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NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023, Check the Minimum Qualifying Marks

NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023

Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) will release the NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 after the examination will be commenced successfully on 19th January 2023 for 405 Mining Sirdar T&S Gr. C’ and Surveyor (Mining) T&S Gr. B’ posts. The recruitment authority released the NCL Admit Card 2023 on 11th January 2023.

As it is a huge vacancy so the aspirants have prepared for the NCL Mining Sirdar Exam 2023 with a lot of dedication and hard work. The candidates can check out this article for all the details related to NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023. Read this article till the end and must bookmark this website for further Engineering Job Updates.


NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 Overview

The NCL Mining Sirdar Exam will be held on 19th January 2023 for selecting candidates for the Mining Sirdar T&S Gr. C’ and Surveyor (Mining) T&S Gr. B’ posts. The candidates can check out the key highlights related to NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 from the table given below:

NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 Overview
Conducting Authority Northern Coalfields Limited(NCL)
Post Name Mining Sirdar T&S Gr. C’ and Surveyor (Mining) T&S Gr. B’
Total Posts 405
Category Engineering Jobs
Notification Released 27th November 2022
Apply Online Starts 1st December 2022
Last Date to Apply Online 22nd December 2022
Selection Process Computer Based Test(CBT)
NCL Exam Date 2023 19th January 2023
NCL Admit Card 2023 11th January 2023
NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 To be out soon
NCL Official Website http://nclcil.in

NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023

The candidates who applied online for the NCL Mining Sirdar Vacancy 2023 before 22nd December 2022 are going to take the NCL Mining Sirdar Exam 2023 on 19th January 2023. The cutoff marks will be soon released by the recruitment authority along with the NCL Mining Sirdar Result 2023. The cutoff marks will be decided by Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) on the basis of certain factors like the number of vacancies, difficulty level of the question paper, etc. The aspirants can check out the factors affecting NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 given below.

How to check the NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023?

The aspirants can follow the steps given below to check NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023:

  1. Visit the official site of NCL @http://nclcil.in.
  2. Click on the recruitment/Career section.
  3. Click on the Result section.
  4. The link for NCL Result 2023 along with the cutoff marks will appear on the screen now.
  5. Download the NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 and save it as a reference.


Factors affecting NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023

After the NCL exam will be conducted the cutoff marks will be released by the recruitment authority, the factors affecting the respective exam cutoff are given below:

  • Number of Vacancies: NCL will conduct the exam this year for a total of 405 posts of  Mining Sirdar and Surveyor (Mining). The cutoff marks will be decided on the basis of the number of vacancies announced by the commission.
  • Difficulty Level of Question Paper: The factor affecting the cutoff marks in any marks is the difficulty level of the question paper. If the exam is easy or moderate then we can expect a hike in the cutoff marks while on the other hand usually for the difficult exam cutoff mark is lesser.
  • The number of candidates: The number of candidates taking the examination also affects the cutoff marks of the respective exam. If there are more applicants, the competition will be higher and thus the cut-off marks will be higher.
  • Normalization: If the examination is held in multiple shifts then as per the difficulty level of each shift the overall cutoff marks are normalized by the commission.
  • Category: The Northern Coalfields Limited will release the category-wise NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 after the exam will be conducted. The candidates can check out the category-wise minimum qualifying marks for the NCL Mining Sirdar as given below.

Electrical Engineering MAHA PACK

Minimum Qualifying Marks for NCL Mining Sirdar

As per the NCL Mining Sirdar Recruitment 2022, the candidates who will appear in the NCL Mining Sirdar Exam who will score equal to or above the minimum qualifying marks as given in the table given below:

Post Name Maximum Marks Category of Candidates Minimum Cutoff Marks
Mining Sirdar T&S Gr. C’ 100 UR/ EWS 50 Marks
SC/ ST/ OBC-NCL/ESM 40 Marks
Surveyor (Mining) T&S Gr. B’ 100 UR/ EWS 50 Marks

Now keep yourself updated with Latest Engineering Government Jobs 24×7 Download ADDA247 App Now! CLICK HERENCL Recruitment 2022, Apply Online for 405 Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Posts, Download PDF |_70.1


Candidates can also check,
NCL Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 NCL Recruitment 2023
NCL Admit Card 2023 NCL Mining Sirdar Recruitment 2023
NCL Mining Sirdar Salary 2023 
NCL Mining Sirdar Exam Date 2023 

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NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023, Check the Minimum Qualifying Marks_3.1


How to check the NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023?

Candidates can check out this article for NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023.

When will the NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 be released?

The NCL Mining Sirdar Cutoff 2023 will be released after the examination will be conducted on 19th January 2023.

Are the cut-off marks for NCL Mining Sirdar the same for every category?

No, the candidates can check the category-wise NCL Mining Sirdar cut-off marks from this article.

When will the NCL Mining Sirdar Exam be held?

The NCL Mining Sirdar Exam will be held on 19th January 2023.