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Patna High Court Mazdoor Salary 2025, Check Career Growth And Salary Structure

The Patna High Court has announced 171 vacancies for the Mazdoor position. The Patna High Court Mazdoor Salary 2025 features an attractive salary structure, complemented by various benefits and allowances, offering a promising career opportunity. In addition to the basic salary, the overall compensation package includes several additional perks. Candidates are encouraged to review this article for more detailed information regarding the salary structure.

Patna High Court Mazdoor Salary 2025

Applicants applying for the Patna High Court Group C Recruitment 2025 must meet the eligibility criteria to qualify for the designated pay scale. The Patna High Court Mazdoor salary includes a fixed monthly pay, along with additional benefits and allowances, as per the Patna High Court Pay Scale. The Mazdoor pay scale ranges from Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 56,900 per month.

Patna High Court Group C (Mazdoor) Salary 2025

Before reviewing the Patna High Court Mazdoor Salary 2025, applicants should first go through the essential details regarding the salary. The salary package includes basic pay, grade pay, CTC, and In-Hand Salary, providing an attractive remuneration which is outlined in the table below:

Patna High Court Mazdoor Salary 2025 – Overview
Organization Name Patna High Court
Post Name Regular Mazdoor
Vacancies 171
Pay Band Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 56,900
Basic Pay Rs. 18,000 (Starting Salary)
Gross Salary Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 40,000 (Approx. including Allowances)
CTC Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 Per Annum (Approx.)
In-Hand Salary Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 28,000 After Deduction (Approx.)
Official Website https://patnahighcourt.gov.in/

Patna High Court Mazdor In-Hand Salary 2025

The in-hand salary refers to the amount received after deductions such as PF, taxes, and insurance. For a new Patna High Court Mazdoor, the in-hand salary usually ranges from Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 28,000 per month. With experience and regular salary increases, the in-hand salary grows over time, providing financial progress and stability.

Patna High Court Perks & Allowances 2025

In addition to the basic pay, employees of the Patna High Court Mazdoor enjoy a range of allowances and benefits that enhance the appeal of the job. These benefits provide financial stability and improve the quality of life for both employees and their families.

  • Dearness Allowance (DA), which is periodically adjusted in line with inflation.
  • The House Rent Allowance (HRA) is determined based on the employee’s posting location, with additional allowances provided to those living in government-provided quarters.
  • Medical Benefits cover hospitalization, medications, and healthcare for employees and their dependents.
  • Provident Fund (PF) ensures financial security after retirement, while Insurance Cover offers life and accident insurance.
  • Leave Encashment allows employees to receive payment for unused leave, and a Performance Bonus is granted based on annual performance and departmental earnings.

Patna High Court Mazdoor Job Profile 2025

As a Patna High Court Mazdoor, employees are entrusted with multiple duties to ensure the efficient operation of court activities.

  • They manage court documents, assist with office tasks, and help maintain the cleanliness of the court building.
  • They support judicial officers by organizing case files, distributing official documents, and managing office supplies.
  • Their efforts are crucial for the smooth running of judicial proceedings, making them an essential part of the court system.
  • Beyond these tasks, they may also take on logistics-related duties, minor administrative tasks, and record-keeping responsibilities.

Patna High Court Mazdoor Career Growth 2025

Career advancement in the Patna High Court Mazdoor role is determined by factors such as experience, departmental exams, and performance evaluations. Over time, employees have the opportunity to rise through the ranks and attain higher positions. With promotions, they take on additional responsibilities and receive better compensation. The usual career progression for a Mazdoor in the Patna High Court is outlined as follows:

Patna High Court Mazdoor Growth 2025
Stage 1 Mazdoor
Stage 2 Senior Mazdoor
Stage 3 Clerk/Assistant
Stage 4 Senior Clerk/Supervisor
Stage 5 Section Officer
Stage 6 Administrative Officer
Stage 7 Higher Administrative Positions


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What is the starting salary for a Patna High Court Mazdoor in 2025?

The starting salary for a Patna High Court Mazdoor is Rs. 18,000 per month, with an approximate gross salary ranging from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 40,000.

What are the allowances and benefits provided to Patna High Court Mazdoor?

Patna High Court Mazdoor employees receive allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), medical benefits, provident fund, insurance cover, leave encashment, and performance bonuses.

What is the career growth opportunity for a Patna High Court Mazdoor?

Career growth for a Mazdoor includes promotion to roles like Senior Mazdoor, Clerk/Assistant, Senior Clerk/Supervisor, Section Officer, and higher administrative positions based on performance and departmental exams.