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SSC JE Electrical Engineering Preparation 2024

The Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer exam (SSC JE ) comes with a whirlwind of opportunities with room to maneuver for prodigious electrical engineering graduates across the nation. Among the three traditional engineering streams that are eligible for the SSC JE Exam, Electrical Engineering is one of them. Electrical Engineers aim SSC JE exam to land a well-paying and reputed government job. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the preparation strategies focussed solely on SSC JE Electrical Engineering.

Preparation for the SSC JE 2024 Electrical Exam.

The first and foremost step towards targeting any exam is having a clear and concise understanding of the syllabus of that particular exam. SSC JE is a two-tier exam, consisting of two hurdles, SSC JE Tier 1 and SSC JE Tier 2. The SSC JE Tier 1 exam is a 200-mark exam that has sections like General Awareness, General Reasoning, and a stream-specific subject. For Electrical Engineering, it will of course the electrical engineering. The SSC JE Tier 2 focuses solely on checking the technical expertise of the candidate with questions only from the specified stream. For Electrical, Electrical Engineering. For Mechanical, Mechanical Engineering. For Civil, Civil Engineering.

Syllabus of SSC JE Electrical

Staff Selection Commission has released the official syllabus for the SSC JE Electrical. For the Paper 1, the SSC JE will have three subjects. The General intelligence and reasoning section of SSC includes analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, arithmetical reasoning, verbal, figure, classification, and others.

The General Awareness section will include knowledge of current events, history, culture, geography, Economic Science, Scene, polity, and others.

The electrical engineering stream questions will come from the topics like Basic concept of electrical engineering, circuit law, Magnetic Circuits, AC fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt hours, single-phase induction motors, synchronous machines, Generation Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Baic Electronics.

Study sources for SSC JE Electrical Engineering

The study sources of SSC JE Electrical Engineering can be very diverse.It can vary from individual to individual. However, the ideal study sources are mentioned here-

  1. To master the General Intelligence and Reasoning section, watch the concept-clearing videos provided by Adda247. The next process after clearing the concept is to solve questions from the section. You can give mocks, sectional mocks, and quizzes through the Adda247 App.
  2. To master the General Awareness section, read NCERT and other reference books and practice questions to recall everything that you have learned.
  3. For the electrical engineering subject, revise the notes you have prepared during your engineering days. Go through your electrical engineering textbooks and make sure to clear any doubt that is creeping in. Clear all the fundamentals of electrical engineering.

Importance of Solving Previous Year Question Paper for SSC JE Electrical

Previous year’s question papers act like a panacea to crack the SSC JE Paper. Solving the previous year’s question paper builds your understanding, and makes you aware of the patterns of questions getting asked in the SSC JE Electrical Exam. It will also help in identifying the weak areas and strengthening them.


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How many questions are asked from electrical engineering in SSC JE Tier 1?

A total of 100 Questions will be asked from Electrical Engineering in SSC JE Electrical Engineering in SSC JE Tier 1 exam.

How many questions will be asked from electrical engineering in SSC JE Tier 2 ?

A total of 100 questions with 3 marks each ,totaling to 300 marks will be asked in SSC JE Tier 2 exam.

What will be the cut off for SSC JE electrical engineering ?

The cut offs are not pre-decided. They will be out after the commission will publish the results . The cut offs depend on various factors like level of paper, number of vacancies and students performance in the paper.