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MP Patwari Cut Off 2023, Category-wise MPPEB Cut Off Marks

MP Patwari Cut-off 2023: Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) released the MP Patwari Result 2023 on 30th June 2023. And very soon, the MP Patwari Cut-off for the written exam will be released. The MP Patwari Cut-off 2023 is the minimum mark that the candidates must have secured for being considered qualified for the next step. The MPPEB Patwari Cut off marks is prepared by the Board based on factors like the number of candidates appearing, vacancy, the difficulty level of questions, and questions attempted by the candidates. The MP Patwari Cut-Off is released category-wise for Unreserved and reserved category candidates. In this article, we have provided the Expected MP Patwari Cut-off, and the link to check the MP Patwari Cut-off 2023 will be activated here.

MP Patwari Cut-off

MP Patwari Cut-off: Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) is soon going to release the MP Patwari Cut-Off 2023 on its official website @peb.mp.gov.in for the exam conducted for 3555 vacancies. The MPPEB Patwari Cut-off Marks are the minimum marks that the candidate must secure to pass the exam. Those who secure the MP Patwari Cut-off marks will be called for an Interview. Those who are waiting for the release of the cut-off can check the MP Patwari Expected Cut-off 2023 and MP Patwari Previous Year Cut-off here. The details are mentioned below.

MP Patwari Cut-off- Overview

MP Patwari Cut-Off Overview: MPPEB is soon going to release the MP Patwari Cut-Off for the exam conducted in March 2023. The MPPEB Patwari Result 2023 has been declared on 30th June 2023. Check the overview here.

MP Patwari Cut-Off Overview
Organization Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB)
Post Name Patwari
Vacancy 3555
Exam Date 5th-26th March 2023
Result Released on 30th June 2023
Cut-Off July 2023
Official Website peb.mp.gov.in

MP Patwari Cut Off 2023

MP Patwari Cut-Off 2023: The MP Patwari Cut-Off marks determine which candidates will be considered for the next round of the selection procedure. Candidates should be well aware of the previous year’s cut-off to strategize their study plan better. The MP Patwari Cut-Off Marks will differ for each category. Only the candidates who meet the Cut Off marks will find their names on the merit list released by the MPPEB. The MP Patwari Expected Cut-off and Previous Year’s Cut-off are given below.

MP Patwari Expected Cut Off 2023

The Madhya Pradesh Patwari Cut-Off 2023 will be released any time now that the MP Patwari Result 2023 has been released. Candidates can go through the expected MPPEB Patwari cut-off tabulated below.

MP Patwari Expected Cut Off 2023
Category Cut Off
General 82-87
OBC 78-82
SC/ST 73-76
PWD 68-72

MP Patwari Answer Key 2023

MP Patwari Result 2023

MP Patwari Previous Year Cut Off

The candidates can go through the previous year’s MP Patwari Cut off to have an idea about the trend of the cut-off marks released. Candidates can check the MP Patwari Previous Year’s Cut Off of the MP Patwari exam from the section mentioned below.

MP Patwari Cut Off 2017

The MP Patwari Cut-Off is the minimum mark required by the candidate to go ahead with the selection procedure. Candidates can check out the below table to check the cut-off marks for the year 2017.

Category Cut Off marks
General 85
OBC 80
SC/ST 75
PWD 70-75


Factors affecting MP Patwari Cut Off 2023

There are many factors and criteria which decide the finalization of MP Patwari Cut Off 2023.

  1. The Number of vacancies: The Cut Off increases if there are fewer vacancies thus helping the recruiting body to shortlist the maximum number of candidates.
  2. The Number of applicants: More the number of applicants, the more is the Cut Off.
  3. Highest marks scored in the exam: If the highest score achieved is high, the Cut Off will be high.
  4. The Difficulty level of the exam: More difficult the exam, the fewer candidates will achieve a high score, thus the Cut Off will be less.
Related Links
MP Patwari Syllabus 2023 MP Patwari Salary 2023
MP Patwari Previous Year Question MP Patwari Eligibility Criteria
MP Patwari Selection Process 2023 

MP Patwari Cut Off 2023-FAQs

Q1. When will the MP Patwari Cut Off marks be released?

Ans. The MP Patwari Cut Off marks exam will be released soon.

Q2. How to check the MP Patwari Cut-Off 2023? 

Ans. Candidates can check the category-wise MP Patwari Cut Off 2023 directly from the table mentioned above in the article when uploaded officially by MPPEB.

Q3. Is the Cut Off different for various categories?

Ans. Yes, the Cut Off is different for all categories.
Q 4. What is the expected MP Patwari cut-off in 2023?
Ans. The expected MP Patwari Cut-off in 2023 is:
General: 82-87,
OBC: 78-82
SC/ST: 73-76,

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MP Patwari Cut Off 2023, Category-wise MPPEB Cut Off Marks_3.1


Q1. When will the MP Patwari Cut Off marks be released?

Ans. The MP Patwari Cut Off marks exam will be released soon.

Q2. How to check the MP Patwari Cut Off 2022? 

Ans. Candidates can check the category-wise MP Patwari Cut Off 2022 directly from the table mentioned above in the article when uploaded officially by MPPEB.

Q3. Is the Cut Off be different for various categories?

Ans. Yes, the Cut Off is different for all categories.

What is the expected MP Patwari Cut-off 2023?

The expected MP Patwari Cut-off 2023 is
General: 82-87,
OBC: 78-82
SC/ST: 73-76,