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NHPC-JE’21 CE: Daily Practices Quiz. 22-Dec-2021

Know your strengths and practice your concepts with this quiz on NHPC JE Recruitment 2021. This quiz for NHPC JE Recruitment 2021 is designed specially according to NHPC Syllabus 2021.

Quiz: Civil Engineering
Topic: Miscellaneous

Each question carries 1 mark
Negative marking: 1/4 mark
Time: 8 Minutes

Q1. The representative fraction of the scale 1 cm = 100 km will be:
(a) 1/10000
(b) 1/100
(c) 1/100000
(d) 1/10000000

Q2. If a point load acting at the mid span of a fixed beam of uniform section produces fixed end moment of 60 kNm, then same load spread uniformly over the entire span will produce fixed end moments equal to:
(a) 20 kNm
(b) 30 kNm
(c) 40 kNm
(d) 45 kNm

Q3. The operation of converting lime stone into quick lime by heating it to temperatures up to 900° C and releasing carbon dioxide is known as:
(a) Calcining
(b) Hydrating
(c) Drawing
(d) Charging

Q4. Calculate the value of shear stress (MPa) in the solid circular shaft of diameter 0.1 m which is subjected to the torque of 10 kN-m.
(a) 40.5
(b) 50.93
(c) 60.5
(d) 70.5

Q5. When speed of traffic flow becomes zero, then:
(a) traffic density and traffic volume both attain maximum value
(b) traffic density attains maximum value but traffic volume becomes zero
(c) Traffic density and traffic volume both becomes zero
(d) traffic density becomes zero but traffic volume attains maximum value

Q6. Calculate the number of bricks in 20 cubic meters brick works.
(a) 500
(b) 1000
(c) 10000
(d) 100000


S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. 1 cm = 100 km.
1 cm = 100,000,00 cm

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. If a point load acting at the mid span of a fixed beam, then fixed end moment will be
M=wl/8=60 kN.m (given)—(1)
Give, same load spread as UDL then fixed end moment will be –
=Wl/12 (∵W=w×l)
=1/12×60×8 (wl/8=60 from eq^n (1)
▭(M^’=40 kN.m)

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. Calcining is the process of converting limestone into quick lime by heating it to temperature up to 900°C and releasing carbon di-oxide. It is also known as calcination.
CaCO_3 □(→┴( ∆ ) ) CaO+CO_2
CaCO_3=Limestone or Calcium Carbonate
CaO=Quick lime

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Shear stress in solid circular shaft
τ=16T/(πd^3 )=(16×10×10^3)/(π(0.1)^3 )
=50.93 MPa

S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. When speed of traffic flow becomes zero, then traffic density attains maximum value but traffic volume becomes zero.

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. No. of bricks required in 1m³ volume of brickwork = 500
For 20 m³ brickwork, No. of bricks = 500 × 20 = 10000 bricks

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