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RIICO Junior Assistant syllabus 2021, Download [PDF] Now!

RIICO Junior Assistant syllabus 2021, Download [PDF] Now. RAJASTHAN STATE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT CORPORATION LIMITED have recently released its official notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineers and Assistant Site Engineers from Civil and Electrical Engineering Branches on 17th October 2021. The online Application for RIICO Recruitment 2021 starts from 17th October 2021 and the last date to apply for the same is 13th November 2021. Here in this article, we’ve covered all the important details related to RIICO Civil Vacancy 2021, RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021. Candidates are advised to read the article till the end.

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RIICO Recruitment 2021 Notification

The official notification for RIICO Recruitment 2021 is out on the official website of RIICO containing all the important information related to the RIICO Vacancy Details, Exam Pattern, Selection Process and online application link. To download RIICO Notification 2021 check the link given below.

RIICO Recruitment 2021 Notification! Click Here to Download PDF

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RIICO Recruitment 2021, Check Official Notification for 217 Vacancies |_70.1

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RIICO Exam Overview

RIICO AE Recruitment 2021
Posts Junior Engineer and Assistant Site Engineer
Total Vacancies 217
Online Application Starts 17th October 2021
Mode Of Application Online
Category Rajasthan Government Examination
Official Website riico.onlinerecruit.in



Here we are giving the necessary information on the RIIOC Junior Assistant Civil Engineer syllabus 2021 PDF, RIIOC Recruitment 2021 Syllabus, etc. Candidates can check the Exam Pattern of RIIOC Junior Assistant 2021. This exam is conducted in 2 Phases check the below table for more details.

RIIOC JA Exam Pattern PHASE 1

S. NO. Section  Subject No. of Questions Maximum Marks Qualifying Marks
60 180 72
1. Section A Reasoning/Quantitative Aptitude 20 60
Section B • General Knowledge & General Knowledge of
Rajasthan• General Science• Basic Computer Skills
30 90
Section C Language Comprehension
• Hindi• English
10 30

RIIOC JA Exam Pattern PHASE 2

S. NO. Section  Subject No. of Questions Maximum Marks
90 270
2. Section A Transport and Traffic Engineering 30 90
Section B Water Supply, Sanitary Engineering &Environmental
15 45
Section C Estimation and Construction Material 15 45
Section D 1. Strength of Materials
2. Soil and Foundation Engineering
3. Theory of Structure
4. Structural Design-I
5. Structural Design-II
6. Fluid Mechanics
7. Surveying
30 90


RIICO Junior Assistant Civil Engineer Syllabus 2021 PDF


The RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021 is given below, here we’ve discussed the RIICO Syllabus 2021 topic-wise. The syllabus mentioned here is according to the Exam Pattern for RIICO Recruitment 2021.

RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021: General Knowledge & General Knowledge of Rajasthan

1. Events of State, National, and International importance
2. Geography and Natural Resources of India and Rajasthan
3. Agricultural, Social and economic development of India Rajasthan
4. Indian Medieval History, Indian struggle for Independence, and History of Rajasthan
5. Culture and heritage of India and Rajasthan


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RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021:General Science

1. Elements, Mixtures, and Compounds
2. Physical and Chemical Changes; Oxidation and Reduction: Catalysis
3. Metals and Non-Metals
4. Acids, Bases, and Salts
5. Reflection of light and its laws, lenses, the human eye, defects of vision, and its correction
6. Electric current, Electric potential, Ohms law , electric cell, and Electric motor
7. Human Brain, hormones, human diseases, and cure
8. Economic importance of animals and plants
9. Biomass, sources of energy, ecosystem, Mendel’s Law of inheritance, chromosomes
10. Human blood groups, blood transfusion, Deficiency diseases, and cure

RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021: Basic Computer Skills

1. Introduction to Computers
2. Computer Systems
3. Uses of Computers
4. Introduction to the Internet & Search Engines, Internet Applications
5. Operating system,
6. MS-Word Advance
7. Database Management System
8. MS Excel Advance
9. MS PowerPoint Basics
10. Microsoft Outlook-Basics

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RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021: Hindi

1. शब्द रचना: संधि एवंसंधि धवच्छे द, समास, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय

2. शब्द प्रकार: तत्सम, तत्भव, अिगतत्सम, देशज, धवदेशी, संज्ञा, सवगनाम, धवशेषण, धिया, अव्यय
3. शब्द ज्ञान: पयागयवाची, धवलोम, शब्द युग्मो का अर्गभेद, वाक्ांश के  सार्गक शब्द, संश्रुततधभन्नार्गक शब्द,
समानार्ी शब्द, उपयुक्त शब्द चयन, संबंिवाची शब्दावली

4. शब्द शुद्धि
5. व्याकरधणक कोधियााँ: परसर्ग, धलंर्, वचन, पुरुष, काल, वृधि, पक्ष , वाच्य
6. वाक् रचना
7. वाक् शुद्धि
8. धवराम धचन्हो का प्रयोर्
9. मुहावरे/ लोकद्धक्तया
10. पाररभाधषक शब्दावली: प्रशासधनक/ धवधव

RIICO Junior Assistant Syllabus 2021: English

1. Use of articles and determiners
2. Tenses/ sequence of tenses
3. Active and passive voice
4. Direct and Indirect Narration
5. Use of Prepositions
6. Synonyms and antonyms
7. Comprehension of passage
8. Idioms and Phrases
9. Letter writing: Official, Demi-official. Circulars and Notices


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