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NFC Recruitment 2023, Apply Online Ends for 206 Apprentice Posts

NFC Recruitment 2023

National Fuel Complex has announced the NFC Recruitment 2023 Notification for the 204 vacant seats under the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad. The online registration at the NAPS Portal for the NFC Recruitment 2023 will be accepted till 30 September 2023. So, read the article carefully for complete information and bookmark this website for further Engineering Job Updates.

DAE NFC Recruitment 2023

According to the official NFC Recruitment 2023 notification, applicants for the aforementioned trades and posts must have completed their ITI in their respective trades and have completed the 10th grade. Candidates must have registered their information and required documents at the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) website in order to be eligible and interested in the (ITI) Apprentice position. Only online applications are accepted. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2023. Applications that are sent late or with missing information will be disregarded. After submitting an application via the official website, candidates will be picked based on merit, with the results being emailed to the selected candidates. Selected applicants must present the “Medical Fitness Certificate” from a civil surgeon or assistant civil surgeon at the time of joining.

NFC Recruitment 2023-Overview

NFC Recruitment 2023 has been announced for 204 apprentice posts on its official website. Check the key details of NFC Recruitment mentioned in the table shown below:

NFC Recruitment 2023 
Name of the Organization National Fuel Complex
Posts Name Apprentice
Total Vacancies 204
Advertisement No.  NFC/R-III/1/5/2023
Category Engineering Jobs
Last date of Application 30 September 2023
Selection Process Merit-Based
NFC Official Website www.nfc.gov.in


NFC Notification 2023 PDF

National Fuel Complex broadcasted the NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Notification for 206 apprentice posts at @nfc.gov.in. The NFC Apprentice Notification contains all the details of the recruitment briefly. The candidates must go through the NFC Notification 2023 PDF through the direct link given below to understand the recruitment information.

Download NFC Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link

The NFC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link is live on the Nuclear Fuel Complex official website for 206 apprentice vacancies. The candidates satisfying the requisite qualification as mentioned in the NFC Notification can submit their online application through the link provided here. The applicants must submit their application before 30 September 2023 to avoid the last time inconvenience.

NFC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link

Steps to apply for NFC Recruitment 2023

The aspirants can apply for NFC Recruitment 2023 by following the steps given below:

  1. Visit the NAPS Portal i.e.https://www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in/.
  2. Complete the registration process by filling out all the necessary details like name, date of birth, mobile number, etc., and proceed with the document uploads.
  3. After completing the registration process, the applicants are required to log in NAPS Portal with their username (mail-id) and password.
  4. After login, click on the  NAPS-Establishment Code: E11153600013 (Nuclear Fuel Complex).
  5. The list of operated trades in Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad will be displayed. The candidates are required to click the Apply button against the trade to which they want to apply.
  6. Cross-check all the details and submit the application form now.
  7. Save the application in PDF format for future reference.

NFC Vacancy 2023

As per the NFC Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF, a total of 206 Apprentice vacancies are notified. Candidates can check the post-wise NFC Vacancy 2023 details tabulated here.

NFC Vacancy 2023 Post Wise
S.No. Post Name Vacancies
1 Fitter 42
2 Turner 32
3 Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) 06
4 Electrician 15
5 Machinist 16
6 Machinist (Grinder) 08
7 Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant) 15
8 Chemical Plant Operator 14
9 Instrument Mechanic 07
10 Motor Mechanic 03
12 Stenographer (English) 02
13 Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA) 16
14 Welder 16
15 Mechanic Diesel 04
16 Carpenter 06
17 Plumber 04
Total Posts 206

NFC Apprentice Eligibility Criteria 2023

The aspirants willing to apply for NFC Recruitment 2023 must fulfill the essential qualifications required for the apprentice position. For the ease of candidates, we have discussed the detailed NFC Eligibility Criteria here focusing on educational qualification and age limit.

Educational Qualification

Candidates must be 10th pass along with ITI in a relevant trade to apply for the NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023.

Age Limit

The applicants must complete 18 years of age to register for Technician (ITI) Apprentice under NFC Recruitment 2023.

NFC Apprentice Selection Process 2023

The NFC Selection Process is given below for the ease of the candidates who want to apply for NFC DAE Recruitment 2023 announced for 206 Apprentice posts.

  • Merit-Based Shortlisting
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

NFC Apprentice Salary

The candidates selected under NFC Recruitment 2023 will be liable to get a monthly stipend as under:

Post Name Stipend
Fitter Rs. 8,050/-
Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)
Machinist (Grinder)
Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant)
Chemical Plant Operator
Instrument Mechanic
Motor Mechanic
Stenographer (English) Rs.7700/-
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)
Mechanic Diesel

CIVIL Engineering MAHA PACK              Electrical Engineering MAHA PACK              MECHANICAL Engineering MAHA PACK

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NFC Recruitment 2023, Apply Online Ends for 206 Apprentice Posts_3.1


What is the last date to apply for NFC Recruitment 2023?

Candidates may apply for NFC Recruitment 2023 till 30 September 2023.

How many vacancies are notified under NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Notification?

A total of 206 vacancies are notified under NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Notification.

What is the qualification for NFC Recruitment 2023?

Candidates must have an ITI in the concerned trade for NFC Recruitment 2023.

What is the selection process for NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023?

The selection of applicants will be made based on the merit list for the NFC Apprentice Recruitment 2023.

What is the NFC Apprentice Stipend?

The NFC Apprentice Stipend is described in this article for the reference of the aspirants.