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PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023, Exam Date, Result

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Result

PGIMER Chandigarh Result 2023: The PGIMER Chandigarh Result 2023 has been released by the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh on its website @pgimer.edu.in for the Group A, B, and C posts. The Computer-based Exam was held from 18th to 21st September 2023. The direct link to download the PGIMER Chandigarh Result 2023 Merit List PDF is given below

PGI Chandigarh Result 2023

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023: Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh has released the official PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Group A, B, and C Post Notification for 206 Vacancy. The PGI Chandigarh Online Registration began on 13th June 2023 and the last date to apply was 13th July 2023. The PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 notification has been released for various Group A, B, and C posts. The eligibility criteria and salary vary as per the post which is given below in detail.

The PGI Chandigarh Selection Process consists of a Written Test, Interview, and Document Verification. In this article, we have provided the PGI Chandigarh Vacancy, Salary, and other details. Read below for more.

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment Notification

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment Notification: The PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Notification has been released for 206 Group A, B, and C posts. The PGI Chandigarh Apply Online link was active from 13th June 2023 till 13th July 2023. The PGIMER Chandigarh Exam date and Admit Card details are given below. Candidates must check the details here.

PGI Chandigarh Recruitment Notification PDF

PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF: The official notification consists of all the details that the candidates must know about the exam. The link to download the PGI Chandigarh Notification PDF is given below.

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment Overview

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment Overview: The details of the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment Notification and the exam date are given below. Read highlights of the PGI Chandigarh Recruitment here.

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Overview
Exam Name PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023
Authority Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Category Govt Jobs
PGIMER Chandigarh Notification 2023  Released
PGI Chandigarh Vacancy 2023 206
  Selection Process Written Test, Interview, Document Verification
 Online Application 13th June 2023
Qualification Postgraduate
Salary As per Post
PGIMER Chandigarh Official Website pgimer.edu.in

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Important Dates

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Important Dates: The online application dates for the PGI are mentioned below. Check the recently announced PGIMER Chandigarh Group A, B, and C exam dates here. The Exam is scheduled to be held from 18th-21st September 2023.

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Important Dates 
Events  Dates
PGI Chandigarh Apply Online Starts 13th June 2023
PGI Chandigarh Last date to Apply 13th July 2023
PGIMER Chandigarh Exam Date 2023 18th- 21st September 2023, 6th October 2023
PGI Chandigarh Admit Card 2023 12th September 2023
PGI Chandigarh Result 2023 5th October 2023
PGI Chandigarh Interview To be Released
PGI Chandigarh Document Verification To be Released

PGIMER Chandigarh Exam Date 2023

PGIMER Chandigarh Exam Date 2023 for the Computer Based Test for the post of Office Attendant (Grade-III), Tutor Technician (Nephrology), CSR Assistant Grade-II, Technician Grade-IV (Manifold Room/Plant), Research Associate, Technician Grade-IV (Mechanical) and Receptionist has been released and the CBT Exam will be held on 6th October 2023. Click on the link below to download the post-wise exam date and shift timing.

PGIMER Chandigarh Exam Date 2023

PGIMER Chandigarh Vacancy 2023

PGIMER Chandigarh Vacancy 2023: Candidates can check the PGI Chandigarh Vacancy 2023 here. The post-wise vacancy is given below. Candidates can check the detailed category-wise vacancy in the official notification.

Sr. No. Name of the Post(s) Group No. of posts & reservation
1. Assistant Blood Transfusion Officer A 01 (UR-01)
2. Tutor Technician (Biochemistry) B 02 (UR-01, SC-01)
3. Tutor Technician (Speech Therapy and Audiology) B 02 (UR-01, ST-01)
4. Tutor Technician (Radiology) B 02 (UR-01, SC-01)
5. Tutor Technician (Radiotherapy) B 01 (UR-01)
6. Tutor Technician (Cytology) B 01 (OBC-01)
7. Tutor Technician (Hematology) B 02 (UR-01, OBC-01)
8. Tutor Technician (Nephrology) B 01 (EWS-01)
9. Tutor Technician (Histopathology) B 01 (UR-01)
10. Tutor Technician (Immunopathology) B 01 (OBC-01)
11. Tutor Technician (Medical Microbiology) B 01 (OBC-01)
12. Tutor Technician (Medical Parasitology) B 01 (UR-01)
13. Research Associate B 01 (UR-01)
14. Store Keeper B 03 (UR-01, ST-02)
15. Junior Technician (Lab) B 31 (UR-08, SC-03, ST-10, OBC-07, EWS-03)
16. Technician O.T. B 25 (UR-10, SC-01, ST-05 O,BC-08, EWS-01)
17. Receptionist C 06 (UR-04, ST-01, OBC-01)
18. Boilerman (Grade-II) C 02 (UR-01, SC-01)
19. Technician Grade-IV (Public Health) C 20 (UR-05, SC-03, ST-02, OBC-09, EWS-01)
20. Technician Grade-IV (RAC) C 20 (UR-9, SC-4, ST-2, OBC-4, EWS-1)
21. Technician Grade-IV (Mechanical) C 10 (UR-06, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-02)
22. Lower Division Clerk C 12 (UR-05, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-04, EWS-01)
23. CSR Assistant (Grade-II) C 06 (UR-02, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-01, EWS-01)
24. Technician Grade-IV (Manifold Room/Plant) C 06 (UR-04, ST-01, OBC-01)
25. Masalchi/Bearer (Grade-II) C 31 (UR-12, SC-01, ST-03, OBC-12, EWS-03)
26. Office Attendant (Grade-III) C 07 (UR-02, ST-01, OBC-03, EWS-01)
27. Security Guard (Grade-II) C 10 (UR-05, ST-02, OBC-03)

