Exams   »   AIC Management Trainee syllabus 2025

AIC Management Trainee Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern

Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) conducts an exam for the recruitment of Management Trainees in the agricultural discipline. To excel in this competitive exam, understanding the AIC Management Trainee syllabus and exam pattern is essential. The syllabus encompasses diverse topics such as agriculture and rural development, reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude, English language, and general awareness, with a strong emphasis on professional knowledge related to agriculture and insurance. The exam pattern outlines the structure, duration, and marking scheme, enabling candidates to plan and prepare systematically for success in this specialized domain.

AIC MT Syllabus 2025

The AIC Management Trainee (MT) Exam 2025 syllabus covers key areas like Reasoning Ability, English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and Professional Knowledge, with a focus on agriculture and insurance. Additionally, there is a Descriptive English test for essay writing. The exam includes both objective and descriptive sections, designed to assess both general and specialized knowledge. Candidates should also be mindful of the negative marking scheme for incorrect answers.

AIC Management Trainee Exam Pattern

The exam comprises both objective and descriptive components, totaling 150 marks with a duration of 135 minutes. The objective section includes tests on Reasoning Ability, English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and Professional Knowledge, each with specific marks and time allocations. Additionally, there is a Descriptive English Test focusing on essay writing. Candidates must also be mindful of the negative marking scheme, where 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer in the objective tests.

The AIC Agricultural Management Trainee Exam consists of two components:

  1. Objective Test
  2. Descriptive Test

Objective Test Pattern

Section No. of Questions Marks Duration
Reasoning 10 10 50 Minutes
English Language 10 10
General Awareness 10 10
Quantitative Aptitude 10 10
Professional Knowledge (Agriculture) 50 100 70 Minutes
Total 90 140

Descriptive Test Pattern

Section No. of Questions Marks Duration
Essay Writing (English) 1 10 15 Minutes

AIC MT Detailed Syllabus 2025

The Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) Management Trainee (MT) Exam 2025 assesses candidates across multiple domains to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of their capabilities. The exam comprises both objective and descriptive sections, each focusing on different subject areas. Check the following table for detailed syllabus of AIC MT Recruitment 2025:

Section Topics
Reasoning Alphabet Series, Blood Relations, Calendars, Cause and Effect, Clocks, Coding-Decoding, Decision Making, Direction Sense, Counting Figures
English Language Idioms and Phrases, Verbs, Conditional Sentences, Nouns, Articles, Voice (Active and Passive), Odd One Out, Match the Following, Adverbs, Cloze Test
General Awareness Indian Freedom Struggle, Mughal Empire, Buddhism and Jainism, Budgeting Concepts, Science and Technology, Articles of the Constitution, Chief Ministers and Governors, Famous Sites in India, Indian Towns on River Banks
Quantitative Aptitude Algebraic Equations, Quantity Comparison, Data Sufficiency, Mixture and Alligation, Percentages, Number Series, Number System, Partnership, Simplification and Approximation
Professional Knowledge (Agriculture) Agriculture and Rural Development, Soil and Water Conservation, Water Resources, Farm and Agri-Engineering, Plantation and Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forestry, Agriculture Extensions, Ecology and Climate Change, Rural Banking and Financial Institutions in India, Current Scenario of Indian Agriculture, Genetically Modified Crops, Indian Financial System, Indian Banking System, Static General Knowledge, National Institutions, Banking Terms
Descriptive English Test Essay Writing on agriculture-related topics, Rural Development, Current Affairs

AIC MT 2025 Selection Process

The selection process for the Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) Management Trainee (MT) 2025 recruitment consists of two main stages:

  • Online Examination: Candidates must first pass an online exam that includes both objective and descriptive sections, assessing their knowledge and skills relevant to the MT role.
  • Interview: Those who qualify the online examination will be invited for a personal interview to further evaluate their suitability for the position.

The final selection will be based on the combined performance in both the online examination and the interview.

Preparation Tips for the AIC MT 2025 Exam

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and weightage of different sections.
  2. Focus on Agriculture Topics: Since Professional Knowledge carries the highest marks, prioritize preparing agricultural subjects.
  3. Regular Practice: Solve mock tests, previous year’s question papers, and practice numerical problems for Quantitative Aptitude.
  4. Stay Updated: Follow current events in the agriculture sector and general national developments for the General Awareness section.
  5. Improve Descriptive Writing: Practice writing essays on topics related to agriculture, rural development, and current affairs.
  6. Time Management: Allocate time effectively during the exam to ensure you attempt all sections.
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