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How to prepare for IBPS Agriculture Field Officer Exam?

The exam for Specialist Officers is administered by the IBPS in a variety of streams, such as IT, Rajbhasha Law Officer, and Agriculture Field Officer (AFO). IBPS annual calendar 2024 shows that the preliminary test for the SO AFO will be held on November 9 and the main exam on December 14, 2024. Candidates should start preparing for the exam, to get more time than other candidates. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get ready successfully.

IBPS Agriculture Field Officer Exam Preparation Tips

To prepare fully for the IBPS AFO exam you should check out the following tips which will ensure you have a smooth journey during your preparation. Here are simple tips to help you:

  1. Know the Exam Pattern: Become acquainted with the exam format which includes the number of sections question types marking system and overall length. Exam topics for the IBPS AFO typically include Reasoning English Language Quantitative Aptitude Professional Knowledge (Agriculture) and General Awareness with a focus on Agriculture.
  2. Syllabus Familiarization: Learn every aspect of the syllabus from top to bottom. Agronomy, horticulture, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal husbandry, and other agricultural subjects will all be covered in the syllabus for the Agriculture Field Officer exam.
  3. Research Materials: Compile pertinent readings reference books and internet sources that address the subjects listed in the syllabus. Be sure to select trustworthy resources that have been endorsed by professionals or past test takers.
  4. Make a Study Plan: Make a study schedule that allows enough time to cover every topic on the exam syllabus. Set reasonable objectives for each study session and divide the material into digestible chunks.
  5. Revision: The secret to succeeding in any competitive exam is to practice regularly. To gain insight into the exam format and enhance your time management abilities solve past year’s question papers and sample papers. To further hone exam-like conditions and pinpoint your areas of weakness practice with online mock exams.
  6. Stop Ignoring Weak Areas: Use practice exams to pinpoint your areas of weakness and set aside additional time for reading up on and practicing those subjects. Continue editing frequently to strengthen your understanding and enhance recall.
  7. Current Affairs: Keep an eye on current events about agriculture government initiatives and advancements in the field of agriculture. You will benefit from this in the exam General Awareness section.
  8. Enroll in Coaching Classes (Optional): If you feel like you need more help you might want to look into online courses or coaching sessions tailored to IBPS AFO exam preparation. They can offer knowledgeable insights and organized direction.
  9. Revision: Spend the final few weeks before the test going over key ideas calculations and information. Instead of picking up new information during this time focus on strengthening what you already know.
  10. Remain Calm and Confident: Use your time wisely pay close attention to the questions give each one your best shot and be calm.

IBPS AFO Five-Month Strategy

A sample study plan for the five months leading up to the IBPS AFO 2024 Exam can be found here.

  • First Month: Pay close attention to comprehending the syllabus of the previous year’s papers and the exam pattern.
  • Second Month: Practice a lot of questions and start with the fundamentals of each subject.
  • Third Month: Examine each section in greater detail complete practice exams and evaluate your performance.
  • Four Month: Put your attention toward editing finishing up papers from the previous year and increasing accuracy and speed.
  • Fifth Month: Attend practice exams regularly note your weaknesses and work on strengthening them.

Booklist for IBPS AFO Exam

Check the combined table listing all the recommended books for the IBPS AFO exam:

Booklist for IBPS AFO Exam
Section Book Title Author/Publisher
English Language English Grammar & Composition  Wren and Martin
Word Power Made Easy  Norman Lewis
Tips & Techniques in English for Competitive Exams  Disha Experts
Objective English for Competitive Examinations  H M Prasad
Reasoning A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning  R S Aggarwal
Analytical Reasoning  MK Pandey
How to Crack the Test Of Reasoning  Jaikishan and Premkishan (Arihant)
Quantitative Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examination  The Pearson Guide
Quantitative Aptitude Book  Wiley’s Publication
Rapid Quantitative Aptitude with Shortcuts & Tricks  Disha Publication
 SmartBook  S.Chand
Agriculture (Mains) Objective Agriculture for all competitive exams  Dr. S R Kantwa
Agriculture Field Officer IBPS  Lalitha Gaur
General Agriculture Book  Muniraj Singh Rathod
Fundamentals of Agriculture Vol. 1  Arun Katyan
Eagle Visions Agriculture book  Narayan Nagre
A competitive book of agriculture  Nemraj Sundha
Agriculture At A Glance  RK Sharma
Fundamentals of Agriculture Vol. 2  Arun Katyan

These books cover the essential topics for each section of the IBPS AFO exam and are recommended for effective preparation. These steps will help you prepare for the IBPS Agriculture Field Officer exam and improve your chances of success if you follow them along with a focused study schedule.

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