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AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

AIIMS Recruitment 2025 drive is aimed to hire aspirants for Pharmacist post across the nation, the online application process has been started. The aspirants applied for the job profile must start their preparation from now onwards, as the exam will be a major part to crack for moving further into the recruitment process. Understanding the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus along with the Exam Pattern will assist aspirants for the upcoming examination. Here in this article we have provided the in-depth information regarding the syllabus and the exam pattern for the aspirants.

AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Aspirants must remember that they will have to prepare thoroughly for the AIIMS Recruitment 2025 exam, from going through the wide range of topics, understanding the important ideas for basic science details of AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus 2025.

Particulars Details
Recruitment Organization Competitive Recruitment Exam (CRE)
Post Name Pharmacist
Mode of Application Online
Website https://creaiims.aiimsexams.ac.in/
Category Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Negative Marking Negative marking of 1/4 marks for each wrong answer
Exam Scheme
  • MCQs on General Knowledge & Aptitude, Computer Knowledge
  • MCQs related to the domain of the respective group (Pharmacy General/Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Pharmacy)

AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus

Here is the detailed AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus for 2025 examination. Aspirants are advised to prepare accordingly and plan their strategy effectively before appearing for the exam.

Subjects in AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus  Topics Covered in AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus in General Knowledge
General Knowledge 1. Budget and Five Year Plans
2. Current Affairs – National and International
3. Indian National Movement
4. Sports
5. Important Days
6. Indian History
7. Books and Authors
8. Awards and Honors
9. Capitals of India
10. Indian Economy
11. Abbreviations
12. General Policy
13. Countries and Capitals
14. International and National Organizations
15. Science and Technology
16. Science – Inventions & Discoveries

Topics covered in Pharmacy (General)

Topics which will be covered in the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus (General) 2025 examination which aspirants must be aware and updated.

S.No. Subjects in AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus (General) Key Topics
1 Pharmaceutics – Formulation and preparation of pharmaceutical dosage forms.
– Dispensing and manufacturing processes.
2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry – Structure and properties of medicinal compounds.
– Synthesis and reactions of drugs.
– Analytical techniques.
3 Pharmacognosy – Medicinal plants and natural products.
– Identification and use of herbs.
– Plant-derived drugs.
4 Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology – Chemical processes in the body.
– Blood and urine analysis.
– Laboratory tests and their interpretation.
5 Human Anatomy & Physiology – Structure and function of the human body.
– Organ systems and their physiological functions.
6 Health Education & Community Pharmacy – Health promotion and prevention.
– Community pharmacy services.
– Patient counseling and education.
7 Pharmacology & Toxicology – Drug actions, uses, and side effects.
– Toxicological effects of drugs.
– Drug interactions and contraindications.
8 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence – Drug regulations and laws.
– Ethical practices in pharmacy.
– Pharmacy Act and Drug Control.
9 Drug Store and Business Management – Managing drug stores and inventory.
– Business operations, including financial management and marketing.
10 Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy – Hospital pharmacy practices.
– Clinical drug monitoring and patient care.
– Dispensing medication in clinical settings.

Pharmacist (Ayurved)

Topics which will be covered in the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus (Ayurved) 2025 examination which aspirants must be aware and updated.

S.No. Topics in AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus (Ayurved) Subtopics
1 Basic Principles of Ayurveda Introduction to Ayurveda: Tridosha, Saptadhatu, Malas, Panchamahabhutas, Prakriti, Vikriti
Concept of Agni and Ama (digestive fire and toxins)
Role of digestive fire in health
2 Ayurvedic Pharmacology Herbal Medicine: Common Ayurvedic herbs and their therapeutic uses
Pharmacological actions of Ayurvedic herbs (Vata, Pitta, Kapha balancing)
Formulations: Kwath, Churna, Asava, Arishta, Bhasma
3 Dosage and Administration Ayurvedic dosage forms and administration
Preparation and use of Ayurvedic medicines
Therapeutic dosages and precautions in drug administration
4 Pharmaceutical Procedures in Ayurveda Preparation Techniques: Decoction, Powder, Paste, Infusion, Syrup, Oil and Bhasma
Pharmacovigilance: Adverse effects and safety protocols
Storage, preservation and labeling of Ayurvedic medicines
5 Ayurvedic Drug Interactions Drug-herb interactions
Potential side effects of commonly used Ayurvedic drugs
Contraindications of Ayurvedic formulations
6 Ayurvedic Toxicology (Rasa Shastra) Understanding Toxicity: Identification and management of toxic substances used in Ayurveda
Use of Metals and Minerals in Ayurvedic treatment (e.g., Bhasma)
7 Clinical Application of Ayurvedic Medicines Treatment of Common Ailments: Diseases of Vata, Pitta, Kapha imbalance and Ayurvedic remedies
Specialized Treatments: For digestive disorders, respiratory issues, skin diseases, etc.
8 Ayurvedic Pharmacognosy Study of plant and mineral sources of Ayurvedic drugs
Collection, identification and preparation of medicinal plants
Study of Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia
9 Basic Medical Sciences for Pharmacists Anatomy and Physiology: Overview relevant to Ayurvedic treatments
Modern Medicine Basics: Interaction of Ayurvedic and allopathic treatments
Pathology and Microbiology
10 Current Trends in Ayurvedic Research Research methodology in Ayurvedic pharmacology
Overview of clinical trials and evidence-based Ayurveda
Modern advances in Ayurvedic medicine and formulations
11 General Knowledge Ayurveda in the Modern World: Role in contemporary healthcare
Healthcare Policies and Regulations related to Ayurvedic drugs
General Knowledge: Trends in medicine and healthcare

Pharmacist (Homeopathy)

Topics which will be covered in the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus (Homeopathy) 2025 examination which aspirants must be aware and updated.

