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IBPS RRB Clerk Salary 2025, In Hand Salary, Salary Structure, Promotions

IBPS RRB Clerk Salary 2025

Every year, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam for Regional Rural Banks in India. Many of the candidates aspiring for banking jobs are curious about the salary and job profile details of the post they are applying for. IBPS RRB Clerk’s starting basic salary is Rs. 24,050/- and will differ from time to time according to the bank policy. The gross monthly IBPS RRB Clerk in-hand salary is 35,000-37,000/-.

Read further to know about IBPS RRB Clerk Salary Job Profile & Pay Scale in detail.

IBPS RRB Clerk Pay Scale 2025

As per the revised salary in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), the new pay scale of an Office Assistant is Rs.24050-1340/3-28070-1650/3-33020-2000/4-41020-2340/7-57400-4400/1-61800-2680/1-64480 (20 Years). Check the allowances, deductions, and net monthly salary in the structure below.

IBPS RRB Clerk Salary Structure

The candidates selected for the post of IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 will get an initial basic pay of Rs. 24,050/-after joining the post. After combining the basic pay, DA, HRA, NPSI, CASH, SPL, and other allowances the gross salary will be approx. ₹37,326.48/-. Check the detailed IBPS RRB Clerk Salary Structure from the table below.

Earnings Amount (₹)
Basic Pay 24,050.00
SPL Allowance 3,263.60
Dearness Allowance (15.73%) 3,783.00
HRA Amount 2,167.88
NPS 2,812.00
Cash 1,250.00
Gross Pay 37,326.48
Deductions 3012.00
Net Pay 34314.48

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IBPS RRB Clerk Salary Deductions

The banks make some deductions from the gross salary of the candidates. These deductions generally include PF, Income Tax, Professional tax, etc. The structure as per the deductions is mentioned in the table below.

Deductions Amount (₹)
PT 200
PF 0
NPS 2,812.00
Income Tax 0
Total Deductions 3,012.00
Net Pay 34,314.48

IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Allowances

Along with a handsome amount of salary, the IBPS RRB Clerks are entitled to several other privileges including Dearness Allowance (DA), Travelling Allowance (TA), and House Rent Allowance (HRA). Check the below Points to understand the TA/DA/HRA given to the IBPS RRB Clerk.

  1. Travelling Allowance (TA)
  2. Dearness Allowance (DA)
  3. House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  4. Leased Accommodation is provided to the IBPS RRB Clerk.
  5. Medical Reimbursement is provided to the IBPS RRB Assistant.
  6. Pension Schemes are available to the IBPS RRB Assistant.
  7. Overtime Allowance is available to the IBPS RRB Assistant.
  8. Newspaper Allowance is available to the IBPS RRB Clerk.

IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Increments

The IBPS RRB Clerk’s Salary is subject to annual increments. The increments for the IBPS RRB Clerk Salary in 2025 based on the tenure of service are shared below.

Period Basic Pay (₹)
Yearly Increment (₹)
Initial Basic Pay 24,050
After 3 Years 28,070 1,340
After Next 3 Years 33,020.00 1,650
After Next 4 Years 41,020 2,340
After Next 7 Years 57,400.00 4,400
After Next 1 Year 61,800.00 2,680
Basic Pay After Next Year 64,480.00 (Maximum Basic Pay)

IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Promotions/ Career Growth

The eligible candidates are initially promoted to the higher post based on their performance in the banking organization. An IBPS RRB Clerk is promoted to the post of Clerk through internal exams after working for 3 years. Apart from that, one can also appear for Associate Exams like JAIIB and CAIIB certification provides a huge opportunity to excel over others. IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 has a wide growth and promotion. Candidates must check all the promotions which they will get in IBPS.

  1. Officer Scale-I /Probationary Officer (PO)
  2. Assistant Manager (AM)
  3. Deputy Manager (DM)
  4. Branch Manager (BM)
  5. Senior Branch Manager (SBM)
  6. Chief Manager (CM)
  7. Assistant General Manager (AGM)
  8. Deputy General Manager (DGM)
  9. General Manager (GM)

IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Job Profile

Candidates can check the IBPS RRB Clerk  Job Profile below.

  1. Managing Inquiry Counters – Providing information to account holders about facilities available at the bank and solving their doubts.
  2. Managing Withdrawal – Paying out cash of withdrawal forms, cheques, demand drafts, etc.
  3. Managing Receipts – Receiving different monetary instruments like cash, cheques, pay orders, demand drafts, etc, and providing their acknowledgement.
  4. Managing Emails and Delivery – Handling emails on behalf of the bank, and managing the delivery of the chequebooks as per the given address.
  5. Clerks are responsible for assisting the higher-level officers in the office work as well.

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IBPS RRB Clerk Salary 2025, In Hand Salary, Salary Structure, Promotions_3.1


Q1. What is the in-hand salary of the IBPS RRB Clerk?

Ans. The in-hand salary of an IBPS RRB Clerk during the training is 35000-37000/- per month.

Q2. What is the basic pay salary of IBPS RRB Clerk?

Ans. The initial basic pay salary of IBPS RRB Clerk is Rs. 24,050/- per month.

What is the IBPS RRB Clerk Payscale?

The new IBPS RRB Clerk Payscale 2025 is Rs.24050-1340/3-28070-1650/3-33020-2000/4-41020-2340/7-57400-4400/1-61800-2680/1-64480 (20 Years).