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RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2024 Released, Download State-wise Cut Off Marks

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has publicly announced the RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2024 along with the RBI Assistant Mains Score Card 2024, so now you can check the minimum marks determined by the Board for qualifying Mains. The cut off PDF is available and you can check it here.

As we know, RBI releases a cutoff for both the Prelims and Mains Exams, and it is the minimum mark that the candidates are required to score to qualify for the paper. The cut off along with score card for RBI Assistant Phase 2 has been released at www.rbi.org.in. So, check the category-wise and state-wise cut off mentioned below.

RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2024 Out

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) releases the RBI Assistant Cut-Off on its official website for the Assistant Examination after the Result. The RBI Assistant Cut-off plays an important role as it helps candidates to know the minimum marks they need to qualify for the RBI Assistant Exam. Check the category-wise Phase 2 cut off given below.


RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2023-24

The RBI Assistant Cut Off 2023 for Prelims has been released along with the RBI Assistant Scorecard 2023 on 31st January 2024. The cut off has been released as per RBI regional offices. Candidates can check the category-wise cut off for SC/ST/OBC.EWS/General candidates below.


RBI Assistant Previous Year Cut Off

RBI Assistant Previous Year Cut-Off is a guide for the candidates to get an idea regarding the expected increase or decrease in this year’s cut-off. As per the RBI trend, the students can predict the variation in the expected cut-off. Thus, the expected cut-off for the year 2022 can be predicted from the previous year’s data. Candidates should keep in mind while predicting the cut-offs that this year Normalization is a big factor in deciding the Cut Off.

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2022 for Mains

Reserve Bank of India has published RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off for state-wise & section-wise on the official website @rbi.org.in. As the RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2022 is released, we have updated here both section-wise and category-wise for reference.

RBI Assistant Mains Sectional Cut Off 2022

Here we have tabulated the section-wise cut off marks for RBI Assistant Mains Exam 2022.

RBI Assistant Mains Sectional Cut Off 2022
Category Reasoning Ability English Language General Awareness Computer Knowledge Numerical Ability
SC/ST 11 11 11 11 11
OBC 12 12 12 12 12
EWS/GEN 14 14 14 14 14

RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2022 – State-wise

RBI Assistant Mains Cut off state-wise is tabulated below

RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2022- State-wise
Ahmedabad 107.75 94.75 110.5 107.75 120
Bengaluru 92.5 85.75 105 98.5 105
Bhopal 96 94.5 106.5 119.25
Bhubaneswar 92.25 80.5
103 116
Chandigarh 98.75 102 109.25 117.5 124.75
Chennai 97.75 115.5 93.25 121.25
Guwahati 98.75 86.75
104 112
Hyderabad 99.25 92.25 112 103.75 118.75
Jaipur 96.5 106.5 117.25 114 121.5
Jammu 86.5 101.75 101.5 117.5
Kanpur & Lucknow 97.25 92.25 108.75 114.5 120.75
Kolkata 106.5 83.75 113 128.25
Mumbai 84.5 108 116
Nagpur 112.75 90.25 114 112.75 123
New Delhi 101.25 112 113 123.25
Patna 87.5 109.75 116.5
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 90.5 100 107.25 93.25 115

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2022

RBI has released the RBI Assistant prelims cut-off 2022 along with cut-off marks on 23rd May 2022 along with RBI Assistant Score Card 2022. Aspirants must go through the cut off to have a safer side for their preparation. RBI Assistant cut-off 2022 for the prelims exam has been updated here as it has been released by RBI. Check the RBI Assistant Prelims Cut off 2022 has been given below.

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2022 [State wise]

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2021-22
RBI Zone Name SC ST OBC EWS General
Ahmedabad 82.25 74.50 82.25 82.75 87.25
Bengaluru 76.75 71 82.25 80 82.75
Bhopal 80.25 76 87 89.50
Bhubaneswar 80.50 79 87.50 90.50
Chandigarh 80.25 80.25 84.75 87.50 90.75
Chennai 80.50 86 77.75 87.75
Guwahati 79.25 73.50 82 86
Hyderabad 84 80.75 88.50 88 90.25
Jaipur 79 81 87.75 86.75 89.25
Jammu 69.50 78.25 78.75 85.50
Kanpur & Lucknow 79 78.75 85.25 86.75 89.25
Kolkata 83.25 73.25 87 90.75
Mumbai 70 82.50 85.25
Nagpur 84 72 85 82.25 87
New Delhi 80 84.75 85.75 89.25
Patna 81 75 87.50 89
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 74.75 57 84.50 76 86.50

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2021-22 [Sectional]

RBI Assistant Prelims Sectional Cut Off 2021-22
English (30) 08 09 11
Numerical Ability (35) 10 11 12
Reasoning Ability (35) 11 12 12
Total 28 31 35

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2019-20 (Prelims)

Check the state-wise and sectional cut-off marks for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam which was conducted on 14th & 15th February 2020.

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2019-20
RBI Zone Name SC ST OBC EWS General
Ahmedabad 90.25 79.00 89.50 91.00 92.75
Bengaluru 81.75 89.75 89.00 92.25
Bhopal 86.00 80.50 92.50 92.75 94.75
Bhubaneswar 85.75 81.25 94.75 93.75 95.75
Chandigarh 89.50 93.50 95.00 96.75
Chennai 88.00 92.75 87.00 94.00
Guwahati 83.50 77.75 86.25 83.75 89.50
Hyderabad 92.00 88.00 94.75 94.75 96.25
Jaipur 86.75 85.25 93.25 93.75 95.75
Jammu 79.50 87.00 89.00 94.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 87.00 92.25 94.25 96.00
Kolkata 92.25 92.00 96.25
Mumbai 84.00 71.50 84.25 81.75 87.75
Nagpur 88.00 77.50 88.75 90.50
New Delhi 89.00 92.75 93.50 96.25
Patna 85.75 93.75 94.00 95.75
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 87.00 95.00 89.75 96.25


RBI Assistant Prelims Sectional Cut Off 2019-20

RBI Assistant Prelims Sectional Cut Off 2019-20
English 9 10 11
Reasoning Ability 10 11 12
Numerical Ability 10 12 13

RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2019-20

Check RBI Assistant Cut off marks for Mains Exam for RBI Assistant Exam 2019-20 which was held on 22nd November 2020.

RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2019-20
Ahmedabad 112 108.25 112.50 123.50
Bengaluru 94 99.25
Bhopal 109.25 103.75 116.50 118.25 121.25
Bhubaneswar 95.50 87.75 103.25 103.25
Chandigarh 82.75 100.25 111
Chennai 101.50 119.75 108.50 121
Guwahati 72.75 97.75 105.75 105.75
Hyderabad 98 111.50 104 121
Jaipur 91.50 98.75 103.50 114.25
Jammu 111.5 108.50 123.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 92 91 105.25 117.25
Kolkata 114.25 122.75 126.25
Mumbai 86.25 76.25 86.25 86.25
Nagpur 103.5 103.5
New Delhi 95 106.50 115.75 116.75
Patna 90.25 107.50 106.25 108.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 114.25 90.50 114.25

RBI Assistant Mains Sectional Cut off 2019-20

Here we have tabulated the section-wise cut off marks for RBI Assistant Mains Exam 2019-20.

RBI Assistant Mains Sectional Cut Off 2019-20
Category Reasoning Ability English Language General Awareness Computer Knowledge Numerical Ability
SC/ST 11 11 11 11 11
OBC 12 12 12 12 12
EWS/GEN 14 14 14 14 14

RBI Assistant Cut-Off for Prelims 2017

Center wise/Category wise cut off in respect of the preliminary online examination for the post of Assistant held on 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th October 2017

Ahmedabad 69.75 74.00 80.00
Bengaluru 68.75 68.25 74.75 77.75
Bhopal 78.00 63.75 83.25
Bhubaneswar 71.25 68.50 82.25 84.50
Chandigarh 77.00 70.25 81.75 87.50
Chennai 76.00 81.75 83.50
Guwahati 71.00 63.75 73.50 77.25
Hyderabad 80.50 74.50 84.25 87.00
Jaipur 74.50 67.50 81.75 85.75
Jammu 70.25 56.25 72.25 80.00
Kanpur & Lucknow 72.75 64.25 78.50 85.00
Kolkata 74.50 78.50 86.50
Mumbai 70.00 56.50 68.25 74.25
Nagpur 54.00 75.75 80.00
New Delhi 74.75 79.25 85.75
Patna 69.75 72.50 86.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 76 84.25 87.25

RBI Assistant 2016 Prelims Cutoff Marks

Office SC ST OBC General
Ahmedabad 51.25 68.00 73.75
Bengaluru 62.5 58.75 68.00 71.75
Bhopal 68.5 53.25 74.25 77.75
Bhubaneshwar 66.5 57.25 79.75
Chandigarh 67.00 73.75 81.50
Chennai 70.25 76.25 78.25
Guwahati 68.00 57.50 70.25 72.50
Hyderabad 73.75 70.00 78.00 81.50
Jaipur 69.00 62.25 76.00 80.50
Jammu 66.75 50.75 62.75 76.00
Kanpur & Lucknow 67.25 63.00 73.50 79.75
Kolkata 68.25 72.75 80.75
Mumbai 63.75 47.50 66.00 70.25
Nagpur 68.00 71.75
New Delhi 70.00 73.25 81.00
Patna 68.00 65.25 75.50 80.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 68.75 77.75 81.00

RBI Assistant 2016 Mains Cut Off

Category Reasoning English Numerical Computer GA
SC/ST/SC.EXS/ST.EXS/All PWD 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
OBC/OBC-EXS 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
GENERAL/GEN-EXS 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00

Use of RBI Assistant Cut-Off

We have discussed here the Expected cut off for RBI Assistant Exam. After checking the cut-off, one can make use of it in the following ways:

  1. For candidates’ convenience and prediction, they may check the expected cut-off for RBI Assistant given in the subsequent paragraph
  2. The candidates can thus draw parallels for their scores. Subject-wise and Category-wise wise RBI Assistant Previous Year Cut Off has been depicted below.
  3. Cut Off will also be a guide to the candidates, where students can check their final qualifications into the next round/final selection.

Note: RBI will not furnish the mark sheet to candidates. However, the online examination (preliminary as well as main) marks may be available on RBI’s website after the declaration of the final result. This is as per the official notification PDF

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Q 1. When will RBI Assistant Mains Cut Off 2023-24 be released?

Ans. RBI Assistant Cut-Off 2023-24 marks has been released along with Mains scorecard on 16th April 2024.

Q2. Is there any sectional Cut Off in RBI Assistant?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional cut-off in RBI Assistant.

Is the RBI Assistant Cut-off the same for different states/regions?

The RBI Assistant Cut-off may vary slightly for different states or regions, depending on factors like the number of vacancies and the level of competition in each region.

How can I check the RBI Assistant Cut-off for a particular year?

The RBI usually releases the official cut-off scores on its official website along with the exam results. Candidates can check the cut-off marks on our page for past years here.

How is the RBI Assistant Cut-off determined?

The RBI Assistant Cut-off is determined by the Reserve Bank of India based on various factors, including the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of candidates.