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NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2024, State and Category-wise Cut Off

The NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2024 will be released by the New India Assurance Company on its official website, www.newindia.co.in. These are the minimum marks that the candidates had to acquire to qualify for the examination. Aspirants planning to apply for upcoming vacancies should review both the current and previous years’ cut-off marks to estimate the exam’s difficulty level and better understand the preparation needed to succeed. This article details the NIACL Cut-Off marks for reference.

NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2024

New India Assurance Company Limited has announced 500 vacancies through the NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2024. To fill these positions, candidates will be shortlisted through Prelims and Mains exams. The cut-off marks for each stage will be released separately after the respective results are announced. Candidates who will appear in the examination will be able to check the category-wise and state-wise cut-off.  Candidates can check the previous year’s cut-off marks to analyze the trends set by the Company.

NIACL Assistant Previous Year Cut Off

Knowing the previous NIACL Assistant Cut Off is crucial for aspirants to benchmark their preparation, evaluate performance, and devise effective exam strategies. It provides insights into category-wise competition, helps set realistic expectations, and allows candidates to adjust preparation based on historical trends. Check the previous year’s NIACL Assistant Cut Off below.

NIACL Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023

NIACL has announced the NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2023 for the Prelims Exam. In the section below, we have provided the stage-wise cut-off details.

NIACL Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023 [State-wise]
ANDHRA PRADESH 93.75 89.25 82.00 91.25 88.50
ASSAM 87.75 76.75 73.25 74.25
CHANDIGARH(UT) 93.00 86.25
CHHATTISGARH 89.50 69.75 87.25 78.00
DELHI 92.50 84.25 73.75 88.75
GOA 80.75
GUJARAT ‘89.50 82.25 70.75 84.75
HARYANA 88.50 78.50
KARNATAKA 87.00 77.75 72.25 79.50
KERALA 93.25 66.00 65.25
MADHYA PRADESH 91.75 74.75 86.75
MAHARASHTRA 90.75 85.25 76.00 87.25
ODISHA 92.75 83.25 76.75 84.75
PUNJAB 91.50 81.00 81.00
RAJASTHAN 92.25 85.25 78.25 84.50
TAMILNADU 91.50 88.50 80.50 91.25 75.50
TELANGANA 90.25 84.75 82.00 82.25
TRIPURA 86.75 62.50
UTTAR PRADESH 92.75 87.75 70.75 90.00
UTTARAKHAND 92.00 77.75 84.50
WEST BENGAL 94.25 87.00

NIACL Assistant Prelims Cut off 2023: Section-wise

The NIACL Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023 has been released separately for each section, including English Language, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. Candidates can check the table below for the section-wise cut-off marks.

NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2023 (Section-wise)
Category English Language (30) Logical Reasoning (35)
Quantitative Aptitude (35)
EWS & UR 21.25 14.5 18.75
SC, ST, OBC, PwBD, EXS, DISEXS, DXS 17.75 9 13.75

NIACL Assistant Mains Cut Off 2023

NIACL has released the state-wise and category-wise NIACL Assistant Mains Cut-Off 2023 on its official website, www.newindia.co.in. The same information has also been updated here. Candidates who appeared for the exam or are planning to take it should review the officially released cut-off marks are provided below.

Cut Off

NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2018

The cut-off for the year 2018 is given below. Candidates can go through the state-wise and category-wise Prelims and Mains Cut off marks below. The state-wise marks as given in the table below may vary.

NIACL Assistant Prelims Cut off 2018: State-wise & Category-wise

NIACL Assistant Previous Year Cutoff 2018 State wise for Prelims.

ANDHRA PRADESH 73.50 88.25
ASSAM 75.75 69.75 78.00 83.75
BIHAR 88.25
CHANDIGARH(UT) 76.00 77.50 87.75
CHHATTISGARH 74.25 67.25 86.75
DELHI 80.25 72.00 82.50 89.25
GOA 69.00
GUJARAT 78.25 64.50 71.50 82.75
HARYANA 77.50 89.00
JAMMU & KASHMIR 75.50 65.25 86.50
JHARKHAND 76.50 88.00
KARNATAKA 71.75 70.00 75.75 81.25
KERALA 79.75 86.25 89.00
MADHYA PRADESH 77.25 59.25 86.75
MAHARASHTRA 79.00 56.50 78.00 82.50
ODISHA 79.00 69.00 86.50 88.00
PUNJAB 76.25 90.00
RAJASTHAN 82.00 73.00 84.00 88.75
TAMILNADU 75.75 61.25 84.50
TELANGANA 83.00 74.00 86.00
TRIPURA 53.00 85.75
UTTAR PRADESH 80.75 84.50 89.00
UTTARAKHAND 74.00 88.75
WEST BENGAL 83.00 64.50 82.25 91.00

NIACL Assistant Prelims Cut off 2018: Section wise

NIACL Assistant Previous Year Cut Off 2018 Section wise for Prelims

SC, ST, OBC, PC, EXS & DISEXS AND DXS 11.00 11.00 13.50
GENERAL 14.75 16.25 17.75

NIACL Assistant Mains Cut Off 2018: State-wise & Category-wise

NIACL Assistant Previous Year Cutoff 2018 State wise for Mains.

Andaman & Nicobar 150.32 125
Andhra Pradesh 127.20 169.38
Assam 130.31 123.75 156.26 146.57
Bihar 169.38
Chandigarh 139.38 175.01 159.69
Chhattisgarh 136.26 118.45 171.57
Delhi 144.70 124.07 171.87 155.64
Goa 141.88
Gujarat 156.25 117.51 164.38 148.76
Haryana 135.62 174.38
Himachal Pradesh 142.20 173.77
Jammu & Kashmir 145.00 121.88 173.13
Jharkhand 138.45 170.01
Karnataka 130.94 132.83 160.3 149.38
Kerala 146.88 173.76 167.50
Madhya Pradesh 136.25 121.25 170.94
Maharashtra 153.12 113.44 164.39 155.00
Odisha 138.76 120.01 169.69 163.13
Puducherry 177.19
Punjab 141.25 179.70
Rajasthan 1,54.38 139.08 176.25 161.58
Tamil Nadu 141.88 129.69 164.38
Telangana 146.89 131.26 168.76
Tripura 115.94 172.83

Factors Affecting NIACL Assistant Cut Off

The NIACL Assistant Cut-Off differs every year. There are numerous factors which contribute to it. Some factors that may affect the NIACL Assistant Cut Off have been discussed below.

  1. Exam Difficulty
  2. Number of Vacancies
  3. Number of Candidates
  4. Previous Year Cut-Offs
  5. Normalization Process
  6. Sectional Performance
  7. Overall Performance
Links Related to NIACL Assistant
NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2024 NIACL Assistant Syllabus 2024
NIACL Assistant Salary 2024 NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2024

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NIACL Assistant Cut Off 2024, State and Category-wise Cut Off_3.1


When will NIACL Assistant Mains Cut Off 2024 be released?

The NIACL Assistant Cut Off will be released on the official website @newindia.co.in after the examination.

Why is knowing the Previous NIACL Assistant Cut Off useful?

Knowing the previous cut-offs helps aspirants assess their preparation, understand competition, set realistic goals, and adapt strategies based on trends.

What are the Factors Affecting NIACL Assistant Cut Off?

Factors influencing the cut-off include exam difficulty, number of vacancies, candidate volume, category differentials, reservation policies, previous cut-offs, normalization procedures, and performance.