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AAI Exam Analysis 2023, 14th October 2023, All Shift Review

AAI Exam Analysis 2023

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: The AAI Exam Analysis 2023 for the AAI Written Exam held on 14th October 2023 for all shifts is covered in this article. The AAI Exam is being held for 342 posts and candidates are going to appear in great numbers for the exam which is conducted by the Airport Authority of India (AAI). Through direct interaction with candidates who have appeared for the Exam, our team of experts has prepared a complete analysis of the AAI Exam held on 14th October 2023. It covers the sectional and overall analysis, good attempts, and difficulty level of the exam. Read below for a complete review of the Exam.

AAI Exam Analysis 2023, 14th October 2023

AAI Exam Analysis 2023, 14th October 2023: The AAI Exam date is 14th, 15th, 21st, and 23rd October 2023 and the exam will be held in multiple shifts. The difficulty level, good attempts, and sectional analysis of the AAI Exam conducted on 14th October 2023 will be covered in this article. Check the average difficulty and good attempts here.

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level

Here, we will be mentioning the AAI Exam Analysis 2023 and difficult level of the questions asked in the exam. The difficulty level determines the cut off for the Written Exam. Check the section-wise difficulty level here.

Subject No. of Questions Difficulty Level
General Intelligence & Reasoning 40 Easy to Moderate
General Awareness 35 Moderate
English Comprehension 35 Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 40 Moderate
Overall 150 Moderate

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts

AAI Exam Analysis 2023 Good Attempts: The number of questions attempted by candidates on an average will be considered as good attempts for the AAI Exam. The number of the good attempts of question varie from 87-95. Check the sectional and overall good attempts here.

Subject No. of Questions Good Attempts
General Intelligence & Reasoning 40 25-27
General Awareness 35 20-22
English Comprehension 35 19-21
Quantitative Aptitude 40 23-25
Overall 150 87-95

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: Sectional Analysis

AAI Exam Analysis 2023 Section-wise: The AAI Exam Pattern consists of 4 sections including English, Genaral Intelligence/Reasoning, General Aptitude/Numerical Ability, and General Knowledge. The total exam is of 120 marks. Check the section-wise analysis for all teh 4 sections here.

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

According to feedback from candidates, the English section of the exam was rated as moderately challenging. The Reading Comprehension part proved to be notably long and required a substantial amount of time to complete.

  1. Reading Comprehension-10 Qs
  2. Vocabulary-03 Qs
  3. PQRS 04-Qs
  4. One Word Substitution-02 Qs
  5. Error Detection-04 Qs
  6. Sentence Rearrangement-05 Qs
  7. Active Passive-01 Qs
  8. Direct Indirect speech-05 Qs

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

In the first session of the AAI Junior Executive (Common Cadre) exam, there were a total of 40 questions in the Quantitative Aptitude section. These questions covered various topics, including percentage, Trigonometry, Time and speed, Mensuration, SI/CI (Simple Interest/Compound Interest), and the Number System. Candidates who participated in this session found the questions to be quite calculation-intensive.

Topics No. of Questions
Data Interpretation 10
Quadratic Equation 05
Number Series 05
CI & SI 05
Time and Work 02-03
Speed and Distance 01
Algebra 02
Mensuration (2-D/3-D) 02
Number System 03
Average (Correct Average) 02
Trigonometry 01
Ratio 01

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning

Here’s a table summarizing the topics and the number of questions for each in a tabular format. The reasoning section is easy to moderate level.

Topics No. of Questions
Paper Folding 01
Coding-Decoding 05
Blood Relation (Normal) 01
Number Series 01
Puzzles 05
Seating Arrangement 02
Direction 03
Pair Formation 01

AAI Exam Analysis 2023: General Awareness/Knowledge

In the morning session of the AAI JE exam held on October 14, 2023, the questions related to General Awareness and Current Affairs were of moderate difficulty. Approximately 14 to 15 questions in this category were based on current events and developments. Here are a few examples of the questions asked during this particular exam session:

  1. DPSP Related
  2. Article 148 related question
  3. Director of Chandrayan Mission- 1
  4. Art & Culture- 2 questions
  5. Aditya- 11 related
  6. Largest Planet
  7. Red planet
  8. Himalayan related
  9. Current Army Chief
  10. ISRO Chairman
  11. President of Thailand
  12. Congress establishment
  13. Books & Authors– 1 question
  14. BRICS related
  15. Temple related
  16. Airport (Basics)

AAI Exam Pattern 2023

  1. AAI Exam Pattern consists of 4 sections namely English Language, General Intelligence/ Reasoning, General Aptitude/ Numerical Aptitude, and General Knowledge.
  2. The exam duration is 120 minutes.
  3. Each question carries 1 mark.
  4. There is no negative marking
AAI Junior Executive Exam Pattern 2023
Subject No. of questions Marks Duration
General Intelligence & Reasoning 40 40  

120 minutes

General Awareness 35 35
English Comprehension 35 35
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
Total 150 150 120 minutes

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AAI Exam Analysis 2023, 14th October 2023, All Shift Review_3.1


What is the AAI Exam Analysis 2023?

The AAI Exam Analysis 2023 is a review of the examination conducted by the Airports Authority of India for recruitment to various positions in the organization, including Junior Executives, Junior and Senior Assistants.

Where can I check the AAI Exam Analysis 2023 for 14th October 2023?

Candidates can check the AAI Exam Analysis 2023 for the Exam held on 14th October 2023 here in this article.

How many sections are there in the AAI Exam 2023?

The AAI Exam Pattern consists of 4 sections including English, Genaral Intelligence/Reasoning, General Aptitude/Numerical Ability, and General Knowledge. The total exam is of 120 marks. Check the section-wise AAI Exam Analysis 2023 for all teh 4 sections here

What is the difficulty level of the AAI Exam held on 14th October 2023?

The difficulty level of AAI Exam 2023 held on 14th October 2023 is moderate.