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How to score 40+ Marks in GA Section of SSC CPO Exam?

The Tier I exam for SSC CPO is scheduled to be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission on 27th, 28th and 29th June 2024. The Computer Based Test will consist of 200 questions equally divided into four sections. Out of these, the General Awareness section plays one of the most crucial roles as it can be a game changer in maximizing the score of the candidates in the upcoming examination. Let us look at the strategy that can help the candidates prepare this section for the SSC CPO Tier I Exam 2024.

How to score 40+ Marks in the GA Section Of the SSC CPO Exam?

The General Awareness section in the SSC CPO Exam tests the candidates’ ability to pay attention to details of the world and the environment happening around them. The wide range of topics asked in the exam checks their comprehension skills and presence of mind to relate various subjects with each other. To score high in this section, the candidates need to approach it with a proper strategy. The step-wise plan to prepare for the GA section in the Tier I exam are provided in the sections below.

General Awareness Preparation Strategy for SSC CPO 2024

The General Awareness section in the SSC CPO Tier I exam carries 25% weightage of the entire paper and should be given proper attention during the preparation phase. The strategy to prepare for this section is a step-by-step process of getting acquainted with the exam pattern, going through the syllabus and analyzing the previous year’s papers and cutoff before covering all the topics.

1. Knowing about the Exam Pattern

The very first step in preparing the GA section is to be aware of the recruitment process for SSC CPO. The SSC CPO Exam is conducted in four stages to select suitable candidates for the post of Sub Inspector in CAPF and Delhi Police. The first stage of the selection process is the Tier I exam and it contains the General Awareness section.

  • The exam will be objective type and will be conducted in online mode.
  • The candidates will be awarded 1 mark for each correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
  • The total number of questions in the General Awareness section is 50 worth a total of 50 marks.

2. Going through the Syllabus

The General Awareness section in the SSC CPO Tier I exam contains questions on multiple topics which are provided in the detailed notification for the reference of the candidates. The topics can be categorized into three groups i.e. Important Subjects, Static General Knowledge & Current Affairs. The table below will provide a detailed look into the syllabus of the GA section.

SSC CPO Tier I General Awareness Section Syllabus
Important Subjects Static General Knowledge Current Affairs
  • Polity
  • History
  • Geography
  • Economics
  • General Science
  • Environment
  • Highest, Deepest, Tallest, Shortest, Largest and Smallest features in India and the world
  • First in country, First in World, First in Gender
  • Waterfalls, National Parks and Sanctuaries
  • Sports Terminologies, Awards, Honors, Books and Authors
  • And so on
  • Current Events of National Importance
  • Current Events of International Importance

3. Subject-Wise weightage in the General Awareness section

While starting the preparation of the General Awareness section, the candidates should prioritize the subjects that can get them more marks and plan a smart strategy according to that. The table below consists of the subject-wise weightage of the various subjects in the GA section as asked in the previous year’s papers.

GA No. of questions asked previous year
History 6
Polity 6
Geography 6
Economics 4
Science 6
Current Affairs 12
Misc. 10

4. Learning Various Concepts and Practicing Questions

Once the candidates are aware of the latest pattern and level of the General Awareness section of the SSC CPO Tier I exam, they can proceed on to learning the various concepts related to every subject as mentioned in the detailed syllabus section of the official notification. After gaining knowledge of these topics, they should solve many questions in order to identify their doubts and queries and clear them through repeated practice and solutions.

5. Doing Revision and Attempting Mock Tests

To gain an edge in a highly competitive exam like the SSC CPO, the candidates should do multiple revisions of the concepts learned and the questions solved to develop a grip over the subject matter and be ready to recall these in an instant on the day of the examination.

The candidates should also attempt various sectional as well as full-length mock tests to test their preparation level at the various stages. The sectional tests help them identify the weak areas that need more work and the full-length tests help them improve their time management of the entire paper and minimize the negative marking of the actual exam.

SSC CPO General Awareness Preparation Tips

Along with an efficient strategy, the candidates should also have a set of tips and tricks incorporated in their plan which act as a guideline for the entire preparation phase. The points below can be read as a few time-tested tips that can help the candidates make the most of their preparation strategies.

  • Prepare Handwritten notes for each subject and topic.
  • Limit your resources and go through them repeatedly till the exam.
  • Focus on the Current Affairs for the six months to one year prior to the exam.
  • Attempt quizzes and short tests that take little time but help the candidates tremendously.
  • Give equal importance to all subjects and topics contained in the General Awareness section.


What is the pattern of the General Awareness section in the SSC CPO Tier I Exam 2024?

To prepare well for the GA section of the SSC CPO Tier I exam. the candidates should be aware of the details and marking scheme as mentioned in the official notification. The exam will be objective type and will be conducted in online mode. The candidates will be awarded 1 mark for each correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer. The total number of questions in the General Awareness section is 50 worth a total of 50 marks. 

What is the syllabus for the GA section of the SSC CPO Exam 2024?

The General Awareness section in the SSC CPO Tier I exam contains questions on multiple topics which are provided in the detailed notification for the reference of the candidates. The topics can be categorized into three groups i.e. Important Subjects (History, Polity, Geography, Economics. General Science & Environment), Static General Knowledge & Current Affairs.

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