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RRB NTPC General Awareness Questions, Check Previous Year Question Asked

We have assembled a set of RRB NTPC General Awareness Questions for the exams held in 2020 and 2021. These questions give an idea of the exam’s difficulty level, which can help you prepare for upcoming exams. General Awareness is a key component of the RRB NTPC, RRC Group D, and other Railway exams like RRB ALP and Technicians Exams. By practising these questions and reviewing the answers, you’ll be better prepared to achieve high scores in your upcoming exams. The GK/GS section in the RRB NTPC exam covers a variety of topics, including History, Geography, Polity, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Static GK, and Computer.

RRB NTPC General Awareness Questions

We have provided the Previous Year General Awareness Questions below. The General Awareness section in the RRB NTPC exam covered a wide range of subjects, including current affairs, history, geography, science, and important events in Indian culture and politics. By practising these questions, aspirants can gain a better understanding of the exam pattern and improve their chances of scoring well in the upcoming RRB NTPC exams.

Previous Year General Awareness Questions, RRB NTPC 2021

The Previous Year’s General Awareness Questions from the RRB NTPC exams provide valuable insights into the types of questions and the level of difficulty candidates can expect. Analyzing these questions helps identify key topics that are frequently tested in the exam, enabling candidates to focus their preparation effectively.

  1. Who is the author of ” Origin of Species”?- Charles Darwin
  2. Where is the headquarters of UNICEF situated?- New York
  3. Non-Cooperation Movement started in?- 1920
  4. Tansen Maqbara- Gwalior
  5. In which year, First Nuclear test of India happened? 18th May 1974
  6. Full form of WCCB?- Wildlife Crime Control Bureau
  7. Non-permanent member of UNSC- 10 members
  8. When was Gandhi Irwin Pact sanctioned?- 1931
  9. Asian Football Cup in 2023? China
  10. Full form of NEFT- National Electronic Fund Transfer
  11. Which cities are joined by the Golden Quadrilateral?- Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta
  12. CM of Bihar- Nitish Kumar
  13. Which app breaks the record of 50 million downloads in 13 days?- Aarogya Setu
  14. Ram Nath Kovind- 14th President
  15. Atomic Number of Chlorine- 17
  16. First Muslim President of INC- Badruddin Tyabji.
  17. Air Pollution effect which organ system- Respiratory system.
  18. Atal tunnel length? -9.02 km,
  19. Indonesia Capital?- Jakarta,
  20. the pH of Human Blood?- 7.4,
  21. 1998 Pokhran Test?- Operation Shakti,
  22. Last gold by Indian hockey team?- 1980,
  23. ADB headquarters?- manila,
  24. Laughing Gas?- N2O,
  25. Total UNESCO world heritage sites?- 1121,
  26. All India Muslim League was formed in?- 1906,
  27. RBI ACT?- 1934,
  28. INC 1924 session?- Belgaum,
  29. UNESCO headquarters?- Paris,
  30. 1857 Revolt?- Meerut,
  31. 11 May?- National Technology Day,
  32. Sardar Sarovar Dam?- Narmada,
  33. Gandhi Sagar Dam?- Madhya Pradesh- Chambal,
  34. Longest Road Tunnel?- Shyama Prasad Tunnel,
  35. RTI ACT?- 2005,
  36. URL full form?- uniform resource locator,
  37. The Godavari originates?-Nasik,
  38. Sanchi Stupa?- Ashok, etc.

Previous Year General Awareness Questions, RRB NTPC 2020

The General Awareness Questions from the RRB NTPC exams offer useful insights into the question types and the overall difficulty level that candidates can anticipate. By reviewing the previous year general awareness questions, candidates can pinpoint important topics that are commonly tested, allowing them to simplify their preparation and focus on the areas most likely to appear in the exam.

