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RRB ALP Cut Off 2025 Out, CBT 1 Cut-Off [Zone-wise] For SC, ST, OBC, GEN

The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) has released the RRB ALP Cut Off 2025 on the official website on 26th February 2025. The cut-off marks are based on factors such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the total number of candidates who appeared. To advance to the next stage, candidates must secure a score equal to or higher than the cut-off marks. Scroll down to check the RRB ALP CBT 1 Cut off marks here.

RRB ALP Cut Off 2025 Out

The category wise RRB ALP Cut Off 2025 has been published by the Railway Recruitment Boards on its official website @indianrailways.gov.in along with the RRB ALP Result 2025 for the CBT 1 exam held in November 2024. Candidates meeting or exceeding the cut-off is essential for moving forward in the recruitment process. Candidates can check the image below for category-wise ALP Cut Off marks for the all region.

RRB ALP Muzaffarpur Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Muzaffarpur Open 72.08653 50.45285 32.10956 66.25954 56.30216
EXSM 43.1883 33.60804

RRB ALP Chandigarh Cut Off

Open 40.01983 30.01991 25.02499 30.01991
EXSM 41.97957 40.71837 36.11193

RRB ALP Bhopal Cut Off

Open 45.53645 31.53642 27.5911 38.9085 40.02355
EXSM 40.84507 30.59054

RRB ALP Jammu and Kashmir Cut Off

Open 52.53989 35.49769 25.03159 38.15633 41.6878 40.17738
EXSM 52.54723 51.37154

RRB ALP Mumbai Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Mumbai Open 57.17514 36.68775 30.48695 44.08769 40.17738
EXSM 40.21201 40.26785 31.25524

RRB ALP Guwahati Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Guwahati Open 59.9169 37.48742 26.24235 49.1877 40.11521
EXSM 42.56448 38.41715 46.84184

RRB ALP Ranchi Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Ranchi Open 61.6149 39.67185 31.0511 48.4882 40.4421
EXSM 41.03813 46.23625 31.03022

RRB ALP Bilaspur Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Bilaspur Open 58.41585 40.68537 30.39749 46.14813 40.00072
EXSM 40.24405 31.3741 30.08727 41.17353

RRB ALP Siliguri Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Siliguri Open 62.07384 44.20719 32.31988 55.41867 40.16589
EXSM 56.09925

RRB ALP Thiruvananthapuram Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Thiruvananthapuram Open 48.93023 30.06046 31.49086 48.90687 40.09009
EXSM 41.36303 30.49377

RRB ALP Malda Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Malda Open 63.08442 41.57529 39.81481 55.98383 49.80281
EXSM 42.99572 37.46632 32.85305

RRB ALP Chennai Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Chennai Open 49.51638 34.42298 25.07678 39.35185 40.159
EXSM 41.41865 31.47938 30.06791

RRB ALP Kolkata Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Kolkata Open 63.4413 45.72091 34.7188 46.82396 40.05217
EXSM 41.20219 34.70355 31.09488

RRB ALP Gorakhpur Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Gorakhpur Open 63.90721 44.1358 25.24085 51.37573 40.09961
EXSM 49.03969 35.61531 35.62397

RRB ALP Patna Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Patna Open 67.59427 49.65962 25.23387 62.71106 55.43576
EXSM 45.88901 62.48349 30.6577 41.28555

RRB ALP Ahmedabad Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Ahmedabad Open 54.54866 36.01016 28.67093 41.38486 40.01062
EXSM 42.67351 32.76416 32.5693

RRB ALP Bengaluru Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Bengaluru Open 58.49707 42.11754 31.24673 47.16846 40.07659
EXSM 40.25254 45.24084 43.64442 31.96642

RRB ALP Prayagraj Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Prayagraj Open 59.58762 48.81898 25 54.51497 40.09009
EXSM 40.24212 31.07646 31.05971 49.52699

RRB ALP Bhubaneshwar Cut Off

State Category UR SC ST OBC EWS
Bhubaneshwar Open 60.98846 42.46741 44.08712 50.839 40.13079
EXSM 40.02044 34.24351 31.46832

How to Check RRB ALP Cut Off 2025?

Here are the steps to check the RRB ALP Cut Off marks: You can download the RRB ALP CBT 1 Cut Off Marks Zone Wise by following the official website.

  1. Go to the official RRB website of your respective region (e.g., rrbcdg.gov.in or rrbsecunderabad.gov.in).
  2. On the homepage, find and click on the “Results” or “Cut Off” section.
  3. Choose the appropriate RRB ALP exam (CBT 1) cut-off link.
  4. A PDF document listing the cut-off marks for different categories (Unreserved, OBC, SC, ST) will appear. Click on the link to download the document.
  5. Open the downloaded PDF, find your region, and compare your score with the cut-off marks to determine if you’ve qualified for the next stage.

Share Your RRB ALP CBT 1 Result 2025 with us

RRB ALP Previous Year Cut Off

Candidates are advised to review the RRB ALP Cut Off before starting their exam preparation. This will give them an idea of the minimum cut-off trends across different regions in India. While awaiting the release of the RRB ALP Cut-off 2025, candidates can refer to the previous year’s cut-off data provided below. Keep in mind that cut-off trends may vary each year, but analyzing past data can help set realistic expectations.

