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LIC AAO Cut Off 2025, Previous Year Category-wise Cut Off

The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is going to conduct the LIC AAO Exam 2025 for Assistant Administrative Officer vacancy soon. The selection process involves Prelims, Mains, and Interview and to qualify the exam, candidates need to achieve LIC AAO Cut Off marks which is the minimum qualifying marks determined by the Board. The cut off is determined based on factors like number of vacancy, difficulty level, and total number of candidates applied. Candidates can bookmark this article to get latest updates about the cut off marks. Also, check the LIC AAO Previous Year Cut off below.

LIC AAO Cut Off 2025

Cut-off marks are the minimum qualifying marks that aspirants must achieve in order to be selected as officers in LIC AAO Recruitment 2025. The LIC AAO cut off is released section-wise and category-wise on the official website @licindia.in after the result announcement. Before that candidates can refer to the previous year cut off in order to know the trends.

LIC AAO Previous Year Cut off

LIC AAO Previous year Cut Offs are helpful for the candidates to get an idea regarding the expected increase or decrease. The previous year’s cut-off is a helpful tool to give direction to your preparation. Candidates can check how much they need to study more to get a safe score for this year. Check Section -wise LIC AAO Previous Year Cut Off to know the trend of the difficulty level of the exam.

LIC AAO Prelims Cut Off 2023

LIC recently published the LIC AAO Cut-Off scores categorized by different groups, alongside the LIC AAO Score Card 2023. This time around, the cut-off marks have been calculated out of a total of 70 marks. Check the category-wise and subject-wise cut-off details in the table below.

LIC AAO Prelims Sections Cut Off Marks For SC, ST, and PwBD Candidates Cut Off Marks For OBC, EWS, UR Candidates
Reasoning Ability 16 18
Quantitative Aptitude 16 18
English Language 09 10

Category-Wise LIC AAO Prelims Cut-Off 2023:

LIC AAO Prelims Cut Off 2023
Category Cut Off Marks
SC 48
ST 45
OBC 52
EWS 52
UR 55
LD 44
VI 46
HI 32
ID/MD 32

LIC AAO Mains Cut Off 2023

The minimum scores required to pass the LIC AAO Mains Exam for different categories have been tabulated below.

Sections Cut Off Marks For SC, ST, and PwBD Candidates Cut Off Marks For OBC, EWS, UR Candidates
Reasoning Ability 40 45
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 27 30
Data Analysis & Interpretation 40 45
Insurance & Financial Market Awareness 27 30
Knowledge of Language & English Language (Letter writing & Essay) 09 10

Category-Wise LIC AAO Mains Cut-Off 2023:

Category Cut Off Marks
SC 164
ST 164
OBC 164
EWS 198
UR 223
LD 156
VI 187
HI 172
ID/MD 221

LIC AAO Final Cut Off 2023

The LIC AAO Final Cut-Off marks for 2023 are as follows: 281 for General category (UR), 244 for Scheduled Caste (SC), 205 for Scheduled Tribe (ST), 266 for Other Backward Classes (OBC), and 272 for Economically Weaker Section (EWS). You can check the category-wise cutoff marks for both the Main Exam and Interview.

Category Cut Off Marks
SC 244
ST 205
OBC 266
EWS 272
UR 281
LD 231
VI 264
HI 205
ID/MD 257

LIC AAO Prelims Cut Off 2021

The LIC AAO Prelims Cut off 2021 was released on its official website. The candidates can go through the table below for LIC AAO Cut off 2021 for the prelims exam 2021.

LIC AAO Prelims Sections Cut Off Marks For SC/ST Candidates Cut Off Marks For Others
Reasoning Ability 16 18
Quantitative Aptitude 16 18
English Language 9 10

LIC AAO Cut Off 2021- Mains

Check the section-wise & category-wise LIC AAO Cut Off for Mains Exam 2021 from the table below.

Sections Cut Off Marks For SC/ST Candidates Cut Off Marks For Others
Reasoning Ability 40 45
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 27 30
For Generalist: Data Analysis & Interpretation

For Others: Professional Knowledge

40 45
Insurance & Financial Market Awareness 27 30
For Rajbhasha: Knowledge of Language

For Others: English Language (Letter writing & Essay)

9 10

LIC AAO Cut Off For Interview 2021

The Candidate will have to score the minimum qualifying marks in the Interview. The Minimum Qualifying marks for different categories have been given below.

Categories Cut Off Marks
Unreserved, EWS, OBC, PwBD 30
SC/ST 27

LIC AAO Cut Off 2019

The LIC AAO Prelims Cut Off will be different and it will also have an overall cut off. The table given below has the information of the LIC AAO Prelims Cut off marks 2019.

 LIC AAO Cut Off 2019- Prelims

Category  Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English Language Overall Cut off
General 18 18 10 58
SC 16 16 9 50
ST 16 16 9 44
OBC 18 18 10 54
EWS 18 18 10 53
LD 16 16 9 53
VI 16 16 9 53
HI 16 16 9 32
ID/MD 16 16 9 32

LIC AAO Cut off 2019- Mains

Check the section-wise & category-wise LIC AAO Cut Off for Mains Exam 2019 in the below table.

Category Reasoning Ability General Knowledge, Current Affairs Professional Knowledge Insurance and Financial Market Awareness English Language Overall Cut off
General 45.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 203
SC 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 153
ST 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 156
OBC 45.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 164
EWS 45.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 166
LD 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 172
VI 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 180
HI 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 167
ID/MD 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 185

LIC AAO Cut off 2019- Final Cut off

The final result of the LIC AAO has been published on the basis of merit, which is, the marks obtained by the candidates in Mains and the Personal Interview. The Final cut off marks for LIC AAO Examination 2019 has been given below.

Category & Overall Cut off Interview Final Cut off (Mains & interview)
General 30.00 258.00
SC 27.00 219.00
ST 27.00 190.00
OBC 30.00 246.00
EWS 30.00 248.00
LD 203.00
VI 233.00
HI 218.00
ID/MD 237.00

LIC AAO Cut off 2016

Below is the tabulated data for section-wise and category-wise LIC AAO Cut off 2016.

Section Gen OBC SC ST OH VI
Reasoning Ability 31.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25
GK & Current Affairs 10.25 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Computer Knowledge 36.25 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Quantitative Aptitude 33.00 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75
English Language 9.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Total Weighted Score 255.75 250.50 233.00 203.50 226.75 211.75
Interview –

Qualifying Marks

30 30 27 27 * *
CUT OFF – final selection (Online test + Interview) 306.00 290.75 276.00 246.00 274.75 255.25

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Important Links
LIC AAO Syllabus LIC AAO Salary
LIC AAO Previous Year Question Paper


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LIC AAO Cut Off 2025, Previous Year Category-wise Cut Off_3.1


Q1. When will the LIC AAO Cut Off 2025 be released?

Ans. The LIC AAO Cut off 2025 will be released after the exam is conducted.

Q2. Is LIC AAO Cut off released Sectional-wise?

Ans. Yes, LIC AAO Cut Off is released Sectional-wise for each post.