Engineering Jobs   »   SSC JE GK Topics

SSC JE GK Topics, Key Topics and Strategies

Staff Selection Commission is conducting the exam for Junior Engineer Tier 1 on 5, 6, and 7 June 2024. A large number of engineering aspirants are targeting this exam. Targeting each subject asked in the SSC JE paper is very crucial. It’s important to tackle each subject effectively to score splendidly in the SSC JE examination. SSC JE Tier 1 is 200 marks examination and the weightage of the GK section is 50 Marks.

It’s important to score decent in the GK section to clear the overall cut-offs. Scoring better in GK also ensures an added advantage to leverage your chances of selection. Follow this article to do better in the GK section to maximize your chances of selection.

Importance of GK in the SSC JE Exam

The SSC JE Tier 1 exam is 2 hour 200 Marks exam. The weightage of General Awareness is 50 Marks in the Paper. Any Subject that holds 25 % of the maximum marks becomes so much more important in the paper. Candidate easily scores well in other sections but recalling everything in the General Awareness section becomes the hard nut to crack. Scoring well in GK will give them a solid edge over the other candidates. The average marks scored by the candidate in this are generally lesser than the other sections.

How to ace the SSC JE GK Section?

Following tips and strategies to score well in this section will be very fruitful for the candidates. Here are some points to be followed to score good marks in this section –

  • Revise NCERT- If you have read NCERT till class 10th, it’s important to revise it again to recall everything you have learned. Give special emphasis to the Science Section.
  • Watch Videos for Revision- Watching somebody teaching the concepts you have learned increases the retention capacity of your brain. You will find that you will never forget some topics which will greatly enhance your score.
  • Prepare Notes- Revising from Notes helps a lot to grasp all the information and knowledge you have gathered crisply.
  • Give quizzes – Quizzes provided at Adda247 are an effective way to revise all the concepts gained and score the maximum in the examination.

Important GK topics for SSC JE

The important GK topics for SSC JE are discussed below-

  • General Physics
  • General Chemistry
  • General Biology
  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Current Affairs
  • Computer Knowledge

Importance of GK in the SSC JE Exam

The GK section of the SSC JE exam tests the generic knowledge of the candidates. It assesses the academic understanding of the candidates. Questions from History might not feel to be relevant for a job involving technical expertise but it is important for the diverse persona they want in a JE. There are sections in GK that are very important for the overall intellectual development of the candidate. So in addition to increasing a candidate’s chances of selection, reading GA increases the awareness and knowledge of the candidate to a great level.



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