  1. What is the childhood name of Mahavira?- Vardhamana,
  2. Mahabodhi is in which state?- Bihar,
  3. Who wrote the book Mrichchhakatika? Sudrak,
  4. Asia’s first nuclear reactor?-Apsara (Mumbai),
  5. 15th chairman of Finance Commission? N.K. Singh,
  6. Which brain part controls the reaction system? Limbic System,
  7. Capital of South Africa?- Cape Town
  8. Author of Republic book?- Plato,
  9. Battle of Buxar? -1764,
  10. Zoila pass in which state?-Ladakh,
  11.  CEO of Dream 11?- Harsh Jain,
  12. UNESCO headquarters?-Paris,
  13. Which CJI was nominated to R.S?- Ranjan Gogoi,
  14. Gandhiji presided over which congress convention meeting? 1924,
  15. Founder of Das Dynasty? Kuttubuddn Ebook,
  16. CEO of IBM? Arvind Krishna,
  17. Capital of Manipur?-Imphal,
  18. The great revolution in the computer? -1960,
  19. One kilobyte carries how many bytes?-1024,
  20. Big Bang theory is related to? Cosmology,
  21. Capital of Indonesia?- Jakarta,
  22. Did Yojana include in the Guinness Book of World Record?- Sambhal Yojana,
  23. Bengal Division? 1905,
  24. Dada Bhai Naoroji composed which paper?- Rast Software,
  25. Author of every child matters?-“Kailash Satyarthi”,
  26. Does the first fort built by the British in India? Fort St. George
  27. Mangalyan was launched by?-PSLV-C25,
  28. Which is the secondary pollutant?-Ozone,
  29. Cresco graph was invented by? Jagdish Chandra Basu,
  30. Longest Coastline?-Gujarat,
  31. Unit of lens power?- Diopter,
  32. Unit of Force?- Newton,
  33. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana?- 2015,
  34. Etymology is the study of ?-the origins of words,
  35. Taj Mahal constructed?- 1632,
  36. Indian Human right Day?- 10 December,
  37. Gandhi Bharat Chhodo Abhiyan?-Madhya Pradesh,
  38. Capital of Tripura?- Agartala,
  39. Raj Kumar Shrivastava is appointed as ambassador in which country? Croatia,
  40. Bhangra dance? Punjab,
  41. Cycle racking track? Velodrome,
  42. Fossils Age?- C-14,
  43. Hawa Mahal is in which city?- Jaipur,
  44. Ghadar Party was formed in? 1913,
  45. The scientific name of the banyan tree? Ficus benghalensis,
  46. Maximum literacy rate?-Kerala,
  47. SAARC full form? South Asian,
  48. Cleanest city in India?- Indore,
  49. Andhra Pradesh classic dance- Kuchipudi,
  50. Bharat Ratna-1954,
  51. Nucleus was discovered by? Robert brown, etc
  52. Full form of HTTP- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  53. The chemical formula of Lime Water- Ca(OH)2
  54. Who discovered the cell?- Robert Hook,
  55. Sukreshwar Temple?- Assam,
  56. Pirpanjal Tunnel?- Atal Ji Tunnel,
  57. Largest freshwater river in the world?- Lake Superior,
  58. GST Tax?- Indirect tax,
  59. President Article?- 52-62,
  60. ICC Headquater?- Dubai,
  61. Who is the Secretary-general of UNO?-António Guterres
  62. INC was founded in which year? -1885
  63. Capital of Bhutan?- Thimphu,
  64. Who gives the Double Helix Model of DNA?- Francis Creek & James Watson
  65. In which state Chicken Kari Embroidery is famous? – Lucknow
  66. Which is the longest National Highway in India?- NH 44 is the longest National Highway in India.
  67. When did Bengal Division took place?- On 16th October 1905
  68. When did the 2nd Battle of Panipat happen?- 5 November 1556
  69. Who is the writer of “Raj Tarangani” – Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana
  70. What is the full form of URL?- Uniform Resource Locator.
  71. Which part of the computer is called the “Brain of Computer”?- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  72. Which state has the Longest Coast Line?- Gujarat
  73. Who was awarded with the 55th Jnanpith Award?- Akhitham Namudari
  74. Which banks are merged in Bank of Baroda?- Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank
  75. When did Environment Act passed in India?- 19th November 1986
  76. In which state Sabrimala Temple is located?- Perina Village, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala
  77. When did the Battle of Plassey occur?- 23rd June 1757
  78. Who is the youngest President of India?- Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
  79. Where is the first COVID-19 Vaccine invented?- Russia: Sputnik
  80. Under which article Election Commission comes?- Article 324
  81. Where is the Gobi Desert located?- Asia
  82. Where is Saddle Peak situated?- Andaman & Nicobar
  83. When is Earth Day celebrated?- On 22nd April
  84. When is Women’s Day Celebrated?- On March 8.
  85. To which freedom fighter “Deshbandu” title was given?- CR Das (Chittranjan Das)
  86. Sharda Act was associated with which act?- Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
  87. How many Ramsar Sites are there in India?- 42 Ramsar sites in Iran
  88. What is Ubuntu? An operating system that interacts user with the computer.
  89. Jallinwala Bagh- 19th April 1919,
  90. M.P governor who died in the office recently?- Lalji London,
  91. The layer of Sun visible?- Photosphere,
  92. Battle of Plassey?- 1757,
  93. Vitamin-D Deficiency Disease?- Rickets,
  94. National Income was first calculated by.?- Dada Bhai Naroji (1st Indian to be a member of British Parliament),
  95. Swaraj Party-1 Jan 1923,
  96. Bharatpur Bird Century?- Rajasthan,
  97. Brain Outer Layer?- Dura matter,
  98. Nokia CEO?- Pekka Lundmark,
  99. C.M of Gujarat?- Vijay R Rupani,
  100. BARC Trombay?- Mumbai,
  101. Cosmology?- Study of outer space,
  102. Paytm CEO? Vijay Shekar Sharma,
  103. Silent Valley National Park?- Kerala,
  104. Discovery of Nucleus?- Robart Brown,
  105. In which amendment Fundamental Duties are added?- 42nd
  106. What is Cosmology? Study of Universe
  107. CEO of Paytm- Vijay Shekar Sharma
  108. Who discovered the Nucleus?- Rutherford
  109. On which river, Nathpa Jakri Project?- Satluj River.

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