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Sowing Method: List of Different Methods of Sowing Seeds

Greetings from the world of planting! Let’s begin with the fundamentals which means seeding as the initial stage of plant growth. When planting seeds it matters a lot how you do it—whether you’re planting a large field of crops or a few flowers in your backyard. Many methods exist each with specific benefits. Let us now learn the various techniques farmers employ to plant seeds and nurture them into robust plants! Check the article for more details on different methods of sowing.

What is Sowing?

Sowing is all about planting seeds in the ground to grow plants or crops. It’s the first step in cultivating crops. When we sow seeds, we plant them in soil or any growing medium and provide appropriate conditions to grow. Throughout this farming procedure, appropriate safety measures must be implemented such as maintaining the right depth and distance and ensuring that the soil is clear of disease and other harmful organisms such as fungi. Some examples of sowing include soil furrows which are used to plant sugarcane, ladyfingers are planted along ridges, and in beds, leafy vegetables are grown.

Different Methods of Sowing

Seeds can be planted directly or transplanted. In the transplanting method, the nursery is moved to the field after the seeds are sown there. Below are the various sowing techniques.

  1. Broadcasting
  2. Dibbling
  3. Sowing behind the country plough (manual and mechanical drilling)
  4. Seed drilling
  5. Nursery transplanting

Let’s learn about each method in detail.


It is a sowing method in which seeds are scattered over large areas, more like spreading across a field or garden that covers the entire space. To have an optimum plant population in a unit area certain rules should be followed such as, only a skilled person should broadcast the seeds for uniform scattering and the ploughed field should be in perfect condition to trigger germination.

Broadcasting is done using the following steps:

Preparation → Seeding → Covering → Watering

This method is mainly used for sowing grains, grass, and some types of vegetables like carrots and lettuce.


It is a method in which seeds are inserted through a hole at a depth and later on, covered. It is practiced on plain surfaces, ridges, furrows, beds, and channels. It is more like giving each seed its little spot to grow.

Dibbling is done using the following steps:

Preparation → Dibbling → Planting → Covering → Watering

This method is mainly used for small seeds like carrots, radishes, and onions, as well as for transplanting seedlings into the garden.

Sowing behind the plough

It is one of the traditional methods done by manual or mechanical means. In this seeds are dropped in the furrows by the plough and the same is closed or covered when the next one is opened. Sowing is done at a uniform distance. The manual method is a laborious and time-consuming process.

Sowing behind the plough is done using the following steps:

Plowing → Sowing → Covering → Additional Cultivation

Seeds like red gram, cowpea, and groundnut are sown behind the country plough. The major sown crop is ground out.

Seed Drilling

In this method seeds are dropped in a definite depth covered with soil and sowing implements are used for placing the seeds into the soil. Seeds are either drilled continuously or at regular intervals in rows. Also in this process depth of sowing and adding of fertilizer can be maintained simultaneously.

Seed Drilling is done using the following steps:

Preparation → Seed Drill Setup → Planting → Covering → Post-Planting tasks

It requires more time, energy, and cost, but maintains a uniform population per unit area. Seeds are placed at uniform depth, covered, and compacted. Also, there is less risk of soil erosion as seeds are directly planted into the soil.

Nursery transplanting

This method involves two components, i.e., nursery and transplanting. In the nursery, young seedlings are protected more effectively in a short period and a smaller area. Also, seeds are grown in a controlled environment like a greenhouse, and after growing they are transplanted into a field or garden.

Nursery transplanting is done using the following steps:

Seed Germination → Seedling Care → Transplanting → Field Preparation → Transplanting Process → Aftercare. 

In this method, seeds are controlled, and efficient production is done to improve crop yields and plant health.

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