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UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 2021, Check Now

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UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus 2021 Computer Science

UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus 2021 Computer Science: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission released the official notification for the recruitment of 1370 lecturer posts on the official website @uppsc.up.nic.in. The detailed syllabus for all the posts has been released on the official website. In this article, we have covered UPPSC polytechnic lecturer syllabus 2021 computer science in detail. Candidates who have applied for this post under UPPSC Polytechnic Technical Lecturer Recruitment 2021 shall read the full article properly and must bookmark this website for further updates.

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UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus 2021 Computer Science – Overview

UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 2021
Name of Authority Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission
Name of Post Principal, Lecturer, Workshop superintendent, and Librarian
No. of Vacancies 1370
Category Engg Jobs
Mode of Application Online
Official Website @uppsc.nic.in

UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus 2021 Computer Science PDF

Candidates should go through the official UPPSC Technical Education Lecturer Syllabus PDF from the link given below before preparing for UPPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment 2021 Computer Science Engineering. The detailed syllabus is provided by UPPSC for all the subjects that are about to come in the exam.

Click to Download UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus 2021 Computer Science (PDF)

UPPSC Technical Lecturer Computer Science Engineering Subjects 2021

Exam (Paper 1)

  1. Computer Organization and Architecture
  2. Data Structures
  3. Discrete Structures and Theory of Logic
  4. Database Management Systems
  5. Design and Analysis of Algorithm
  6. Computer Networks
  7. Principles of Programming Languages
  8. Software Project Management
  9. Cyber Security

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Exam (Paper 2)

  1. Operating Systems
  2. Computer Graphics
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Compiler Design
  5. Software Engineering
  6. Distributed System
  7. Web Technologies
  8. Image Processing
  9. Soft Computing
  10. High Performance Computing

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UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus 2021 Computer Science FAQs

Q1. Where can I check UPPSC lecturer syllabus 2021 Computer Science?

Ans. You can check UPPSC lecturer syllabus 2021 Computer Science in this article or from the link given in the article.

Q2. How many vacancies are announced for Computer Science Engineering Lecturer Posts under UPPSC Recruitment 2021?

Ans. 132 vacancies are announced for Computer Science Engineering Lecturer Posts under UPPSC Recruitment 2021.

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UPPSC Technical Lecturer Syllabus Computer Science Engineering 2021, Check Now_3.1


Where can I check UPPSC lecturer syllabus 2021 Computer Science?

You can check UPPSC lecturer syllabus 2021 Computer Science in this article or from the link given in the article.

How many vacancies are announced for Computer Science Engineering Lecturer Posts under UPPSC Recruitment 2021?

132 vacancies are announced for Computer Science Engineering Lecturer Posts under UPPSC Recruitment 2021.