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Apply Online: The online application process for the PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 has been started on 13th June 2023. Candidates could apply till 13th July 2023. The link to apply online is given below.

PGIMER Chandigarh Apply Online 2023 (Link inactive)

Steps to Apply Online for the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023

Follow the steps given below to apply for the PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023:

  1. Click on the link provided above.
  2. Now, Register and then fill out the application form.
  3. Upload passport-size photo, signature, and other required documents.
  4. Pay the application fee and then Submit

PGIMER Chandigarh Application Fee

The application fee for the PGI Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 can be paid online while filling out the application form through the medium mentioned.

  1. SC/ST category: Rs.800/- plus Transaction Charges as applicable
  2. General/OBC/EWS: Rs.1500/- plus Transaction Charges as applicable.
  3. PwD: Exempted from application fee

PGI Chandigarh Eligibility Criteria

Check the PGI Chandigarh Age Limit and Educational Qualification here.

Sr. No. Name of the Post(s) Age limit Qualification/Experience
1. Assistant Blood Transfusion Officer 18-35 years Essential: 1). A medical qualification included in Schedule I or II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council (Act, 1956). Persons possessing qualifications included in Part II or III Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in Section 13(3) of the Act. 2). Two years experience in Blood Bank; work after Registration as Medical Graduate. 3). The candidate must be registered with State Medical Council.
2. Tutor Technician (Biochemistry) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT)/M.Sc. degree in Biochemistry with at least 55% of marks.
3. Tutor Technician (Speech Therapy and Audiology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Speech & Hearing & Audiology with at least 55% of marks.
4. Tutor Technician (Radiology/Radiodiagnosis) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Radiology/Radiodiagnosis with at least 55% of marks.
5. Tutor Technician (Radiotherapy) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Radiotherapy with at least 55% of marks.
6. Tutor Technician (Cytology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Cytology/Pathology with at least 55% of marks.
7. Tutor Technician (Hematology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Hematology with at least 55% of marks.
8. Tutor Technician (Nephrology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Heamodialysis/other subjects with at least 55% of marks.
9. Tutor Technician (Histopathology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Histopathology/Pathology with at least 55% of marks.
10. Tutor Technician (Immunopathology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Immunopathology/Pathology with at least 55% of marks.
11. Tutor Technician (Medical Microbiology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Medical Microbiology with at least 55% of marks.
12. Tutor Technician (Medical Parasitology) 18-50 years M.Sc. (MLT) degree in Parasitology/Medical Microbiology with at least 55% of marks.
13. Research Associate 18-35 years Essential: B. Tech. Biotechnology/Biological Sciences. OR B.Sc. (Biology/Zoology/Microbiology/Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Stem Cell/Life Sciences. OR B.Sc. (Medical Lab. Technology) from a recognized Institution. Desirable: Experience of working in a stem cell/immunology/cell biology research laboratory with basic knowledge of sterilization, media preparation, tissue culture, Flowcytometry, Microscopy, Animal handling, etc.
14. Store Keeper 18-30 years Essential: 1). Bachelor’s degree in Maths/Economics/Commerce/Statistics. 2). M.B.A. / Postgraduate in Maths/Economics/Commerce/Statistics/Finance from a recognized University with at least 50% marks.
15. Junior Technician (Lab) 18-30 years B.Sc. Medical Lab. Technology. OR B.Sc. with Diploma in Medical Lab. Technology.
16. Technician O.T. 18-30 years B.Sc. Medical Technology (Operation Theatre/Anaesthesia).
17. Receptionist 18-30 years Essential: i). Degree from a recognized University. ii). Postgraduate diploma in Journalism/Public relations. Desirable: i). Experience in public relations/publications/printing/publishing. ii). Exposure to working on Personal Computer.
18. Boilerman (Grade-II) 18-30 years 2nd class certificate of competency from Chief Inspector of Boilers with 3 years’ experience.
19. Technician Grade-IV (Public Health) 18-30 years Matric / 10th Std. with ITI Certificate in the respective trade.
20. Technician Grade-IV (RAC) 18-30 years Matric / 10th Std. with ITI Certificate in the respective trade.
21. Technician Grade-IV (Mechanical) 18-30 years Matric / 10th Std. with ITI Certificate in the respective trade.
22. Lower Division Clerk 18-30 years 1). Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board/University. 2). Typing speed @ 30 w.p.m. in English or 20 w.p.m. in Hindi.
23. CSR Assistant (Grade II) 18-30 years Matric with Science and certificate course of Operation Theatre Assistant of one-year duration from this Institute. Desirable: A candidate possessing a diploma in Operation Theatre Techniques would be preferred for the post.
24. Technician Grade-IV (Manifold Room/Plant) 18-30 years Matric/10th Standard with ITI Certificate in the respective trade or Matric with a trade certificate from a recognized Institute/Board or authority with 5 years experience in respect of trade for which ITI certificate is not available.
25. Masalchi/Bearer (Grade-II) 18-30 years Essential: Matriculation from a recognized School/Board. Desirable: One year’s experience as Masalchi/Bearer in a large catering establishment, hospital hotels, etc.
26. Office Attendant (Grade III) 18-30 years Matriculation rom a recognized Board/University.
27. Security Guard (Grade II) 18-30 years Essential: i) Matriculation from a recognized Board/University (relaxable up to Middle Standard pass in the case of Ex-servicemen who have an excellent record and have passed the second-class examination of the service). ii) Following Physical standards:

