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SSC JE Civil Previous Year Cut Off, Check SSC Junior Engineer Cut Off Here

SSC JE Civil Previous Year Cut Off

SSC JE Civil Previous Year Cut Off:  Staff Selection Commission every year conducts SSC Junior Engineer Exam to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Junior Engineers Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying and contract Posts for various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations in the Government of India. SSC Junior Engineer exam is a golden opportunity to aspirants across the Indian sub-continent by conducting this exam annually to fulfill their dream of working in a prestigious Government organization. In this article, we have covered everything regarding SSC JE 2022 Expected Cut off Marks and SSC JE Exam Previous Year Cut off Marks. Aspirants willing to work in SSC as Junior Engineers shall read the full article and must bookmark this website to get further updates about SSC JE 2022.

SSC JE 2022-Overview

SSC JE 2022
Name of Authority Staff Selection Commission
Name of post Junior Engineer
Category Engg Jobs
Notification date To be notified soon
Online Application begins To be notified soon
Online Application ends To be notified soon
Official website @ssc.nic.in

Factors affecting the SSC JE Civil Cut-off:

SSC JE Cut Off: There are lot of factors affecting the SSC JE Civil cut off in general but the major ones are the ones we have mentioned below. There can be others as well and these are not the exclusive ones.
  • The number of candidates appearing in the exam
  • The number of vacancies for a particular post
  • The difficulty level of the exam for the post
  • Stream or branch chosen by the candidates and the competitiveness of that branch
  • Category of the candidates who have applied for a particular post

SSC JE Civil Tier-1 Cut Off 2020-21

SSC JE 2022: Staff Selection Commission conducts Junior Engineer Exam every year for various posts in different central government departments and ministries. The SSC JE 2021 Examination is conducted in two levels that are Tier-1, and Tier-2. The Cut-Off Marks for SSC JE 2021 Tier 1 has been released by the commission on its official website on 30th June 2021. The Cut-off marks play an important role for the candidates who are preparing for upcoming SSC Junior Engineer Exams. SSC JE 2021 Tier-1 Cut off Marks are given below for candidates to refer.

SSC JE Civil Tier-I Cut-Off 2020-21

SSC JE Civil Tier 1 Cut Off: Staff Selection Commission has released SSC JE 2021 for Tier-I examination on 30th June 2021. SSC JE 2020-21 Paper-I Exam was conducted from 22nd March to 24th March 2021. Candidates who had appeared for the Tier 1 Exam can check their cut-off & marks here. The Cut-Off is given in the table form below:

SSC JE 2020-21 Tier-I Cut-Off

SSC JE Cut-Off for 2020-21: SSC JE Cut-Off for 2020-21 Tier-I exam has been out on 30th June 2021 on the official website @ssc.nic.in. The Cut-Off list for SSC JE 2021 Tier-I exam has been given below in the table format for the ease of candidates. The candidates shall bookmark this website for further updates regarding SSC JE 2021.

SSC JE Civil Tier-1 Cut Off 2020-21
Category Civil Engineering
General 120.02518
OBC 114.21184
EWS 108.14574
SC 99.15648
ST 99.15648
OH 79.83729
HH 48.86278

SSC JE 2019-20 Tier-I Cut-Off

SSC JE 2019-20 Tier-I Cut-Off: SSC JE 2019-20 Tier-I Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

SSC JE Civil 2019-20 Tier-I Cut-Off
Category Civil
UR 123.52838
OBC 115.93457
EWS 112.28955
SC 101.70364
ST 102.61781
OH 92.24190
HH 55.73328

SSC JE 2019 Paper 1+2 cut off for Civil Engineering

SSC JE 2019 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off: SSC JE 2019 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

Category Cut-off Marks (Paper 1 + Paper 2)
SC 235.51753
ST 243.00962
OBC 265.07317
EWS 270.40837
UR 315.55189
OH 169.02096
HH 122.79162

SSC JE 2018 Paper 1 Cut Off [Civil]

SSC JE 2018 Tier-I Cut-Off: SSC JE 2018Tier-I Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

Category SSC JE Paper 1 Cut Off [Civil]
UR 127.40
OBC 122.91
EWS 118.99
SC 107.61
ST 107.01

SSC JE 2018 Paper 1+ 2 Cut Off [Civil]

SSC JE 2018 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off: SSC JE 2018 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

Category SSC JE Paper-I+II Cut Off [Civil]
UR 250.49
OBC 209.38
EWS 229.05
SC 193.68
ST 201.54

SSC JE Civil Cut Off 2017 – Tier 1

SSC JE 2017 Tier-I Cut-Off: SSC JE 2017 Tier-I Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

Category 2017
Paper I Cut off
UR 117
OBC 110.75
SC 101.75
ST 105.00
OH 91.50
HH 61.75

SSC JE Civil Cut Off 2017 – Tier 1+2

SSC JE 2017 Tier-I +2 Cut-Off: SSC JE 2017 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

YEAR 2017
Category Paper I + II Cut off
UR 244.75
OBC 244.75
SC 220.75
ST 228.00
OH 231.25
HH 152

SSC JE Civil Cut Off 2016 – Tier 1

SSC JE 2016 Tier-I Cut-Off: SSC JE 2016 Tier-I Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

YeaR 2016
Paper- I Cut Off
UR 100.00
OBC 92.50
SC 84.50
ST 85.50
OH 72.50
HH 40.00

SSC JE Civil Cut Off 2016 – Tier 1 +2

SSC JE 2016 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off: SSC JE 2016 Tier-I + 2 Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

R 2016
Paper-I+II Cut Off
UR 220.50
OBC 186.00
SC 164.00
ST 163.75
OH 139.50
HH 87.50

SSC JE Civil Cut Off 2015 – Tier 1

SSC JE 2015 Tier-I Cut-Off: SSC JE 2015 Tier-I Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

YeaR 2015
Tier-I Cut Off
UR 103.75
OBC 91.25
SC 88.00
ST 87.75
OH 78.00
HH 30.00

SSC JE Civil Cut Off 2015 – Tier 2

SSC JE 2015 Tier-2 Cut-Off: SSC JE 2015 Tier-2 Cut-Off has been given below in the table format for candidates to check the trends of SSC JE Previous Year Cut Off.

YeaR 2015
Tier-II Cut Off
UR 131
OBC 60
SC 50
ST 50
OH 40
HH 40

SSC JE Civil Cut Off FAQs

Q1. Where can I get information about SSC JE 2020 Civil Cut Off?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE 2020 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Q2. Where can I get information about SSC JE 2019 Civil Cut Off?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE 2019 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Q3. Where can I get information about SSC JE 2018 Civil Cut Off?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE 2018 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Q4. Where can I get information about SSC JE 2017 Civil Cut Off?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE 2021 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Q5. Where can I get information about SSC JE 2016 Civil Cut Off?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE 2016 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Q6. Where can I get information about SSC JE 2015 Civil Cut Off?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE 2015 Civil Cut Off in this article.

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Where can I get information about SSC JE 2020 Civil Cut Off?

You can get information about SSC JE 2020 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Where can I get information about SSC JE 2019 Civil Cut Off?

You can get information about SSC JE 2019 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Where can I get information about SSC JE 2018 Civil Cut Off?

You can get information about SSC JE 2018 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Where can I get information about SSC JE 2017 Civil Cut Off?

You can get information about SSC JE 2021 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Where can I get information about SSC JE 2016 Civil Cut Off?

You can get information about SSC JE 2016 Civil Cut Off in this article.

Where can I get information about SSC JE 2015 Civil Cut Off?

You can get information about SSC JE 2015 Civil Cut Off in this article.