechnology/ Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science/ Chemical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Ceramic Engineering.
M.E./M. Tech. or equivalent in Materials
Science and Engineering/
Nanotechnology/ Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science/ Mechanical Engineering/ Ceramic Engineering.
M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Physics/ Materials
Science/Nanotechnology / Polymer
Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Materials Science/ Ceramics/ Nano-Technology/ Soft Materials and any other allied areas.
National Centre for Disaster B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Civil
Structural Engineering, Earthquake
Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Rock Mechanics, Blast Resistant Design of Civil Structures, Nonlinear Analysis of Structures, Earthquake Testing of Structures, or other similar specialization.
Mitigation & Management M.E./M. Tech. or equivalent in Structural
Engineering/Earthquake Engineering/
Geotechnical Engineering.
Ph.D. in relevant discipline
Physics M.Sc. or equivalent in Physics /Applied
Physics Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
Condensed Matter Physics, Materials
Science, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Computing, Lasers and Optoelectronics.

Age Limit

The age limit of candidates should not be more than 60 years to apply for MNIT Jaipur Teaching Recruitment 2023.

MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2022 – Selection Process

The selection of candidates for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023 will be made based on the Written Test/Interview and Qualification.

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MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023, Last Date to Apply for 201 Vacancies_3.1


What is the last date to apply for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023?

The closing date of application for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment is 13th January 2023.

How many vacancies are announced under MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023?

As per the Notification, a total 201 vacancies announced for MNIT Jaipur Recruitment 2023.

How Can I apply for MNIT Faculty Recruitment 2023?

Click on the direct link and follow the steps given in the above article to submit the online application for MNIT Faculty Recruitment 2023.

What is the essential qualification for MNIT Teaching Recruitment 2023?

The post-wise essential qualification for MNIT Teaching Recruitment 2023 are given in the article.

What is the selection process for MNIT Jaipur Teaching Recruitment 2023?

Candidates will be selected based on the written test/interview for MNIT Recruitment 2023.