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70th BPSC Exam 2024 Normalization Controversy, What’s the Real Issue?

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has recently been at the center of controversy and protests surrounding its 70th exam. Scheduled for December 13, 2024, the exam will witness around 4.8 lakh candidates appearing across 925 centers in the state. However, even before the exam, rumors about normalization have sparked a significant debate.

What is the Controversy?

Since the term “normalization” has been associated with the BPSC exam, students have been gripped by fear and confusion. However, it’s important to note that BPSC never officially announced that normalization would be applied to the 70th preliminary exam. Concerns arose among candidates about potential variations in difficulty levels between two shifts, which might lead to adjustments in their scores through the normalization process. This fear led to protests, with students demanding that the exam be conducted in a single shift.

In response, BPSC clarified that normalization would not be implemented and assured that the exam would be conducted transparently. The Commission has also ensured that all question papers will have a uniform difficulty level to provide equal opportunities for all candidates.

Police Action and Escalating Protests

During the protests, police resorted to baton charges to control the situation. Protestors argued that normalization would negatively impact their scores and push their ranks down in the merit list.

BPSC’s Stand: Normalization is Just a Rumor

BPSC Secretary Satyaprakash Sharma clarified that the rumors about implementing normalization are baseless. He explained that while there will be four different colored question papers, all sets will have the same difficulty level. He further claimed that the protests are driven by falsehoods spread by certain elements attempting to tarnish the Commission’s reputation.

Exam to be Conducted in a Single Shift

BPSC has officially announced that the 70th preliminary exam will be conducted in a single shift from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, completely eliminating the need for normalization. The Commission also assured that all question paper sets will be balanced in terms of difficulty to ensure a fair and unbiased exam.

What is Normalization?

Normalization is a statistical process used to adjust scores when exams are conducted in multiple shifts and there are variations in the difficulty levels of the question papers. This process ensures fairness by standardizing scores across different shifts.

Why is Normalization Needed?

  • When exams are conducted in multiple shifts, question papers may vary slightly in difficulty. This variation can disadvantage students in one shift and benefit those in another.
  • Normalization eliminates this imbalance and ensures equal opportunities for all candidates.

Benefits of Normalization

  • Fairness: It balances the difficulty levels, providing equal opportunities to all candidates.
  • Equal Opportunity: Students who attempt tougher papers are not unfairly penalized.
  • Scientific Approach: Scores are analyzed using statistical methods, making the process unbiased and transparent.

Challenges of Normalization

  • Lack of Understanding: Many students fail to understand the process and remain confused.
  • Accuracy Concerns: Any errors in the statistical process could unfairly impact scores.
  • Not Universally Suitable: Normalization is only relevant for exams with varying difficulty levels across shifts.

Does Normalization Affect Students?

  • Yes, normalization directly impacts rankings and merit lists:
  • Students in tougher shifts may benefit from higher normalized scores.
  • Students in easier shifts may see a reduction in their normalized scores.

However, the process is designed to ensure fairness, not favoritism.

Advice for Candidates

  • Focus on your preparation and thoroughly understand the syllabus.
  • Avoid believing or spreading unverified rumors about exam procedures.
  • Stay confident during the exam and aim to perform your best.

The normalization controversy surrounding the 70th BPSC exam had initially created confusion among candidates. However, BPSC has resolved the issue by ensuring transparency and announcing that the exam will be conducted in a single shift. Now, it’s time for candidates to set aside distractions, finalize their preparation, and move closer to achieving their goals

70th BPSC Exam 2024 Normalization Controversy, What’s the Real Issue?_3.1


What is the normalization process, and why was it a concern for the 70th BPSC exam?

Normalization is a statistical method used to adjust scores when exams are conducted in multiple shifts with varying difficulty levels. It ensures fairness by balancing scores across all shifts. For the 70th BPSC exam, candidates feared that if the exam were conducted in two shifts, normalization could unfairly alter their scores and rankings. However, BPSC clarified that the exam would be conducted in a single shift, making normalization unnecessary.

When will the 70th BPSC Prelims exam be held?

The 70th BPSC Prelims exam 2024 will be held on 13th December 2024 in a single shift from 12pm to 2pm