a. Height: 167 cm.

b. Chest: 80 cm.

Provided that for residents of hill areas, height maybe 162 cm and chest 76 cm with an expansion of 5 cm.

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Selection Process: Selection will be done on the basis of performance in the following stages:

  1. Written Test
  2. Interview (Group A post)
  3. Document Verification

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern: Check the details of the exam pattern and interview stage here.

Posts Computer-based Test Interview Total
No. of Questions Marks Duration
Group A 85 85 85 Min 15 Marks 100
Group B and C 100 100 100 Min 100

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023: Admit Card

PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Admit card: The Exam date for the PGIMER Chandigarh Group A, B, and C posts has been released on the official website of PGIMER. The admit card for the same will be available from 8th September 2023 onwards. Candidates can download the admit card by logging in with their registration ID and Password.

PGIMER Chandigarh Salary 2023

The post-wise PGIMER Chandigarh Salary is given below.

Sr. No. Name of the Post(s) Pay Scale (as per 7th CPC pay matrix)
1. Assistant Blood Transfusion Officer Level-10 (Rs.56100-177500/-)
2. Tutor Technician (Biochemistry) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
3. Tutor Technician (Speech Therapy and Audiology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
4. Tutor Technician (Radiology/Radiodiagnosis) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
5. Tutor Technician (Radiotherapy) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
6. Tutor Technician (Cytology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
7. Tutor Technician (Hematology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
8. Tutor Technician (Nephrology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
9. Tutor Technician (Histopathology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
10. Tutor Technician (Immunopathology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
11. Tutor Technician (Medical Microbiology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
12. Tutor Technician (Medical Parasitology) Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-)
13. Research Associate Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400/-)
14. Store Keeper Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400/-)
15. Junior Technician (Lab) Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400/-)
16. Technician O.T. Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400/-)
17. Receptionist Level-5 (Rs.29200-92300/-)
18. Boilerman (Grade II) Level-4 (Rs.25500-81100/-)
19. Technician Grade-IV (Public Health) Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-)
20. Technician Grade-IV (RAC) Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-)
21. Technician Grade-IV (Mechanical) Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-)
22. Lower Division Clerk Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-)
23. CSR Assistant (Grade II) Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-)
24. Technician Grade-IV (Manifold Room/Plant) Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200/-)
25. Masalchi/Bearer (Grade-II) Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900/-)
26. Office Attendant (Grade III) Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900/-)
27. Security Guard (Grade II) Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900/-)

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PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023, Exam Date, Result_3.1


What is the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Vacancy?

The PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Vacancy is for 206 Group A, B, and C posts.

When will the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Online Application Start?

The PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Online Application starts on 13th June 2023 and the last date to apply is 13th July 2023.

What is the selection process for the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023?

The PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Selection Process includes:
Written Exam
Document Verification

What is the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Exam Date for Group A, B, and C posts?

The PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Exam date for Group A, B, and C Posts is from 18th to 21st September 2023 and for some post it will be held on 6th October 2023.

How can I download the PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment 2023 Admit Card 2023?

The PGIMER Chandigarh Group A, B, and C Recruitment Admit Card is to be released in 2nd week of September 2023. The direct link to download the admit card is provided in the article.