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Assam Police Constable Salary 2025, Salary In Hand, Perks And Allowances Details

The Assam Police Constable position is a vital role within the state’s law enforcement framework, responsible for maintaining public order, preventing crime, and ensuring the safety of citizens. Given the demanding nature of the job, the Assam Police Department offers a comprehensive salary package that includes a competitive in-hand salary, along with various allowances and perks. For detailed information on the Assam Police Constable Salary 2025, Perks And Allowances Details, go through the article below.

Assam Police Constable Salary 2025

As of 2025, the salary structure for an Assam Police Constable has been designed to provide financial stability and motivation, ensuring that constables are well-compensated for their dedication and hard work. Salary is determined by the pay scale set by the state government, which is periodically revised to account for inflation and other economic factors. The basic pay for a constable typically falls under the Pay Matrix Level 3 of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC), which is applicable to state government employees.

Assam Constable Salary 2025

In addition to the basic pay, Police Constables are entitled to various allowances and perks that significantly enhance their overall compensation package. The various components of the salary are detailed in the table below:

Assam Police Constable Salary 2025
Organization Name State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam
Post Name Constable
Grade Pay
Rs. 5600
Assam Police Constable Salary Per Month
Rs.14000 to Rs 60500
DA, HRA, Medical Allowances, etc

Assam Police Constable In-Hand Salary 2025

The Assam Police Constable Inhand Salary includes a basic pay of ₹14,000 per month, along with various allowances such as dearness allowance, house rent allowance, medical allowance, and others. These benefits are added to the basic pay, resulting in an in-hand salary that falls within the pay scale of ₹14,000 to ₹60,500 under Pay Band 2. The total monthly salary is a combination of the basic pay and admissible allowances, ensuring a competitive compensation package for constables.

Assam Police Perks & Allowances 2025

In addition to the basic pay, Constables are entitled to various allowances and perks that significantly enhance their overall compensation package. These allowances are designed to cover additional expenses incurred due to the nature of their duties and to provide financial support in various aspects of their lives.

  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  •  House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  • Travel Allowance (TA)
  • Uniform Allowance
  • Medical Allowance
  •  Ration Allowance
  •  Promotional Benefits

Assam Police Constable Job Profile 2025

The Assam Police Constable job profile provides an overview of the responsibilities, eligibility criteria, selection process, and career growth opportunities for post in 2025. It aims to guide aspiring candidates in understanding the role and preparing effectively for the recruitment process. The job responsibilities of an Assam Police Constable include:

  • The Assam Police Constable role is a prestigious and vital position in the state’s law enforcement system.
  • Constables serve as frontline personnel, ensuring public safety, maintaining law and order, and upholding justice.
  • The job is both challenging and rewarding, offering opportunities to serve the community and contribute to Assam’s security.
  • In 2025, the Assam Police Constable recruitment continues to attract thousands of aspirants due to job stability, security, and societal impact.

Assam Police Constable Career Growth 2025

The Assam Police Constable role is not just a job but a stepping stone to a fulfilling and progressive career in law enforcement.  With dedication, performance, and continuous learning, constables can climb the ranks and take on higher responsibilities within the Assam Police force.

  • Promotional Opportunities: Constables can be promoted to higher ranks such as Head Constable, Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), Sub-Inspector (SI), and beyond based on experience, performance, and qualifying examinations.
  • Skill Development: Regular training programs and workshops are conducted to enhance skills in areas like investigation, crowd control, cybercrime, and community policing.
  • Specialized Roles: Constables can opt for specialized units such as traffic police, armed police, crime investigation, or disaster response teams.
  • Higher Education Support: The department encourages constables to pursue higher education and professional courses to improve their qualifications and career prospects.
  • Leadership Roles: With experience and merit, constables can rise to leadership positions, contributing to policy-making and strategic planning within the force.
  • Job Security and Benefits: A career in the Assam Police offers stability, attractive salary packages, and additional benefits like pensions, healthcare, and housing facilities.

The Assam Police Constable career in 2025 is designed to provide a dynamic and rewarding journey for individuals committed to serving society and growing professionally within the law enforcement sector.

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What are the allowances provided to Assam Police Constables?

Allowances include DA, HRA, medical benefits, travel allowances, and uniform allowances.

Is there a yearly increment in the salary?

Yes, constables receive annual increments based on their pay scale and performance.

Are there any additional perks for Assam Police Constables?

Yes, perks include pension schemes, insurance coverage, and access to government quarters.

Does the salary vary based on postings or roles?

The basic salary remains the same, but allowances like HRA may vary depending on the posting location.

About the Author

My Name is Akash Yadav. I have done my Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics.Following my passion I have also done LLB from University Of Delhi and Currently I am pursuing the Masters in Physics.I also love to swim and have won many Awards at the District Level.When it comes to my schooling i was in the district merit list of high school and later also for the Intermediate level.