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RRB JE Recruitment 2021, Expected Soon

RRB JE Recruitment 2021

RRB JE Recruitment 2021: Railway Recruitment Board is going to release RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Notification soon on the official website @rrbcdg.gov.in. The candidates can apply online through the direct link given in the article. The link will be active once it gets active on the official website. In this article, we have covered everything regarding RRB JE Recruitment 2021. Aspirants shall read the full article to know important information about RRB JE Recruitment 2021 and must bookmark this website for further engineering job updates.

RRB JE Recruitment 2021- Overview

RRB JE Recruitment 2021
Name of Authority Railway Recruitment Board
Name of Post Junior Engineer
No. of Vacancies To be announced soon
Category Engg Jobs
Online Application begins To be announced soon
Online Application ends To be announced soon
Official Website @rrbcdg.gov.in

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 PDF

The candidates can download RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Notification PDF through the direct link given below for the ease of candidates. The Link will be active once RRB releases RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Notification on the official website.

Click to download RRB JE Recruitment 2021 (PDF) (will be active soon)

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Exam Pattern

The candidates aspiring to work as junior engineers in Railways must know RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Exam Pattern. Here, We have tried to give an idea regarding RRB Recruitment 2021 Exam pattern according to the previous year exams of RRB Junior Engineer.

  1. RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 1
  2. RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2
  3. Document Verification

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 1 Exam Pattern

RRB JE Recruitment CBT 1: RRB JE Recruitment CBT 1 will have questions from four topics that are Mathematics, General Awareness, General Science, and General Intelligence & Reasoning. Among these topics, maximum weightage will be given to Mathematics and General Science. RRB CBT 1 will have objective-type multiple-choice questions. RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 1 will be of 90 minutes duration. RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 1 will have negative marking of 1/3 marks.

Sr. No. Subjects No. Of Questions Duration
1 Mathematics 30 90 minutes
2 General Intelligence & Reasoning 25
3 General Awareness 15
4 General Science 30
Total 100

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2 Exam Pattern

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2: RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2 will have a total of five topics which are General Awareness, Physics & Chemistry, Computer application basics, basics of Environmental & Pollution, and Technical Abilities. RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2 will focus mainly on Technical Abilities consisting of 100 questions out of 150. The marking scheme for RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2  will be the same as that of CBT 1. The duration of RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2   will be 2 hours.

Sr. No. Subjects No. Of Questions Duration
1 General Awareness 15 120 min.
2 Physics & Chemistry 15
3 Computer Application Basics 10
4 Environment & Pollution (Basics) 10
5 Technical Ability 100
Total 150

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Syllabus

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Syllabus for each subject in RRB JE Recruitment 2021 is given below which is according to the previous year RRB JE exams. The subjects are different in both the stages of the CBT.

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 1 Syllabus

  1. General Awareness
  2. General Intelligence and Reasoning
  3. General Science

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 CBT 2 Syllabus

  1. Physics & Chemistry
  2. General Awareness
  3. Basics of Computer and Applications
  4. Technical Knowledge
  5. Environment and Pollution Control

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Apply Online

The candidates can apply online for RRB JE Recruitment 2021 through the direct link given below for the ease of candidates. The link will be active once RRB actives apply online link on the official website for RRB Recruitment 2021.

Click to apply online for RRB Recruitment 2021(will be active soon)

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates must fulfill the basic eligibility criteria to apply for RRB JE Recruitment 2021. The detailed eligibility criteria will be available on this website once official RRB Recruitment 2021 Notification is released on the official website.


The candidates wishing to apply for RRB JE Recruitment 2021 examination should compulsorily be

  1. a citizen of India.
  2. a subject of Bhutan, or
  3. a subject of Nepal, or
  4. a Tibetan refugee in India (migrated before 1st January 1962) with permanent settlement intentions.
  5. an Indian-origin person with the intention of the permanent settlement who has migrated from the following countries
    • Burma,
    • Sri Lanka,
    • Pakistan,
    • Vietnam
    • East African Countries (Uganda, Malawi, the United Republic of Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zaire,etc.)

Age Limit

The age limit for the RRB JE is as given below.

  • Minimum Age – 18 years.
  • Maximum Age – 33 years.

The age relaxations will be applicable as per the government rules but will be subjected to the submission of requisite certificates.

Category Age Relaxation
SC/ST 5 years
OBC-Non Creamy Layer 3 years
PwBD – Unreserved 10 years
PwBD – OBC-Non Creamy Layer 13 Years
PwBD – SC/ST 15 years

Educational Qualification

The various posts that are to be recruited under RRB Recruitment 2021 would have to have the specific educational qualification. The required qualification will most probably be either one of those given below. The qualification should be from a recognized university.

  • Three-year Diploma in relevant stream.
  • B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc degree in relevant stream.

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Cut Off

The candidates who have scored marks more than the cut off marks decided by the RRB would be selected to appear for advanced stages of selection. The cut-off differs slightly every year, but the candidates need to score the minimum qualifying marks first in order to appear in the merit list.

Sr. No. Category Minimum Marks
1 Unreserved 40%
2 Other Backward Class 30%
3 Scheduled Caste 30%
4 Scheduled Tribe 25%

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Salary

The candidates who would be selected as junior engineers under RRB JE Recruitment 2021 shall approximately receive Rs. 35400 – Rs. 112400 as salary.

RRB JE Recruitment 2021 FAQs

Q1. How can I apply for RRB Recruitment 2021?

Ans. You can apply for RRB Recruitment 2021 through the link given in the article.

Q2. Is there any interview in RRB JE Recruitment 2021 Selection Process?

Ans. There is no interview round in the RRB JE recruitment 2021 Selection process.

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How can I apply for RRB Recruitment 2021?

You can apply for RRB Recruitment 2021 through the link given in the article