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SSC JE Reasoning Topics To Ace The Exam

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) examination is a highly competitive test that demands not only technical knowledge but also sharp reasoning skills. Reasoning ability is a crucial part of the General Intelligence and Reasoning section, which aims to evaluate a candidate’s logical thinking, problem-solving skills, and decision-making capabilities. Excelling in this section can significantly boost a candidate’s overall score. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the key reasoning topics and strategies to ace this section.

SSC JE Reasoning Syllabus

SSC JE Reasoning Syllabus
Classification Analogy Coding-Decoding Paper Folding Method Matrix
Word Formation Venn Diagram Direction and Distance Blood Relations Series
Verbal reasoning Non-Verbal Reasoning Seating Arrangement Analogies Similarities
Differences Space visualization Problem-solving Analysis Judgment
Decision making Visual memory Discrimination Observation Relationship concepts
Arithmetical reasoning, Verbal and figure classification, Arithmetical number series  Arithmetical computations  –

Key Topics in SSC JE Reasoning


  • Verbal Analogy-  Understanding the relationship between two words and finding a similar relationship in another pair.
  • Non-Verbal Analogy- Identifying the relationship between figures and patterns.


  • Verbal Classification- Grouping words based on common properties.
  • Non-Verbal Classification- Grouping figures or patterns based on shared characteristics.

Series Completion

  • Number Series- Finding the missing number or identifying the next number in a sequence.
  • Alphabet Series- Completing sequences based on alphabetical patterns.


  • Letter Coding- Deciphering codes where letters are replaced by other letters according to a rule.
  • Number Coding- Numbers represent letters, and candidates must decode the message.

Blood Relations

  • Blood Relations- Understanding and solving problems related to family relationships.

Direction Sense Test

  • Direction Sense Test- Determining directions based on given scenarios.


  • Syllogism- Logical reasoning involving statements and conclusions.

Puzzle Test

  • Puzzle Test- Solving complex problems involving arrangements, sequences, and logical connections.

Venn Diagrams

  • Venn Diagrams- Representing sets and their relationships visually to solve problems.

Data Sufficiency

  • Data Sufficiency- Determining if the provided data is sufficient to answer a question.

Logical Sequence of Words

  • Logical Sequence of Words- Arranging words in a logical order based on given criteria.

Figure Formation and Analysis

  • Figure Formation and Analysis- Constructing or analyzing figures based on given parts.

SSC JE Tips And Tricks For Reasoning

  • Familiarize yourself with common coding patterns and practice regularly to decode quickly.
  • Focus on identifying commonalities and differences quickly to save time.
  • Focus on the relevance of the information and practice distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary data.
  • Understand set theory basics and practice drawing Venn diagrams for different scenarios.
  • Practice different types of puzzles and develop a methodical approach to avoid confusion.
  • Improve spatial visualization skills and practice assembling figures.
  • Use Venn diagrams to visualize and solve syllogisms efficiently.
  • Understand common patterns such as arithmetic progression, geometric progression, and positional patterns in alphabets.
  • Identify the criteria quickly and practice with a variety of sequences.
  • Practice different types of analogies regularly and develop a strong vocabulary to improve verbal analogy skills.
  • Draw family trees and use diagrams to simplify complex relationships.
  • Visualize the problem using diagrams and practice regularly to improve spatial understanding.

 SSC JE Preparation Strategies for Success

Regular Practice- Dedicate time daily to practice different reasoning topics. Regular practice helps in recognizing patterns and improving speed.

Mock Tests- Take mock tests to simulate exam conditions. This helps in time management and identifying weak areas.

Understand the Concepts- Rather than rote learning, focus on understanding the underlying concepts and logic of each topic.

Analyze Mistakes- Review your mistakes in practice tests and understand where you went wrong. This helps in avoiding similar errors in the future.

Time Management-  Prioritize easier questions to secure quick marks and then move to more challenging ones. This strategy helps in maximizing your score.

Stay Updated- Keep abreast of any changes in the exam pattern or syllabus and adjust your preparation accordingly.


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