RRB ALP Cut off 2018- CBT 1

The RRB ALP Cut Off 2018 was released after the Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician exams, with marks varying by region and category (General, OBC, SC, ST). The RRB ALP Cut Off for all the regions in India for the year 2018 is given below. Candidates can go through the data in the table below to check the category-wise cut-off marks.

RRB ALP Cut Off 2018 (Electrical)

The RRB ALP Cut off given below is for the Electrical stream. The cut-off may vary as per the region that the candidate is appearing for the exam.

RRB ALP Cut Off 2018 (Electrical)
RRBs General SC ST OBC
Ajmer NEC NEC NEC 30.48
Kolkata 61/06 49.39 45.94 55.67
Muzaffarpur 50.55 36.99 27.03 41.61
Ajmer 48.68 36.57 27.54 44.58
Allahabad 47.34 3835 27.54 41.99
Secunderabad 43.39 30.01 27.68 31.85
Mumbai 53.13 40.31 32.29 45.62
Bhubaneswar 50.75 40.64 29.7 45.85

RRB ALP Cut Off 2018 (Mechanical)

The RRB ALP cut-off for the Mechanical stream is given below:

RRB ALP Cut Off 2018 for Mechanical
RRBs General SC ST OBC
Ajmer 53.13 44.09 37.88 26.47
Ahmedabad 43.47 35.15 32.17 28.15
Ajmer 40.93 30.01 43.07 NEC
Allahabad 42.75 34.85 30.78 25.02
Bangalore 45.46 38.05 30.25 25.02
Bhubaneswar 40 30.01 25.02
Chennai 51.65 30.36 NEC NEC
Chennai 47.93 45.83 39.89 26.7
Guwahati 40.92 33.16 30.05 25.39
Jammu & Kashmir 40 32.76 30.05 25.02
Kolkata 43.85 30.01 30.02 25.02
Kolkata 41.33 34.2 47.37 NEC
Mumbai 44.89 40.08 35.74 25.48
Muzaffarpur 42.13 34.14 NEC NEC
Muzaffarpur 40 30.02 30.01 25.03
Patna 48.6 NEC NEC NEC
Patna 47.41 39.88 30.27 25.75
Secunderabad 49.56 42.49 38.09 33.71
Secunderabad 40.01 30.02 30.29 NEC
Siliguri 40 30.01 30.05 25.06
Thiruvananthapuram 55.24 47.48 31.33 25.02
Thiruvananthapuram 40.97 30.58 NEC NEC

RRB ALP Cut Off 2018- CBT 2

The Railway  Recruitment Board (RRB) releases Cut off for CBT 2 of the RRB ALP Examination which is Computer Based Test 2. Candidates can check the stage 2 cut off for all regions in the table below:

RRB ALP Cut Off 2018 Stage 2
RRBs General SC ST OBC
Ahmedabad 69.44 61.40 51.89 64.49
Allahabad (NCR) 75.19 66.86 58.95 72.10
Allahabad (NR) 75.04 65.83 55.27 70.87
Bangalore 72.64 60.82 54.06 69.13
Bhopal (WCR) 76.74 68.20 65.60 73.69
Bhopal (WR) 75.27 66.94 63.54 73.13
Bhubaneswar 72.49 60.44 57.91 68.19
Bilaspur (SECR) 73.56 62.58 59.83 70.21
Bilaspur (CR) 72.46 62.27 57.12 70.38
Chandigarh 73.85 63.78 47.81 68.20
Chennai 72.26 63.62 49.18 69.73
Guwahati 66.90 52.74 47.56 60.80
Jammu & Kashmir 67.18 49.03 39.73 62.00

Factors Affecting RRB ALP Cut Off

The RRB ALP Cut Off 2025 is influenced by various factors, reflecting the competitiveness and overall performance of candidates. Here are the key factors affecting the RRB ALP Cut Off:

  • Difficulty Level: A more difficult exam generally leads to higher cutoffs, whereas an easier exam can result in lower cutoffs.
  • Number of Applicants: A higher number of candidates increases competition, leading to higher cutoffs, while fewer applicants may result in lower cutoffs.
  • Number of Vacancies: More available vacancies typically result in lower cutoff marks, while fewer vacancies may lead to higher cutoffs.
  • Candidate Performance: If most candidates perform well, the cutoff marks are likely to be higher.
Important Links Related to RRB ALP
RRB ALP Online Coaching RRB ALP Selection Process
RRB ALP Mock Test RRB Study Material
RRB ALP Syllabus RRB ALP Salary 
RRB ALP Preparation Strategy RRB ALP Previous Year Question Paper
RRB ALP Result 2025 RRB ALP Eligibility Criteria
RRB ALP CBT 2 Admit Card 2025 RRB ALP CBT 2 Exam Date 2025
RRB ALP CBT 1 Score Card 2025

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RRB ALP Cut Off 2025 Out, CBT 1 Cut-Off [Zone-wise] For SC, ST, OBC, GEN_3.1


What are the factors affecting the RRB ALP Cut off?

The factors affecting the RRB ALP Cut off 2025: Number of Vacancy, Past Year Trends, Difficulty Level, Reservation, Regional Variation, number of candidates appeared, etc.

When will RRB release the RRB ALP Cut off 2025?

The RRB ALP Cut off 2025 has been announced on the offical website.

Do RRB releases RRB ALP Cut Off Seperately for all regions.

Yes, RRB releases RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Cut Off separately for all regions.