Subject Description
Human Anatomy and Physiology (Homeopathy) Covers the basics of human anatomy and physiology.
Introductory Homeopathy Covers the basics of homeopathy, including tissue remedies.
Clinical Pathology and Toxicology (Homeopathy) Covers clinical pathology and toxicology.
Pharmaceutics (Homeopathy) Covers the study of dosage forms and drug delivery systems.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Homeopathy) Covers the chemistry of compounds used in medicine.
Health Education and Community Pharmacy (Homeopathy) Covers health education and community pharmacy.
Pharmacognosy (Homeopathy) Covers the study of pharmacognosy.
Social Pharmacy (Homeopathy) Covers social pharmacy.
Pharmacy Laws (Homeopathy) Covers pharmacy laws.

AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Exam Pattern

Comprising multiple-choice questions, practical tests and clinical scenario-based evaluations, this approach ensures a balanced evaluation of aspirants theoretical knowledge along with their ability to apply medical concepts in practical situations, reflecting the institution’s commitment to a comprehensive medical assessment.

Exam Pattern  Details
No. of Questions 100 (25 MCQs related to General Knowledge & Aptitude, Knowledge of Computer) and 75 MCQs related to the domain of the respective group
Total Marks 400 Marks
Type of Question Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Duration 90 Minutes
  • The AIIMS CRE 2025 exam will be conducted as a Computer-Based Test (CBT) with a total duration of 90 minutes.
  • It will feature 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), each carrying 4 marks, with a deduction of 1/4 mark for each incorrect response.
  • The exam is divided into five sections, each lasting 18 minutes. Aspirants can only respond to questions within the active section during the allocated time.
  • For posts requiring 10th/12th qualifications, the exam will be bilingual (English and Hindi), whereas for technical or higher qualification posts, the exam will be available in English only.
  • The minimum qualifying marks are 40% for UR/EWS candidates, 35% for OBC candidates, and 30% for SC/ST and PwBD aspirants.

AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Preparation Tips

Preparing thoroughly with AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus will surely help the aspirants in achieving the highest merit in the examination, keeping track of their progress will boost them in improving their time management for the actual exam. We have shared few tips and tricks for the aspirants to add in their preparation list.

Preparation Tip Details
Understand the Syllabus & Exam Pattern – Familiarize yourself with the syllabus covering Pharmacy, General Knowledge, General English, and Aptitude.
– Understand the exam structure, including timing and marks distribution.
Focus on Pharmacy-Specific Subjects – Revise Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmaceutical Analysis.
General Knowledge & Current Affairs – Stay updated on healthcare, pharmacy, and government policies through newspapers, magazines, and online portals.
Improve General English Skills – Focus on grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
– Practice English MCQs and read regularly to improve language skills.
Strengthen Aptitude & Reasoning Skills – Solve practice problems in quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, and data interpretation.
– Focus on speed and accuracy.
Practice Previous Year Papers – Keep Solving past year question papers to understand the exam format and question types.
– Time yourself to improve speed.
Mock Tests & Online Practice – Take online mock tests to track your progress.
– Analyze wrong answers to work on weak areas.
Focus on Time Management – Practice completing each section in the allotted time of 18 minutes.
– Prioritize sections based on your strengths and weaknesses.
Stay Consistent & Healthy – Stick to a study schedule and stay consistent.
– Maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep focused and energized.
Revision & Last-Minute Tips – Revise key concepts rather than learning new topics in the final days.
– Ensure all essential materials (admit card, ID proof) are ready.

Important Link

Here we have shared more links for aspirants to go through related to the AIIMS Recruitment 2025

AIIMS Recruitment 2025 Notification
AIIMS Lab Attendant Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025
AIIMS Pharmacist Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025
AIIMS Kalyani Recruitment 2025 Notification
AIIMS Salary 2025
AIIMS CRE Previous Year Question Paper


AIIMS CRE Pharmacist Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025_4.1


What are the minimum qualifying marks for the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam?

The qualifying marks for the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam are as follows:
UR/EWS candidates: 40%
OBC candidates: 35%
SC/ST and PwBD candidates: 30%

What type of questions will be asked in the exam?

The AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam will consist of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Each question will have four options, with only one correct answer. The questions will cover the following areas:
Pharmacy-specific topics, such as drug formulations, pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry.
General knowledge related to healthcare and pharmacy regulations.
English comprehension and grammar.
Quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning.

What is the duration of the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam?

The AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam will be conducted over a total duration of 90 minutes. This includes all five sections, each with a time limit of 18 minutes. Candidates must manage their time wisely to ensure they can complete all sections within the given time.

Is there any negative marking in the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam?

Yes, there is negative marking in the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam. For each incorrect answer, 1/4th mark will be deducted. This makes it important to be confident before marking an answer, as random guessing can result in losing marks.

In which languages will the AIIMS CRE Pharmacist exam be conducted?

For posts requiring 10th/12th qualifications, the exam will be bilingual (in both English and Hindi). For technical or higher qualification posts, the exam will be conducted only in English.

How can I prepare for the Pharmacy-specific topics in the syllabus?

Focus on key areas like Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmaceutical Analysis. Study theory, diagrams, and practice MCQs.

Will I get any breaks during the exam?

No official breaks are provided. However, candidates can take short breaks between sections.

About the Author

"I am a content writer with a degree in Journalism. I have a strong passion for crafting engaging and informative content. In my spare time, I enjoy playing football, which helps me stay active and develop teamwork skills. Additionally, I have a deep love for wildlife photography, capturing the beauty of nature and animals in their natural habitats."