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SSC JE 2021 Salary, Check SSC JE Perks & Job Profile

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SSC JE 2021 Salary

SSC JE 2021: Staff Selection Commission every year conducts SSC Junior Engineer Exam 2021 to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Junior Engineers Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying and contract Posts for various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations in the Government of India. SSC Junior Engineer exam is a golden opportunity to aspirants across the Indian sub-continent by conducting this exam annually to fulfill their dream of working in a prestigious Government organization. In this article, we have covered everything regarding SSC JE Salary 2021 and SSC JE Job Profile. Aspirants willing to work in SSC as Junior Engineers shall read the full article and must bookmark this website to get further updates about SSC JE 2021.

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SSC JE 2021-Overview

Name of Authority Staff Selection Commission
Name of post Junior Engineer
Category Engg Jobs
Notification date To be notified soon
Online Application begins To be notified soon
Online Application ends To be notified soon
Official website @ssc.nic.in

SSC JE 2021 Salary, Perks and Allowances

SSC JE Salary 2021
Name of post Grade Pay Gross Salary In Hand Salary
Junior Engineer Rs. 4200 Rs. 32,667 to Rs. 37,119 Rs. 29,455 to Rs. 33,907

SSC JE 2021 Job Profile

The candidates who would be selected as Junior Engineers under SSC JE 2021 shall have these below mentioned responsibilities to be performed at work. The tentative List of duties for SSC Junior Engineer is as follows

  1. Supervision
  2. Planning
  3. Executing
  4. Assisting Superiors
  5. Accounts
  6. Researching
  7. Maintainence of Equipments
  8. Implementation of Design
  9. Analyse Data
  10. Write Reports

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SSC JE Salary 2021, Perks & Allowances

Alongwith the job security and Good salary, the junior engineers who work for SSC will enjoy several benefits offered by the government. The tentative list of allowances for SSC Junior Engineer are listed below:

  1. Dearness Allowance
  2. House Rent Allowance
  3. Medical Allowance
  4. Travelling Allowances
  5. Other Special Allowances

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SSC JE Salary 2021 FAQs

Q1. Where can I get information about SSC JE Salary 2021?

Ans. You can get information about SSC JE Salary 2021 in this article.

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Where can I get information about SSC JE Salary 2021?

You can get information about SSC JE Salary 2021 in this article.